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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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^^^ Raging that Aberdeen hold more European titles than the mighty Gers.

Of course, Rangers had their chance, but...


So, in a thread where a 'Rangers' fan has questioned the credibility of Aberdeen's second star it turns out the only Super Cup Final that wasn't credible was the one the old club contested .... because of crowd trouble.

You couldn't fucking make it up :lol:

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And yet Rangers fans have bored us to tears about them winning a couple of diddy keague titles.

Go figure.

It was hearts fans who were running around demanding praise for winning a "diddy" league.....

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Your intricate irony aside, the truth is: nae c**t has ever answered it!

Oh dreary me. Are you yet another "Rangers are dead so let's post about Rangers" brain-dead diddy? You're in good company. A fair few of your fellow-travellers post more on here than The Bears.

May I give some advice? Get banned then come back on in another guise. You'll be keeping good company.

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Oh dreary me. Are you yet another "Rangers are dead so let's post about Rangers" brain-dead diddy? You're in good company. A fair few of your fellow-travellers post more on here than The Bears.

May I give some advice? Get banned then come back on in another guise. You'll be keeping good company.

Oh dreary me. Are you yet another "Rangers are dead so let's post about Rangers" brain-dead diddy? You're in good company. A fair few of your fellow-travellers post more on here than The Bears.

May I give some advice? Get banned then come back on in another guise. You'll be keeping good company.

Very judgemental but not very accurate.

Look Kincardine, you're that rare species of bear. Reasonably intelligent! Unfortunately your pomposity makes you appear to be a soul educated beyond his intellect.

I've enjoyed this thread inordinately, through it's drear and it's verve. As far as you and your cohorts are concerned the most pertinent, indeed essential phrase which cropped up frequently earlier, is - 'cognitive dissonance'.

The messiah never appeared. The world never ended. Only one of the most corrupt and reviled clubs in sporting history died and everyone knows it bar you and your educationally, morally, and truthfully challenged ilk.

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Very judgemental but not very accurate.

Look Kincardine, you're that rare species of bear. Reasonably intelligent! Unfortunately your pomposity makes you appear to be a soul educated beyond his intellect.

I've enjoyed this thread inordinately, through it's drear and it's verve. As far as you and your cohorts are concerned the most pertinent, indeed essential phrase which cropped up frequently earlier, is - 'cognitive dissonance'.

The messiah never appeared. The world never ended. Only one of the most corrupt and reviled clubs in sporting history died and everyone knows it bar you and your educationally, morally, and truthfully challenged ilk.

Wasting your time.

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