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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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They are seething because they can't give it big licks and now the only straw they had to clutch "54 and counting" has been shown up.

Ironically they loath David Murray, yet they happily celebrate everything "won" under his leadership, which without him 9 in a row, signing the likes of Laudrup, Gascoigne would never have happened.

No wonder they are such a confused bunch.

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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Far be it from me to defend scummy celtic fans but the Scottish Rangers Football Monitor claims to have fans from every club, it also has been praised and linked to many times by lots of posters on this thread.

ASA = Advertising Standards Agency, one of the leading voices in that particular campaign was a Hearts fan, again many on this thread took particular delight when it first came to light.

A microscopicly trivial wee item - of no matter when set against the Grand Canyon full of shite that your clubs and companies (old and new) Industrial Scale Cheating and Epic Disintegration has visited up you and your ilk.

But if it gives you comfort......

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Listening to the radio this morning I was pleasantly surprised when radio Scotland had a taxation expert on (I thought we'd get both barrels) and he mentioned being shocked by the judges who aren't specialised in this particular area going against the last two tribunals and by some of the language used (common sense etc) in the verdict.

A pleasant shock which upset some green n grey yins, always an added bonus.

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Listening to the radio this morning I was pleasantly surprised when radio Scotland had a taxation expert on (I thought we'd get both barrels) and he mentioned being shocked by the judges who aren't specialised in this particular area going against the last two tribunals and by some of the language used (common sense etc) in the verdict.

A pleasant shock which upset some green n grey yins, always an added bonus.

The only Judge that was a tax expert at the FTT was in favour of burning you cheating c***s to the ground. HTH.

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Listening to the radio this morning I was pleasantly surprised when radio Scotland had a taxation expert on (I thought we'd get both barrels) and he mentioned being shocked by the judges who aren't specialised in this particular area going against the last two tribunals and by some of the language used (common sense etc) in the verdict.

A pleasant shock which upset some green n grey yins, always an added bonus.

He predicted that should it be appealed , he expects the result to be overturned . Of course what does a tax expert have on the pie and bovril collection of diddies and plastics

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They are seething because they can't give it big licks and now the only straw they had to clutch "54 and counting" has been shown up.

Ironically they loath David Murray, yet they happily celebrate everything "won" under his leadership, which without him 9 in a row, signing the likes of Laudrup, Gascoigne would never have happened.

No wonder they are such a confused bunch.

9 in a row , the signings of laudrup and Gazza were not anyway related to the EBT case

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He predicted that should it be appealed , he expects the result to be overturned . Of course what does a tax expert have on the pie and bovril collection of diddies and plastics

Depends if Murray or bdo decide to appeal it but the verdict does seem to have baffled some experts in this particular field. They do say that a lot of judges have no sense of reality.

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It makes me sad that a group of people can be united in their joy of winning football stuff over peoples lives.

Instead of a kid being fed or adequately educated, they'd rather win a game using that money. Rangers (1 and 2) have a load of working class gadgie types (or C2 and down, demographically.

Kids are more likely to get sick if poor.

So they are quite likely kids of Rangers or Celtic fans. So by Rangers and Celtic fans should be rightfully morally outraged by this theft.

Many Celtic fans appear, on surface, to correctly call Rangers 1 (and 2?) board for this malfeasance. But why do many Rangers fans not look too closely?

I guess it is difficult to adjust to change. It is frequently unpleasant and uncalled for. If you can only afford a Dacia Sandero and you used to drive a mid range Jag, it gonna hurt. If someone can make the pain go away...

Unfortunately the person in charge can only make things King worse. If I were a Rangers fan I would be thinking FC United style. Reborn...

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He predicted that should it be appealed , he expects the result to be overturned . Of course what does a tax expert have on the pie and bovril collection of diddies and plastics

From memory, in the original trial, when it went 2:1 in Rangers favour, the only dissenting judge who said it was clear the EBT's were disguised wages was a leading tax expert...

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9 in a row , the signings of laudrup and Gazza were not anyway related to the EBT case

I never it was champ, try reading again.

If it wasn't for Murray taking over, none of that would have happened, yet the sevco loyal loath him but are happy to celebrate the success under his leadership.

You can't have it both way.

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It makes me sad that a group of people can be united in their joy of winning football stuff over peoples lives.

Instead of a kid being fed or adequately educated, they'd rather win a game using that money. Rangers (1 and 2) have a load of working class gadgie types (or C2 and down, demographically.

Kids are more likely to get sick if poor.

So they are quite likely kids of Rangers or Celtic fans. So by Rangers and Celtic fans should be rightfully morally outraged by this theft.

Many Celtic fans appear, on surface, to correctly call Rangers 1 (and 2?) board for this malfeasance. But why do many Rangers fans not look too closely?

I guess it is difficult to adjust to change. It is frequently unpleasant and uncalled for. If you can only afford a Dacia Sandero and you used to drive a mid range Jag, it gonna hurt. If someone can make the pain go away...

Unfortunately the person in charge can only make things King worse. If I were a Rangers fan I would be thinking FC United style. Reborn...

Whit the f**k are you slabbering on about?

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From memory, in the original trial, when it went 2:1 in Rangers favour, the only dissenting judge who said it was clear the EBT's were disguised wages was a leading tax expert...

Remember reading that Ms spoon was least qualified of that trio?

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I never it was champ, try reading again.

If it wasn't for Murray taking over, none of that would have happened, yet the sevco loyal loath him but are happy to celebrate the success under his leadership.

You can't have it both way.

Calm down Rico and stop pounding that poor keyboard.

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He predicted that should it be appealed , he expects the result to be overturned . Of course what does a tax expert have on the pie and bovril collection of diddies and plastics

So now the judges are wrong. Very good

What about LNS, was he wrong also?

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Listening to the radio this morning I was pleasantly surprised when radio Scotland had a taxation expert on (I thought we'd get both barrels) and he mentioned being shocked by the judges who aren't specialised in this particular area going against the last two tribunals and by some of the language used (common sense etc) in the verdict.

A pleasant shock which upset some green n grey yins, always an added bonus.

Champions League music cranking up again?

Magic Hat sparkling away?

All good news for you.

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