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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Question for The Diddies: Why, exactly, are you taking such umbrage with Ben laughing at the utter failure of SoS? So it was abject and you got more egg on your chin than Kirk Broadfoot microwaving his egg but are you really so thin-skinned and petty?

The reason Sell out Saturday failed was that too few people support non-OF clubs. That's a shame but it's hardly the fault of those that do.

It was a nice sounding idea but it was flawed in that it set up the sort of easily attacked picture that followed. It's not desperately important though. Far more significant was the sustained failure of anything resembling Armageddon to materialise.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Good post min and you are right about the quiet victory point.  I do take some satisfaction from the fact the shoe horning back into the top division was prevented.


However, and this might be because I'm a miserable shit, I feel like the overall battle was lost.  I really hoped we'd come out the other side of this saga with a realisation that Scottish football could be more than just the Glasgow pair.  That actually football in this country has a lot to be proud of and to be talked up.


The media in the last couple of weeks have proven, that with a bit of will behind it, you can polish a turd and promote it.  The fawning over the old firm fixture in all Scottish media outlets proved this.  


I feel like for many in power or the media the last few years have simply been something they've had to tolerate, a hiatus from the 'real' stuff starting again for them, and they are probably trying to work out ways to make sure it never happens again.  At no time do they seem to have lifted their head and seen that the whole country (ok fine, diddies) was re-engaged in Scottish football in a way that they simply weren't before.


A quiet victory, yes, but for me a sad end.

And yet another top post.

For me, while it's been galling and depressing to read the recent stuff about the old order being restored, it was always inevitable.

It took longer than might have been anticipated though and it featured some terrific highlights along the way. I'm just grateful really that the whole saga happened at all. I'm also largely grateful for how it panned out.

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And yet another top post. For me, while it's been galling and depressing to read the recent stuff about the old order being restored, it was always inevitable. It took longer than might have been anticipated though and it featured some terrific highlights along the way. I'm just grateful really that the whole saga happened at all. I'm also largely grateful for how it panned out.


I don't think the old order has been restored, no one seems to have picked up on the power shift in Scottish football away from Celtic and Rangers towards the other 40 clubs through the merging of the two governing league bodies and a fairer distribution of prize money, then there was the voting system in the SPL 10-2 which blocked any change that didn't suit the big two that went bye bye with the SPL as examples. On the pitch it looks like the old order is near to being restored, but off the pitch no.

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I don't think the old order has been restored, no one seems to have picked up on the power shift in Scottish football away from Celtic and Rangers towards the other 40 clubs through the merging of the two governing league bodies

Please tell me that no sane person believes this.


Edited to add, this was one of Scottish football's most shameful episodes.  The old SPL holding a gun to David Longmuir's temple and, sadly, he blinked.


Had he had the cajones we'd have had quite a different settlement but sadly, we now have the tail wagging the dog all in pursuit of The Blue Pound.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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Please tell me that no sane person believes this.


Edited to add, this was one of Scottish football's most shameful episodes.  The old SPL holding a gun to David Longmuir's temple and, sadly, he blinked.


Had he had the cajones we'd have had quite a different settlement but sadly, we now have the tail wagging the dog all in pursuit of The Blue Pound.

You're not really remotely troubled by the fate of the SFL.

If you were, you'd have been going on about it before the last couple of weeks and would have expressed unease before then about the SFL being massively diminished by its abandonment by clubs like Rangers in 1998.

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I don't think the old order has been restored, no one seems to have picked up on the power shift in Scottish football away from Celtic and Rangers towards the other 40 clubs through the merging of the two governing league bodies and a fairer distribution of prize money, then there was the voting system in the SPL 10-2 which blocked any change that didn't suit the big two that went bye bye with the SPL as examples. On the pitch it looks like the old order is near to being restored, but off the pitch no.

I absolutely welcome the emergence of one governing body for the forty two clubs, although I'm less happy about Doncaster remaining at the helm of it.

I absolutely welcome the emergence of play-offs for joining the top tier, although I'd rather the system was less favourable to the side already there.

I absolutely welcome the sanity that has prevailed over stadium requirements, but lament the damage done by the previous stipulations.

I absolutely welcome an improved distribution of prize money as the top two were previously guaranteed a wildly disproportionate chunk, but I would like to see the differentials in sums ironed out further to do away with any need for parachute payments.

However, the 10-2 voting system remains in place as far as I'm aware and we've largely got the twat who is Milne at Aberdeen, to thank for that.

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Please tell me that no sane person believes this.


Edited to add, this was one of Scottish football's most shameful episodes.  The old SPL holding a gun to David Longmuir's temple and, sadly, he blinked.


Had he had the cajones we'd have had quite a different settlement but sadly, we now have the tail wagging the dog all in pursuit of The Blue Pound.


Not that you would consider what the clubs in the SFL would want?. All of a sudden Rangers fans show their caring side for a league body they quit and then isolated back in 1998.


Not quite sure you know one end of a dog from another.  :lol:  Longmuir as a chief executive was an employee of the league body the SFL, a league made up of 30 clubs, each club had membership and a vote. Those clubs voted who they wanted as a chief executive and Longmuir got the job. The CE can propose ideas just as any club can he cannot force change on clubs without their approval, same goes for Doncaster. If the majority of the SFL clubs vote that newco should not start in the 1st Division or that they wished to merge with the SPL then the CE has to go with it regardless of his own opinion or what was the point of him being employed as a CE in the first place?.


And remember the one of the prime movers behind the SPL's formation was Rangers, this was greed motivated to cut out the smaller clubs share and also to make it harder for the smaller clubs to gain entry to the top flight to maximise revenue for the two biggest clubs and the clubs that hang off their coattails for the crumbs. Suddenly there's sympathy for Longmuir from the Rangers supporters, utter bollox, pull the other one. :lol:


You quite obviously want things back the way they were and the old SPL back, its never going to happen again. I for one am glad to see the back of the SPL and you need to get over it, its gone forever.

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On an unrelated note, I see that there's an interview with Graeme Souness on Radio Scotland soon.


I wonder whether anyone will ask him why, when he was Newcastle manager, he chose to buy a player for eight million quid - a player that he could've picked up for free just a few months earlier - from another club that was paying him a secret retainer fee?


Always thought that was a bit of a strange one, myself.


Update: Nope, no chance - just Chick Young delivering an embarrassing, Dyson-strength suck-job, much like the rest of the press does whenever they're in Souness's presence.


Updated update: Not only that, but then one of the pundits announces that "You have to separate the Souness years at Rangers from the EBT years".


This, while said pundit is fully aware that Souness himself had a once-secret EBT from Rangers while he was managing another club.  Awesome skillz.

Edited by flyingrodent
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