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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Sorry Monkey, I am going to celebrate my team winning, no matter who they are playing, the fact this obviously irritates you is also enjoyable, it is not connected however.

In Strichners case he was being 'hilariously infantile' and pointing a page in companies house like it is the be all and end all of the history of that club, if that was the case then he supports a club founded in 1993. I was just helping the lad and pointed him in the direction of a site which keeps official records of these things.


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Wow monkey just skips past the last few years and changes history.

Any more on this Bennett?

It was kind of you to suggest I've changed history, but in truth, my contribution has probably been marginally less significant.

I've still got no idea what you were actually on about though. Care to enlighten me?

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That, as you are aware, was an entirely different scenario, another poster incorrectly claimed that Leeds oldco did not enter into liquidation, the page I posted proved otherwise, he has now admitted his error and is probably grateful that I corrected him.

Not a very good example of whatabouterry, but there you go.

And where was that page from?

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That, as you are aware, was an entirely different scenario, another poster incorrectly claimed that Leeds oldco did not enter into liquidation, the page I posted proved otherwise, he has now admitted his error and is probably grateful that I corrected him.

Not a very good example of whatabouterry, but there you go.

Nobody's interested in the oldco or the newco all that matters is that Leeds the club wasn't liquidated, they came out of administration and are currently still paying their debts, Rangers didn't come out of administration and aren't paying their debts.
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Wow monkey just skips past the last few years and changes history.

Wow. Charles Green let's slip a few lies with the corrupt football authorities and nearly changes continuation.

Thank f**k for the CAS, UEFAs three year rule and the serious fraud squad. Rangers nearly survived through.

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'Nobody's interested in the oldco or the newco' :lol: you have not read this thread at all.

The thing you call 'Leeds the club' did exit administration, when they entered liquidation and left a shitload of debt that will never get paid.

The thing I call 'Leeds the club' was sold 4 days after they failed a CVA to a newco, 5 years later Rangers followed exactly the same path.

Eh...why are Leeds still paying their debts then and Rangers aren't?

Also the CVA didn't fail ,it was aborted due to a hmrc challenge which was due to be heard after the season started , hence the FAs move the let Leeds carry on .

Rangers CVA failed before the league started and were liquidated.

Edited by THE KING
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Aborted if that keeps you happy, however you want to word it, it did not succeed, nor was a new CVA proposed, that is why KPMG were forced to offer the 'business and assets' for sale on the same day the CVA failed. The 'business and assets' were bought by a newco, a newco that accepted a provision to pay some debt as part of the deal, they still left behind millions of pounds that will never be paid back.

The newco that purchased Rangers 'business and assets' also agreed to pay some debt in a deal with a Scottish FA which enabled them to continue on just as Leeds did a deal with the English FA.

Funny how every media outlet in the country reported that Leeds came out of administration whilst every media outlet reported Rangers CVA failed and were to be liquidated?!...must be a nationwide conspiracy.

ETA the Leeds CVA was agreed by the creditors Rangers failed , the Leeds CVA was due to be challenged by the HMRC but they withdrew .

Edited by THE KING
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Hmrc tried to challenge Leeds CVA then withdrew, however they killed Rangers....boohoo.....


Clark opened proceedings by stating: "HMRC have now formally voted against the CVA proposal.

"Given that HMRC have more than 25% of the debt, they have the ability to vote it down. That has happened.

"The purpose of voting today is now academic - unfortunately, this is a failed CVA.

"HMRC believes it will be of a greater benefit to the taxpayer, and the creditors generally, for liquidators to have a full investigation into the running of the company."

Ticketus, the other major creditor which is owed just under £27m, and which was in favour of the CVA, and was represented in the room.

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The Leeds CVA was challenged by HMRC, after this the administrators stated that a CVA was no longer a possible option, they also stated it had no chance of success.

In both cases the administrators stated the 'business and assets' were sold to a newco, in Rangers case HMRC stated that liquidation would have no affect on the sale of the club.

What was the name of the club (that obviously was a member of the SPL) that voted to allow your new team (obviously not a member club) membership of the SPL?

Is any sevco fan ever going to answer this? I'm guessing not since it makes their stance look really stupid. They'll just keep going on and on about "so and so said it's the same club", as though that somehow make any difference to the obvious existence of two clubs called rangers at the above vote.

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