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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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bugger off laugh.gif

I used that way, way back in this thread, long before sally began warbling his shite

He's been stealing your lines then! His last diatribe boiled down to "morality's for losers". Sickening as it is, you're both probably right.

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Has anyone mentioned an Internet survey, a facebook group or boycotting the sponsors of the league?

I think someone might have touched upon those ideas.

Personally I think I'll finish my fridge pack of "wife beater" go to bed and think about how I wont go to another ICT match, until we play County but even then I'll come on here and post about how my own personal crusade is hurting the SPL and not me.

Get that right up ye's.

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I've been glued to this thread since day 1 and have ploughed through all 19,000 replies.

I'm now going "off the grid" for 6 (six) days solid - God help me when I log back on again next Friday! I don't know if I want the Bad Ship Rangers to have sunk by then or not... :unsure:

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Some thoughts on Sky needing its 4 OF games/season before doing a deal with the SPL.

As we know News International and B Sky B are not top of the popularity stakes at the moment. Hacking scandal, Murdoch not being a fit and proper person etc. If the worst came to the worst they could even lose the right to broadcast in the UK.

Now, wouldn't a way to some redemption and to be seen in a better light be to announce a new deal with the SPL that wasn't in any way dependent o Rangers or a Newco being involved.

It could even be a pretty generous deal ( to encourage football in Scotland ) I am sure that whatever they do here has little impact on their overall operations.

Perhaps someone who is better with words than I am could fire these ideas to their depts. of corporate governance and marketing?

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Interesting tweet from @alextomo

@alextomo: Anybody from Lloyds Bank want to talk anonymously about letters sent to SPL clubs?


And the fith last paragraph here...


Edited by THE KING
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He's been stealing your lines then! His last diatribe boiled down to "morality's for losers". Sickening as it is, you're both probably right.

Nah. My POV is why should fans of the Dids miss out on their moment of joy when their teams is doing well, which is cyclical, just because rangers2012 have been shoe horned into the SPL. Sally's agenda is cheats should prosper and his vile organisation is special case.

We are fans of fitba and the fuckers from Govan shouldn't be allowed to determine whether or not we watch our teams

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Since we're talking direct action, may I suggest something a little more practical, in line with similar protests, and more to the point funny enough to get on the national news?

BUT it requires doing something that's never been done before - getting the fans of Celtic and Hearts to unite on a common cause.

The last Sky Sports live match for the SPL this season is Sunday 13th May 2012 at 12.30pm

Why don't the Celtic and Hearts fans copy those clever supporters of Seville and lob tennis balls onto the pitch just as the players are coming out of the tunnel (NOT when they're on the pitch). Then while the day's broadcast is delayed whilst the ground staff and ballboys clear the pitch, I'm sure both the Celtic and Hearts fans could find a few appropriate "No To Newco Rangers In The SPL" ditties to belt out as intermission music for the armchair fans and the commentators to enjoy whilst waiting for the game to start.

It would get the message nicely across on live TV, and to do it on a SKY broadcast would also get the message across that your average fan doesn't want sporting integrity sacrificed to appease a shower of tax-fiddling bullies or to appease a TV company. More to the point, if they see the Celtic and Hearts fans uniting to do it, it will really put the bloody wind up them as to what might follow with everyone else if they don't play ball (pardon the pun) with the fans.

I'm sure also the Celtic and Hearts fans will be able to produce some artistic masterpieces for the day similar to those beautiful banners that appeared last weekend for the last Old Firm derby.


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I thought this deserved to be in here too.

