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Regarding Mike ashley trying to get this blocked.

The three bears have lent £4.5m so far and want to dilute the other shares to turn this into equity whilst at the same time telling ashley he ain't getting that £5m back and that his shares are also going to be diluted.

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James Doleman þ@jamesdoleman · 5m5 minutes ago
Counsel in court from MASH, The SFA and Rangers Football Club. Now awaiting judge, Lady Wolffe

James Doleman þ@jamesdoleman · 1m1 minute ago
Proceedings begin. Mr Sanderson for MASH tells court SFA is arguing "no jurisdiction" against motion for judicial review.

James Doleman þ@jamesdoleman · 60s60 seconds ago
SFA making "no positive case" counsel for MASH tells court

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 1m1 minute ago
MASH seeking full hearing on judicial review of SFA decision on Dave King on 4 February 2016

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 20s20 seconds ago
MASH are asking for judicial review of SFA decision to grant Dave King "fit and proper" status and on his fine from SFA

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 7s7 seconds ago
Counsel for MASH asks SFA to "put forward a substantive position"

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 4s4 seconds ago
Judge, Lady Wolffe minded to grant judicial review requested by Mike Ashley. Dates now being discussed

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 6s6 seconds ago
Counsel for SFA says they have "no duty to provide explanations" to Mike Ashley.

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 18s18 seconds ago
Counsel for SFA asks for hearing on 11 December were he will move to dismiss Mike Ashley motion, " no need to put it off"

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 6s6 seconds ago
Counsel for SFA " I hardly need to remind you of difficulties Rangers, and Scottish football have faced" adds "this uncertainty must end"

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 15s15 seconds ago
Counsel for SFA on Ashley: "what is the standing of a 9% shareholder to challenge an SFA decision?"

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 8s8 seconds ago
Counsel for Dave King rises, says he is "happy to adopt SFA motions" asks for "end to uncertainty" and "expidited hearing"

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 19s20 seconds ago
Lady Wolffe rules she will hold 2 day hearing on 11 Feb Rejects SFA/King motion for preliminary diet in December

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 46s47 seconds ago
Court adjourns

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James Doleman þ@jamesdoleman · 5m5 minutes ago

Counsel in court from MASH, The SFA and Rangers Football Club. Now awaiting judge, Lady Wolffe

James Doleman þ@jamesdoleman · 1m1 minute ago

Proceedings begin. Mr Sanderson for MASH tells court SFA is arguing "no jurisdiction" against motion for judicial review.

James Doleman þ@jamesdoleman · 60s60 seconds ago

SFA making "no positive case" counsel for MASH tells court

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 1m1 minute ago

MASH seeking full hearing on judicial review of SFA decision on Dave King on 4 February 2016

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 20s20 seconds ago

MASH are asking for judicial review of SFA decision to grant Dave King "fit and proper" status and on his fine from SFA

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 7s7 seconds ago

Counsel for MASH asks SFA to "put forward a substantive position"

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 4s4 seconds ago

Judge, Lady Wolffe minded to grant judicial review requested by Mike Ashley. Dates now being discussed

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 6s6 seconds ago

Counsel for SFA says they have "no duty to provide explanations" to Mike Ashley.

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 18s18 seconds ago

Counsel for SFA asks for hearing on 11 December were he will move to dismiss Mike Ashley motion, " no need to put it off"

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 6s6 seconds ago

Counsel for SFA " I hardly need to remind you of difficulties Rangers, and Scottish football have faced" adds "this uncertainty must end"

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 15s15 seconds ago

Counsel for SFA on Ashley: "what is the standing of a 9% shareholder to challenge an SFA decision?"

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 8s8 seconds ago

Counsel for Dave King rises, says he is "happy to adopt SFA motions" asks for "end to uncertainty" and "expidited hearing"

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 19s20 seconds ago

Lady Wolffe rules she will hold 2 day hearing on 11 Feb Rejects SFA/King motion for preliminary diet in December

James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman · 46s47 seconds ago

Court adjourns

Chalk this up as another in the Win column for Ashley. The SFA are showing outright contempt for due process.

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Is the SFAs defence really going to be 'Scottish football has suffered enough and we need to forget about the past and move on' ?

Seems to me like I've heard that line before :lol:

Alongside the "we can do what we want, including levying fines on individuals but we don't have to answer to them for this."

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Can't say I am happy about a shareholder of any club taking the SFA to court over a decision that is clearly up to them. But that being said at least we may get to find the reasons why a criminal who was a director of a club that skipped out on 10's of millions and cheated the game for over a decade, is fit and proper to serve in such a capacity again. Perhaps the SFA can release its reasoning prior to the hearing in April that way we can all make our own decisions. Transparency and that.

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For me it's a tough one, I'm with WMM on this, it's an uneasy feeling when a sporting authority is called into question by a billionaire shareholder.

