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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I think if you were being honest, you'd have also admitted that a similar criticism can be aimed at the supporters of other teams.

When the first rulings went in the favour of oldco a lot of "you" opined that the verdict doesn't matter because it was "morally wrong" regardless of the outcome and, furthermore, that there was still the chance of appeal so it wasn't over.

Until we find out whether this verdict is being appealed further then any reaction from either side is premature.

The fact is , you're old cheating Club is completely stone deid.

And that is cause for major celebrations including laughter.

:thumsup2:lol::thumsup2:lol:BLUE CHEATING CNUTS FC 1873 ( DECEASED ) :lol::thumsup2:lol::thumsup2

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I think if you were being honest, you'd have also admitted that a similar criticism can be aimed at the supporters of other teams.

When the first rulings went in the favour of oldco a lot of "you" opined that the verdict doesn't matter because it was "morally wrong" regardless of the outcome and, furthermore, that there was still the chance of appeal so it wasn't over.

Until we find out whether this verdict is being appealed further then any reaction from either side is premature.


Please stop laughing at us, type post

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The fact is , you're old cheating Club is completely stone deid.

And that is cause for major celebrations including laughter.

:thumsup2:lol::thumsup2:lol:BLUE CHEATING CNUTS FC 1873 ( DECEASED ) :lol::thumsup2:lol::thumsup2

'Rangers are still the same club with all our history and titles intact'

..................so what about the HMRC winning the tax case appeal?

'That was a different Rangers, nothing to do with the current club.....' :1eye

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The Bralt is usually swamped with posts from the C*ltic minded week in week out, irrespective of what's happening over at their place. Kinda shows where their priorities lie.

If they lost in Europe tonight all good stuff. You would think the lack of competition in the SPL would allow them to completely focus their efforts on Europe ? seems not.

This post has nothing to do with my post you quoted. But thanks for contributing.

Do you scour the TV and music threads too? "Boab's been posting about Eastenders all week whilst his team are on a losing streak. Shows where his priorities lie."

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This post has nothing to do with my post you quoted. But thanks for contributing.

Do you scour the TV and music threads too? "Boab's been posting about Eastenders all week whilst his team are on a losing streak. Shows where his priorities lie."

Aye but surely not when the games on !!???

I don think I've posted on another clubs page/threads in the 18 months I've been on here. Perhaps maybe once or twice when they've actually been playing Rangers. The Rangers board is infested with Ce*tic fans and the P&D's who follow them around like lost sheep. Even an occasional visitor can see that at first glance.

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It is funny when Celtic flop in Europe though. Surely we can unite with our Rangers friends on here to laugh at them when that happens?

We do, there's other threads for that.

This one's for laughing at rangers(deceased) & sevco.

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So, oldco lost the big tax case, newco had promised to pay all footballing debt belonging to oldco but so far have £400k outstanding from a few years back as they don't want to pay it. Tax debt relates to players 'wages' so would be deemed football debt which would make them fucked.....again. Then again the rangers are dirty fucks that get off with everything. Amazing what a handshake will do.

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We are back to the "go post about your own team" line of deflection then?

If we don't post about the club calling themselves Rangers who will keep your collective delusions of grandeur in check? Who will keep you grounded in reality?

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Aye but surely not when the games on !!???

I don think I've posted on another clubs page/threads in the 18 months I've been on here. Perhaps maybe once or twice when they've actually been playing Rangers. The Rangers board is infested with Ce*tic fans and the P&D's who follow them around like lost sheep. Even an occasional visitor can see that at first glance.

No other clubs have died in hilarious fashion over the last three years. It just so happens that the one club which did snuff it, had a massively unjustified superiority complex (which appears to have been founded on cheating) and is supported by the absolute dregs of society. So yeah, we find the turmoil of Rangers dying and the associated unhappiness of its supporters very enjoyable and will continue to do so.

HTH :)

ETA: You've got a few more years of this to come. Enjoy.

Edited by jupe1407
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The irony in this post should be staggering, sadly it is what I have come to expect from you.

90% + of my posts are about the club I happen to support, I would say the same is true for most of the Rangers fans on here.

I would say that the majority of celtic fans who post on this thread rarely post about celtic, The King and Clonmel seem to have forgotten they exist and completely shy away from defending them as numerous fans of club rip the pish on celtic related threads, instead they spend their time obsessing about Rangers...it really is where their interest begins and ends.

I would hazard that fewer than 10% of your posts are not Rangers related, yet here you are accusing others of being obsessed while at the same time yet again getting annoyed at Rangers fans laughing at celtic, something you have done on the lets all laugh at celtic thread too, yet I have never seen you utter a word at any celtic fan for doing the same.

You Dave are a complete parody of yourself

I suppose the difference is , I don't feel the need to "defend" my club.
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Aye but surely not when the games on !!???

I don think I've posted on another clubs page/threads in the 18 months I've been on here. Perhaps maybe once or twice when they've actually been playing Rangers. The Rangers board is infested with Ce*tic fans and the P&D's who follow them around like lost sheep. Even an occasional visitor can see that at first glance.

But this forum - especially this thread is not about Rangers as such -

  • it is about the DEATH of Rangers
  • It is about how Rangers CHEATED the rest of Scottish Football.
  • It is about the Rangers' fans funding SPIVS and SHYSTERS and GLIB,SHAMELESS LIARS.
  • It is about the hilarious comedy that Rangers COMEUPPANCE has given the world.

All you need to do is 'SUCK IT UP'

btw - Diddies don't follow Celtic fans around.Also, what does the 'P' in P&D stand for if it is not a term for Celtic fans? You are basically saying Celtic fans are following Celtic fans around.

above also applies to Tedi's 'other clubs' fans don't post about their team, they post about the team I support (old or zombie) sniffle sniffle'

Edited by Ken Fitlike
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Expect them to get a big fuckin broom out and sweep it all under the carpet.

It's what the authorities are good at

I was sure I read in the summation of the latest tax case appeal that the judge felt the EBTs were bonuses and that without those bonuses it was possible that those players in receipt of EBTs would have sought employment elsewhere.

That is highly contradictory to "no sporting advantage" claim.

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I was sure I read in the summation of the latest tax case appeal that the judge felt the EBTs were bonuses and that without those bonuses it was possible that those players in receipt of EBTs would have sought employment elsewhere.

That is highly contradictory to "no sporting advantage" claim.

I'm pretty sure everyone with more than 1 brain cell realised that the "no sporting advantage" line was complete bullshit the moment it was uttered.

I still expect the scottish football authorities to keep up their lies just so they can get their flagship bigotfest back on the calendar.

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I'm pretty sure everyone with more than 1 brain cell realised that the "no sporting advantage" line was complete bullshit the moment it was uttered.

I still expect the scottish football authorities to keep up their lies just so they can get their flagship bigotfest back on the calendar.

The bigotfest will be back next season. Title stripping won't change that. What harm can seeing justice being done do now?

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