What you need to do, as football fans, from the start of next season onwards, is to undertake never to visit Ibrox to watch your club's play ever again. you deprive Rangers of the comparative pin money from tickets - big deal - but more than that you're making your point. they're cheating b*****ds, and you want no part of putting money in to their coffers. if your own clubs make money from ticket sales, so what - they probably won't get paid for it anway, no great loss....

as for the issue of supporting your own club at an away game - f**k 'em; they've told you what they thought of the value of your support by re-electing rangers newco to the SPL or whatever, so for one or two away games a season, let them fucking know you don't agree with them - season in , and season out. turn up for home games and trips elsewhere by all means, support them in every other way you can, but for those trips to ibrox that they wanted, and you didn't, just turn your backs on them

Outstanding! 8)

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Are You iimplying HBOS are directing the vote,

I seriously hope they aren't stupid enough to put that in writing,that's another nail in the fair play coffin.

Can't imagine UEFA,FIFA taking too kindly to bank interference in a national league structure!

If this is indeed what Tomo's getting at, we're into a whole new level of unimaginable corruption in the game. :o

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If this is correct, then why did UEFA effectively say that the decision was up to the SFA?

Are they just waiting to see if their rules are broken, then hammer the SFA?

because the SFA are the licensor (he who grants the license on behalf of uefa), but all the newco stuff still applies, the currant buns will have changed their structure so will not be allowed to represent scotland in any european competition for a minimum period of 3 years.

from uefa

Chapter 1: Licensor

Article 5 – Responsibilities


The licensor is a UEFA member association and governs the club licensing



Under certain conditions as set out in Annex II, a UEFA member association

may delegate the club licensing system to its affiliated league. Vis-à-vis UEFA,

the UEFA member association remains liable and responsible for the proper

implementation of the club licensing system, regardless of whether there is

delegation or not

so the sfa grant the license.

but here's the three year bit with no way around it.

Chapter 2: Licence Applicant and Licence

Article 12 – Definition of licence applicant


A licence applicant may only be a football club, i.e. a legal entity fully responsible

for a football team participating in national and international competitions which


a) is a registered member of a UEFA member association and/or its affiliated

league (hereinafter: registered member); or

b) has a contractual relationship with a registered member (hereinafter: football



The membership and the contractual relationship (if any) must have lasted – at

the start of the licence season – for at least three consecutive years. Any

alteration to the club’s legal form or company structure (including, for example,

changing its headquarters, name or club colours, or transferring stakeholdings

between different clubs) during this period in order to facilitate its qualification on

sporting merit and/or its receipt of a licence to the detriment of the integrity of a

competition is deemed as an interruption of membership or contractual

relationship (if any) within the meaning of this provision.

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Gie's a shout when the revolution starts and we're marching on Ibrox to raze it to the ground.

Talk of burning down football grounds...Whatever next :P

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Since we're talking direct action, may I suggest something a little more practical, in line with similar protests, and more to the point funny enough to get on the national news?

BUT it requires doing something that's never been done before - getting the fans of Celtic and Hearts to unite on a common cause.

The last Sky Sports live match for the SPL this season is Sunday 13th May 2012 at 12.30pm

Why don't the Celtic and Hearts fans copy those clever supporters of Seville and lob tennis balls onto the pitch just as the players are coming out of the tunnel (NOT when they're on the pitch). Then while the day's broadcast is delayed whilst the ground staff and ballboys clear the pitch, I'm sure both the Celtic and Hearts fans could find a few appropriate "No To Newco Rangers In The SPL" ditties to belt out as intermission music for the armchair fans and the commentators to enjoy whilst waiting for the game to start.

It would get the message nicely across on live TV, and to do it on a SKY broadcast would also get the message across that your average fan doesn't want sporting integrity sacrificed to appease a shower of tax-fiddling bullies or to appease a TV company. More to the point, if they see the Celtic and Hearts fans uniting to do it, it will really put the bloody wind up them as to what might follow with everyone else if they don't play ball (pardon the pun) with the fans.

I'm sure also the Celtic and Hearts fans will be able to produce some artistic masterpieces for the day similar to those beautiful banners that appeared last weekend for the last Old Firm derby.


what would really happen is that everyone would either try to hit the players, coaching staff, referee , linesman or opposition fans. you would have people using the chaos to throw coins and anything else they could launch as well. some steamer would hit a wean in the row in front and start a ruck.

this is scotland, encouraging people to throw things is never going to end well.

