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Mad Men


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What's the spoiler policy here, guys?? I was shown on UK TV before I posted it. It's not like I downloaded it the day before and put it up.

Or is there a period of time after the showing on UK TV we should wait?

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What's the spoiler policy here, guys?? I was shown on UK TV before I posted it. It's not like I downloaded it the day before and put it up.

Or is there a period of time after the showing on UK TV we should wait?

apologies if I got it wrong-I thought the episode wasnt airing till tonight,21.5.15

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Ok, I thought that was a great finale. So good to see a happy ending compared to Breaking Bad & the Sopranos

Peggy finally finds love, Pete finds success and recognition, Roger finds an equal, Sally steps into Betty's shoes and Joan has the confidence to go it alone.

And Don, Don finds himself and recovers from the spiral of self-destruction to rediscover his mojo and come up with perhaps one of the greatest ad campaigns of all time.

Loved it.

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Wasn't sure at first but more I've mulled it over I agree that it was a fitting ending. Only thing I'm a bit meh about is how quickly the Stan and Peggy thing went. From "im not sure" to "ah fuckin luv u" in a few minutes.

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Agree it was a really good finale and couldn't have been a more fitting way to end with the Coke ad. No ambiguity it was definitely Don who came up with that one, the hippy clothes, love and peace, an idea planted in his head by the guy's dream about being in a fridge and people smiling when they open the door.

All the other leading characters' storylines nicely tied up, Peggy and Stan getting together maybe a bit rushed but they have always had mutual respect and they do make a good couple.

Consistently good, there's going to be a big void in my viewing schedule now.

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you think?i thought it was bleak in the extreme

In what sense? Bar Betty and Sally everyone came out good really. Unless you despise Don and don't want him to succeed further.

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In what sense? Bar Betty and Sally everyone came out good really. Unless you despise Don and don't want him to succeed further.

dons an empty husk of a man as a result of a lifetime of deceit.the business hes in eats away at his soul and he knows it.it looked like hed finally broken free,instead it just seems to have led him back to the life he despises( if we are to believe hes behind THAT coke ad.)

Edited by highlandcowden
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I thought that ending was totally shite

Maybe I'm just gutted it's over


I think much of it wasn't to the standard of this final season,a little rushed and I don't see why they felt the need to tie loose ends,thats never been the shows style before.like you,though,gutted its done.

they'll release a complete madmen box set at some point I reckon,that will be getting bought

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  • 3 weeks later...

For such a complex and generally hard going show (in terms of what the characters go through) I was a little surprised, and content how everything ended so well for most the characters. Had PETE WINS! PETE WINS! In JR's voice going through my head when he got on the plane with trudy at the end.

Always had this and game of thrones as my top 2 TV drama series, but feel this is actually better than GOT. It peaked at series 5 for me (was raving about it in an earlier post) which is probably some of the best TV I've seen, and never depended on big incidents or forced suspense to keep you captivated. Just a brilliant character drama.

All the characters behaved like utter arseholes throughout, but you couldn't help but root for them such was their charisma. Can't think of many other series to have achieved that.

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  • 10 months later...

Was gifted the box set at Christmas and I've only got "THE FINAL SEASON: PART TWO" to go.


I mind watching the first season a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed what little I saw. It's certainly up there with The Wire (#1) and The Sopranos, difficult to actually split Mad Men and the latter. I rewatched Breaking Bad some time last year and Mad Men is streets ahead of it.


General observations:


  • Ken Cosgrove (Accounts!) is the most likeable person on the show, an absolute champ.
  • Pete Campbell is a detestable wee gimp (although he's no Harry Crane); Trudy on the other hand, comfortably in at #2 (behind ROTLA Marion Ravenwood) as the "Greatest Women From TV & Film".
  • "Zou Bisou Bisou" - Genuine Ray Wilkins "My word" moment
  • Actually, following on from that, the trailer music in general is terrific.
  • The Rise And Fall Of Ginsberg  :(
  • Roger Sterling #some #boy
  • Leland Palmer cameo = good stuff
  • "If he wants people to stop hating him he should stop dropping napalm on children"
  • I like the little nods to "current" events as well as the foreshadowing about certain real life events which pan out/don't pan out
  • Don Draper is a terrific character and his backstory is very well done. Some great writing there.
  • The season three finale was as exciting an episode of TV as anything I've seen.


I'll stop. I could go on but I won't. Looking forward to how the final season plays out. I have a couple of theories (I've actually managed to stay completely in the dark over pretty much everything that could be considered a spoiler) but there's a few loose ends that need sorted.

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