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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Dumb and Dumber is blatantly Jim Carrey's best film.
Aside from it being fucking shite, there's not much wrong with that sentence.

SaltyTON, that is blasphemy in my world... Dumb and Dumber is a classic, and no other Jim Carrey comes close.

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Saw it at the time, and thought it was absolute shite. Not funny in the slightest.

Comedy for morons.

Correct. Jim Carrey isn't funny in the slightest.

Clearly his best movies are The Truman Show and Man On The Moon, both, note, movies in which he doesn't go around being a complete cock for an hour and a half.

Equally, Adam Sandler, comedy-less comedian and creator of this kind of inane drivel had made two excellent terrific movies - Punch Drunk Love and Reign Over Me - in which he doesn't play the fool, but just acts. Rather well as it happens.

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That's where I take the average from, I rarely agree with it. It also says that The Big Lebowski is good. :rolleyes:

The Parent Trap (1998)

One of the few Disney live-action films that is actually entertaining, and watchable all the way through. Lohan does a good job as the twins, while Dennis Quaid does the goofy dad role as well as anyone.


WTF!!! are you for real? Dumb and Dumber is shite yet you give the parent trap 7/10 how fucking old are you???and the big lebowski is genuis,prob my fav coen brothers movie

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I'd say Carrey's best movie was Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Oh yeah and that. Again fitting the law - if Jimmy Carrey is being funny, then the move is going to stink. If he has a beard and looks miserable, it's probably okay.

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Oh yeah and that. Again fitting the law - if Jimmy Carrey is being funny, then the move is going to stink. If he has a beard and looks miserable, it's probably okay.

Hehe, yeah. Although, I'd say that Man On The Moon kind of allowed him to be "zany" (because Kaufman was) without it being annoying. It's when the films are a vehicle for him being a twat that he's hard to take.

I quite enjoyed The Cable Guy as well, actually.

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Watched The Football Factory yesterday for about the 300th time, still brilliant.

Football Factory - 8/10

Last film I went to watch at the cinema was Four Christmases last week at my local odeon cinema, lot of shite not funny in the slightest and plot is a lot of pish.

Four Christmases - 4/10

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What a stupid thing to say :huh:

Of course I understand ratings for films etc but to say that films like Dumb and Dumber and the Big Lebowski are "shite" is nonsense. You perhaps personally don't like them/don't understand them but they're not shite films.

Obviously a lot of morons on here then ;)

I don't something, ergo it's shite. It's a film made for entertainment purposes, it didn't entertain me, therefore it didn't not meet it's use case. It has failed to do what it was supposed to. Shite. IMO - but I don't need to say that as every post on a message board is my opinion, so that's stating the fucking obvious.

I said comedy for morons. It is. However, I didn't say comedy liked by morons, you need to not assume things. You will likely have heard the expression about doing that....

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L.A. Confidential (1997)

The download I had only had the last 70 minutes, but it was complete enough. The last 70 was a complete film as nothing was required from the previous hour to make it make sense.

9/10 because

Spacey died too soon.

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What a stupid thing to say :huh:

Of course I understand ratings for films etc but to say that films like Dumb and Dumber and the Big Lebowski are "shite" is nonsense. You perhaps personally don't like them/don't understand them but they're not shite films.

I don't know about being made for morons, but I think it could be argued that Dumb and Dumber is a shite film on the basis that it isn't very funny.

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Just because it is Christmas and I was in one of those moods, I watched Con Air lat night. Like all of those movies, it kind of goes utterly nuts in the last thirty minutes, but overall it was thoroughly enjoyable garbage. Excellent cast too, though I can see no reason why.


Edited by Jim Pansy
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L.A. Confidential (1997)

The download I had only had the last 70 minutes, but it was complete enough. The last 70 was a complete film as nothing was required from the previous hour to make it make sense.

9/10 because

Spacey died too soon.

Completely disagree with your comments on The Big Lebowski earlier, but the bit in spoilers here I agree on. Although I'd still give the film a 10/10 in spite of it, mainly because Russell Crowe was so fucking good. I hate Russell Crowe, but he's just brilliant in that.

Edited by Dunning1874
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Mulholland Drive ( 2001 )

It's a bit of a mindfuck after a while, which is a shame, because for the most part, it's a damn good movie. I really should have known what to expect from a David Lynch movie but the movie was going along really well ( with the occaisional stupid scene ) and then it just decided to go pearshaped. So it definately loses marks there, but untill that point, it's terrific.


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Black Christmas ( 1974 )

At least there's no time wasting with this one. They get right into the nitty gritty, and the scenes with the murderer getting into the house are pretty tense stuff. It completely loses all ability to really frighten after that, but there's plenty of death to go around and it's generally a fun movie.


Also found myself going back and watching Dumb and Dumber.

Dumb and Dumber ( 1994 )

Which isn't too bad actually. Okay, it's not great, and some of the stuff is bordering on "turn this shit off" bad, but there's some absolute gold in there too. I've decided to go thumbs in the middle.


Oh, Jim Carrey is at his best when he's sort of zoning between zany and serious. The Truman Show is his very best, and that's a performance that has the best of both worlds.

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Twins (1988/I)

Thought I would hate this, but it was dark enough to appeal to my sense of humour.

A comedy starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito, I never thought that I would ever give that 8/10 :o

I was preparing a 4/10 in my head before it started...

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