Edited by T_S_A_R
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direct action (or inaction, more to the point):

let's take it as read that The Rangers are going to be in in the SPL next season and that any amount of submissions, however cogent or impassioned, from supporters of other clubs to to their respective chairmen, to media outlets, MP's, or anyone else is not going to make the slightest bit of difference; you can register your displeasure with whoever you like, however you like, for as long as you like - waste of time.

what you need is a coherent, ongoing, long-term protest to make it clear to anyone who ever takes even a cursory look at scottish football of the utter contempt in which rangers will be held from next season onwards, to make them ask why that is the case and to make it abundantly clear of the depth of that feeling

we've all seen the disagreements on here about how not renewing season tickets is a moot point - it harms your own clubs, obviously, and yes they are to blame by being complicit in the whitewash which will see rangers railroaded back in to the league, or carrying on with pisspot little penalties with short lived consequences, but that's not the point, and for those that are happy to still watch their own clubs it a non-starter anyway.|Why should they give up their footballing love because of rangers and a spineless set of officials anway. Without the sort of drastic, nationwide action that you all acknowledge football fans are unable to implement - for whatever reason - it's just going to be a fairly derisory protest anyway, bordering on the "sad little individuals" scale of things

What you need to do, as football fans, from the start of next season onwards, is to undertake never to visit Ibrox to watch your club's play ever again. you deprive Rangers of the comparative pin money from tickets - big deal - but more than that you're making your point. they're cheating b*****ds, and you want no part of putting money in to their coffers. if your own clubs make money from ticket sales, so what - they probably won't get paid for it anway, no great loss....

as for the issue of supporting your own club at an away game - f**k 'em; they've told you what they thought of the value of your support by re-electing rangers newco to the SPL or whatever, so for one or two away games a season, let them fucking know you don't agree with them - season in , and season out. turn up for home games and trips elsewhere by all means, support them in every other way you can, but for those trips to ibrox that they wanted, and you didn't, just turn your backs on them

imagine the impact in the wider footballing world: glasgow rangers - the club that no away fan will ever visit; everyone will want to know why, and a few well placed websites explaining things will get the message across. it'll become as big a part of that club's profile as any other part of their history (possibly sic) - and what do you have to do to make that happen - absolutely nothing, just sit on your arses and do nothing !

again, we all know it's impossible it is to orchestrate any sort of protest whch requires fans to do something positive, so make this the one that's taken forward by them simply not doing something - how much easier is that to sort out ? all the rangers games are going to be on tv anyway - get down to your own clubs on the day of a trip to ibrox, fill your own team's bar with customers, spend money on their pies and their beer and their merchandising - make enough noise about what's planned, they'll love it and be be queuing up to turn what would otherwise be a blank saturday (or whatever) in to a decent pay day by laying on big screen coverage for those who would once have travelled, but now refuse to do so; go to your local pubs, buy your local pie and chips, and avoid any of the other potential nastiness involved with a trip to glasgow.

make this happen, make it an institution, make it part of the fabric of your game just as much as ranger's cheating has been - and make sure that everyone knows why you're doing it !

ahh - jog on - probably a shite idea, but that's my thoughts anyway - is that 30,000 words yet ?


Not quite 30k - but if you bother to read that cesspit that is RM they'd giggle at you - they asked if DUFC had already started a protest as there were 178 Arab fans on Wednesday and took the pee. I can't think of a way to hurt the currant buns without hurting people's own clubs.

The ONLY way is for the Chairmen to bash-on hard penalties for newco. Best if SPL refuse Newco admission, but yer diddy Chairmen speak with their pockets so will accept the crapola

And the above is why I was suggesting if SPL fans sit on their asses rather than bugging their Cheirmen that the Renegers will get off lightly and laff in yer face.

Edited by Claymores
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