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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Demonium (2001)


I've never seen such bad acting, effects and plot as this in my life! I include Spawn in this! :lol:

Directed by Andreas Schnaas who made Violent Shit 1-3 and Zombie 90 - Extreme Pestilence. That kind of says it all! Utter pish!!

Watch Primal Species :lol:

Fucking hilarious it's honestly that bad.

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Just watched "Signs" on BBC2. Had never seen it before, and I'm not massively impressed. Shyamalan has begun to focus so much on trying to produce a sense of suspenseful dread being brought about of nothing ostensibly happening - to the point that he has now made a string of films in which nothing ostensibly happens. This was another.

Realised a little to late, the last 5 or 10 minutes uncomfortably ratchets up the confrontation to be completely out of character with respect to the entirety of the preceding film. What started off as quite a promising, offbeat alien movie ended up with a white American man beating up a malevolent extra-terrestial invader with a baseball bat. Pretty shite, and very dated despite it being released only a little over 5 years ago.


Edited by Estragon
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Alien (1979)


Was sitting at a pretty okay 7 (nothing special but watchable), but the shit ending took away a point. Not going to bother with Aliens or Alien 3. Will just make do with AVP2 in a couple of weeks.

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Watched a few films over the last few nights and heres what i thought of them!!!!

Casino Royale - 6.75/10

Not a fan of bond films at the best of times but this was alright, not great, just alright. Still abit over the top at bits, e.g. fighting on the cranes. Prob the best bond I've seen but still miles behind teh Bourne films.

Fargo - 6/10

Wasnt massively impressed by this film, has a good few moments in it but def not the Coen brothers best work.

Mallrats - 8/10

Watched this on Film4 last night and was alot better than I was expecting, just stupid comedy, more in the style of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back than Clerks, which is a good thing as I didnt like Clerks. Quite a few laugh out loud moments!!

National Treasure - 8/10

I liked this film, again much better than I was expecting, was abit cheesy in parts and one of the henchmen had prob one of the worst Scottish accents I have ever heard. Sort of The Goonies crossed with Da Vinci Code. Worth a rent at least.

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Not bad. Some really scary moments. The moment when you see the TV footage from Buenos Aires in particular. It is slow though, and there isn't enough here to take up the time that the movie lasts. So, not bad, but the earlier rating is very accurate. Just below average.


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Alien (1979)


Was sitting at a pretty okay 7 (nothing special but watchable), but the shit ending took away a point. Not going to bother with Aliens or Alien 3. Will just make do with AVP2 in a couple of weeks.

Now i know you are just taking the piss.

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Why do you like shite films with no suspense, poor acting, utter predictability and shite endings?

No, but that doesn't describe Alien. Even worse you are forgoing the other Alien films for the shite that will be AVP2.

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No, but that doesn't describe Alien. Even worse you are forgoing the other Alien films for the shite that will be AVP2.

It does describe Alien to a T, hence no reason for me to see the other 3 films. If they had ended it the way Scott wanted to end it with Ripley getting her head bit off by the alien, then perhaps...

AVP2 I want to see as it has no PWSA connection this time so may improve to being a half decent film, that the first one should have been.

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No Country for Old Men

I should probably start by saying that The Big Lebowski and Fargo are probably two of my favourite movies, so this will be biased.

After a couple of mediocre (by their standards anyway) offerings from the brothers Coen, this is a major return to form. This film has possibly the best bad guy ever put onto the screen, with a rather novel way of doing away with people.

All the main actors are just tremendous, especially Tommy Lee Jones and Javier Bardem as the seriously bad guy.

As with all the Coen's movies there is a major streak of black humour running through this, which somehow sits perfectly with the often brutal violence.


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Alien was a product of it's time really. I'd say it's still 8/10, as it's incredibly tense at times. It manages to hold up in that respect, but Salty is absolutely right about the shit ending, and that's why I'd say it's an 8. Could have been a nine if not for that.

Aliens is better IMO, as James Cameron manages to make it a completely different movie. It doesn't rely on being a product of it's time because 1) not a shit ending and 2) not as reliant on the cliche scares that Alien provides.

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The Good German

This is actually a nice wee mystery movie. However, there are two problems with it. Quite a bit into the movie, they try and create a real sense of paranoia, and to an extent, they achieve it. However, there aren't enough truly sinister characters to pull it off, so it all falls a bit flat in the end. It's a low key movie, so when everything begins to unravel, they keep it unspectacular. Tobey Maguire is horribly miscast as the driver. So, all in all, it's not without flaws, but it's a good movie.


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Knocked Up - Did not know much bout this one before watching it so was pleasantly surprised, enjoyable stuff indeed with some top funny bits in it. Tip: mind and double bag it for those one night stands fellas. A refreshing 7/10 for this flick.

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Watched Stranger Than Fiction the other night.

Very enjoyable. Think Will Ferrel is hilarious. This role was a bit more serious than usual and he pulled it off nicely.

The plot of the film was great and interesting. Would give it 7.5/10

Watched Kill Bill Vol 1 again recently as well. An absolutely fantastic film with an incredible soundtrack. Love the way Tarantino uses so many different techniques. That and the fight scenes are incredible - a real tribute to the old school Kung Fu movies. 9/10

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Great film about a young girl who gets pregnant and gives her baby up for adoption. It was warm and funny, and had some great acting in it - 9/10.

King of California

It wouldnt surprise me if Michael Douglas won an oscar for this, ex mental patient goes looking for spanish gold, similar to Juno, it was warm and funny, but sad as well - 9/10.

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Supersize Me - 7/10

Was expecting him to end up a right fat b*****d. He didn't.

Did not expect McDonalds to end up leading to liver failure :huh:

Just kept thinking - "stop eating this crap".

Salty - I guarantee that you will come out of AVP2 thinking "what a piece of crap" if you watch Aliens beforehand.

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