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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Cannibal Holocaust 4/10

Don't watch the sequel!!! At least Cannibal Holocaust lived up to its legend, at least in the animal cruelty part! The sequel is a fucking nature documentary!! :lol:

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Die Hard 4.0

It was actually pretty good!!! :D Bruce was his usual "couldnt give a shit shouldn't really be here" Maclean type self, Justin Long was a decent enough sidekick, his daughter was smokin, Timothy Oliphant was not too shabby a baddie either.

My burrd came away with a cracker at the end, saying "that was good, but I much prefer it when his partner is in it"

She got Die Hard mixed up with Lethal Weapon... :lol::lol::lol:


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Untraceable (2008)

The closest you can get to Saw for a thriller, has a Se7en quality to it, but I have to rate Saw and Untraceable higher as they are low budget efforts.


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Untraceable (2008)

The closest you can get to Saw for a thriller, has a Se7en quality to it, but I have to rate Saw and Untraceable higher as they are low budget efforts.


Well its about time you rated a film correctly :P

Scorpion King 2: Rise Of A Warrior

Its the prequel to the first one and was pretty shite but had some good moments. 5/10 :)

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Saw the new batman movie. Have to say I was completely underwhelmed. At least 45 minutes too long, and Heath Ledger is barely in it. If he hadn't topped himself it would be just another performance by a third string actor. Do yourselves a favour and just watch Batman Begins again. I am beginning to think Christopher Nolan had two flukes with Momento and Insomnia. 4/10

away an fill your knickers to Lost in Translation

It's not too long, HL is not "barely in it" and his "performance" would stand up even if he was still in the land of the living.

You have a somewhat surreal appreciation of the film form. To each his own and all that...and jog on.

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Into The Wild

Directed by Sean Penn, starring Emile Hersch, with a few interesting small part appeareances, this is based on the true story of a college graduate, who wipes out his identity, Christopher McCandless, and becomes Alexander Supertramp, wandering across America...

Must watch film...absolutely tremendous in every way shape and form...I would go as far to say this is now in my top 10 fave films of all time...makes me want to get up and go somewhere...anywhere...spectacular scenery... B)


Probably my favourite film Ive seen in the past year or so. Stunningly good.


The Eye - Not bad, not great 4/10

One Missed Call - Much the same as The Eye 4/10

The Chaser - Korean film with English Subtitles (Clicky for info ) A fantastic film and Id give it a 9/10. Very moody and well paced. Theres a few extremely minor things I dont think they would have managed to pull off it the film was in English and it may have dropped the score a bit. But as is, its a cracker of a movie.

Edited by MattBairn
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They made a sequel to that? The first was 6/10 passable, but didn't see any need to continue it.

I take it a completely different cast?

No, Roddy Mcdowel is in it and so is the main character Brewster.

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Watched a few movies en route to Bulgaria and over there. Lets have a wee rate of all of them.

Fool's Gold ( 2008 ) - 2/10

The Enforcer ( 1976 ) - 6/10

Bad Company ( 1995 ) - 7/10

10 Things I Hate About You ( 1999 ) - 5/10

There we are.

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No Country for Old Men

Seen this for the first time tonight, and was at first somewhat puzzled at the bizarre ending. (I haven't read the book) Then when I thought more about it, it kinda started to fit together. Very clever the way the main crux of the film centres around Josh Brolin's character, when all the while it's actually from the viewpoint of another. Once that sunk, the ending made perfect sense.

Anyway, good film, excellent 'bad guy' and a wonderful cameo from Woody Harrelson, whose character was also very cleverly exposed.

About the only thing I never really liked was the sometimes unintelligible dialogue. I guess for the first time, I sort of understood how Americans must have felt watching Trainspotting.


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