That said, the footballing authorities in Scotland are a complete disgrace and full of self-serving areseholes, and deserve to be called to account.

I think the SFA / SPFL members( club representatives) should have cried foul on this at the time and asked for justification on that decision- it's pretty apparent to me that King is neither fit or proper.

The idea that a sporting body is dragged through the legal system is just wrong, however, all this could have been avoided if, said body, wasn't so corrupt in the first place and had given King the middle digit originally. His application to be passed fit & proper should have been laughed at and thrown in the bin.

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Have to say I am utterly amazed at the levels of support for Ashley on here.

The man deliberately broke rules on dual ownership

He then engineered a loan deal between the two clubs he had dual interest in.

He was found guilty

He now wants to take the SFA to court in an attempt to increase his dual ownership further.

All of this is being done at the expense of Scottish Football and will have to be paid by the clubs that posters on here support.

The general consensus seems to be....'aye but he is willing to f**k over Rangers at the same time, good on him!! '

.....and his cheque book just happened to keep your club afloat last year.

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Have to say I am utterly amazed at the levels of support for Ashley on here.

The man deliberately broke rules on dual ownership

He then engineered a loan deal between the two clubs he had dual interest in.

He was found guilty

He now wants to take the SFA to court in an attempt to increase his dual ownership further.

All of this is being done at the expense of Scottish Football and will have to be paid by the clubs that posters on here support.

The general consensus seems to be....'aye but he is willing to f**k over Rangers at the same time, good on him!! '

Are you really surprised at that? Most non OF fans feel that their clubs have been fucked over throughout the years by the footballing authorities for favouring Celtic and Rangers on a whole host of issues. Most non OF fans also believe that the club's themselves don't really give a shit about the rest of Scottish football. And most fans, including Celtic ones, feel that Rangers in its various guises have been dishonest over the EBTs and have shown absolutely no contrition.

Given all of that does the attitude of 'good on him' really surprise you?

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Have to say I am utterly amazed at the levels of support for Ashley on here.

The man deliberately broke rules on dual ownership

He then engineered a loan deal between the two clubs he had dual interest in.

He was found guilty

He now wants to take the SFA to court in an attempt to increase his dual ownership further.

All of this is being done at the expense of Scottish Football and will have to be paid by the clubs that posters on here support.

The general consensus seems to be....'aye but he is willing to f**k over Rangers at the same time, good on him!! '

Ashley deliberately broke rules - like Rangers and EBTs

You're complaining about the loan deal he engineered - that will be Rangers' best player last season then.

He wants to take the SFA to court - The SFA are a bawhair better than FIFA. I fucking hate the SFA and it's about time someone made a c**t of them.

The clubs will inevitably pick up the tab - It's not like the SFA were about to spend it on anything meaningful and worthwhile.

How Doncaster and Regan are still employed is a miracle.

I figure every penny they take out of Scottish Football is a bigger waste of cash than the SFAs legal team.

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Have to say I am utterly amazed at the levels of support for Ashley on here.

The man deliberately broke rules on dual ownership

He then engineered a loan deal between the two clubs he had dual interest in.

He was found guilty

He now wants to take the SFA to court in an attempt to increase his dual ownership further.

All of this is being done at the expense of Scottish Football and will have to be paid by the clubs that posters on here support.

The general consensus seems to be....'aye but he is willing to f**k over Rangers at the same time, good on him!!

He engineered a loan deal?

How do you know the reason is to increase his ownership?

Can you tell me how much the supporters will need to pay? Even a rough guess, per person.

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Have to say I am utterly amazed at the levels of support for Ashley on here.

The man deliberately broke rules on dual ownership

He then engineered a loan deal between the two clubs he had dual interest in.

He was found guilty

He now wants to take the SFA to court in an attempt to increase his dual ownership further.

All of this is being done at the expense of Scottish Football and will have to be paid by the clubs that posters on here support.

The general consensus seems to be....'aye but he is willing to f**k over Rangers at the same time, good on him!! '

The point is, most right thinking football fans are aghast at the leeway given to ensure the " only attractive proposition" in Scottish football is so blatantly given preferential treatment in order that they have "old firm" games to sell to the TV companies and sponsors.

When that happens- the game is fucked for the rest of us.

In an ideal world, both of you would f**k off to the English lower leagues and leave the rest of us to it.

The fact that the authorities are standing by The Rangers, who, in their previous incarnation made no secret of their desire to leave Scottish football actually sickens me.

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Well done for missing the point entirely, what this shows is that you, like Wullie are perfectly ok with a guy breaking SFA rules, costing your club money as long as it negatively affects Rangers too.

Scotland...the land that hated itself to death.

No not at all. Ashely is an ar$e. But he is an ar$e whose cheque book kept your club from going bust - would YOU accept that (and be grateful??)

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