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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Killer Inside Me - 8/10

Second celluloid outing for Jim Thompson's classic 50s pulp story of a sociopathic sherrif's deputy in small town Texas. Casey Afflect plays the lead character and is absolutely superb, a tour de force from him. Jessica Alba and Kate Hudson play the women in his life and there is a great supporting cast behind that.

Don't want to give too much away about the plot but it's well worth catching. There are a few scene's that are pretty violent, one in particular is a bit disturbing. Some people have questioned the motive and artistic value of the violence but I think that it's an important part of the story and serves to highlight the brutality and violent nature of the protagonist. It really is a shocking scene though, an antidote to airbrushed depictions of violence common in Hollywood movies.

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The Grudge 3 (2009) (V)

I went in to this with fairly low expectations after the awful mess that was the second crapfest with Sarah Michelle Gellar. Thankfully however Takashi Shimizu no longer had the reins, so it was left to Toby Wilkins to make this straight to video effort.

One positive of that is his background in visual effects, which helped this greatly... as the last one really was a mess!

We're off to Chicago this time (lovingly portrayed in part by Bulgaria :blink: ), and our little scary ass white Japanese people have followed them through some dumb bitch (SMG, but she ain't in it - think she died in the second film, but I've wiped that from my memory!) that went to the murder house in the last film.

We've got better effects, and better acting, even Shawnee Smith surprisingly carried off being a psychologist not too badly!

The film is watchable, has a few loopholes but mainly irrelevant ones, but was missing something that made the first one a pretty decent watch.


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Four Lions - 9/10

Great, great film. Amaziing that you can watch a comedy about suicide bombers and actually find most of them to be endearing characters.

"f**k mini Babybells man". laugh.gif

Saw this a couple of weeks ago. Top, top film.

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Law abiding citizen 6/10

Decent enough film until the end, which i thought was utter shite

2012 9/10

As far as "end of the world" films go, thought this was the best i've seen, special effects were brilliantly done

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Just sat and watched films on the TV last night.

The Goonies - Still brilliant no matter how many times i see it. 9/10

Michael Clayton. Watchable and entertaining enough. 7/10

A Prarie Home Companion. Really enjoyed this (worth staying up late for anyway). Great comedy and musical turns from Woody Harelson, John C. Reily, Lilly Tomlin and even Lindsey Lohan. 8/10

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Vantage Point - 6/10

Decent enough movie - seeing a mjaor incident from different Vantage Points (I see what they did there) builds up nicely to what ends up been a pretty disapointing, run of the mill car chase/shoot out ending.

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Shutter Island ( 2010 )

First point. The soundtrack. Is it deliberately over the top ? Crazy action music when they're sailing on a boat. Fucking ridiculous. The movie was a bit mental at times, but it works, as it linked with what was the apparent building of the madness of the lead character, played brilliantly by the always amazing Leonardo DiCaprio. The twist is obvious, but very understated when it's carried out and well done, and therefore doesn't take away from the movie that comes before it. It's a decent enough movie, and the sinister air of things is never lost.


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Shutter Island ( 2010 )

First point. The soundtrack. Is it deliberately over the top ? Crazy action music when they're sailing on a boat. Fucking ridiculous. The movie was a bit mental at times, but it works, as it linked with what was the apparent building of the madness of the lead character, played brilliantly by the always amazing Leonardo DiCaprio. The twist is obvious, but very understated when it's carried out and well done, and therefore doesn't take away from the movie that comes before it. It's a decent enough movie, and the sinister air of things is never lost.


Thought it was really subtly done. So much so that I didn't even regard the twist as such. I liked how things are just allowed to build up, layer by layer. And the scene in the back yard, shall we say, is no less hard hitting for all you know it is coming.

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Body of Lies 79%

I think this is a very underated movie. Di caprio films really are starting to become a favourites of mine(the departed, blood diamond). His character is trying to work with both the american government where crowe's character shows liitle regard for any casualities or stop at nothin to get the job done as quickly as possible against the jordanian agency(headed by mark strong) who uses more patient methods. I thought it was really entertaining personally, and the acting between the three main actors was top drawer.

Public Enemies 63%

It was good, but it was nothing like what people said it would be to me. Christian Bale was under-used i thought. The shoot-out scenes for me were the best moments of the film, but bar that i just felt it was a bit dragged out at times.

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Shutter Island ( 2010 )

First point. The soundtrack. Is it deliberately over the top ? Crazy action music when they're sailing on a boat. Fucking ridiculous. The movie was a bit mental at times, but it works, as it linked with what was the apparent building of the madness of the lead character, played brilliantly by the always amazing Leonardo DiCaprio. The twist is obvious, but very understated when it's carried out and well done, and therefore doesn't take away from the movie that comes before it. It's a decent enough movie, and the sinister air of things is never lost.


Watched it last night and Id agree with 7/10 I thought it was a very decent movie and DiCaprio was brilliant. Would probably watch it again aswell.

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Moon - 8/10

Had a good twist to it. Liked Sam Rockwell in this, he's been good in a few films I've seen.

Harry Brown 6.5/10

Michael Caine playing old codger sorting out young hoody thugs. Quite violent in parts.

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Now I have finally finished with Twin Peaks, The Sopranos and The West Wing I have finally started watching some of the other DVDs I have been amassing over the last few months.

Misery - One of the better Stephen King adaptions I guess, if you look past the glaringly obvious flaws in the plot. Kathy Bates is great though it has to be said. 6.5/10.

Frost/Nixon - I One of those kind of films that you enjoy, but don't really know why. I mean, there's no real story to it, is there? Michael Sheen does my head in now with his "impersonation" roles, the guy playing Nixon looked f**k all like him and what was the point of the posh tart character?. But as I said, I enjoyed it. 7.5/10

Star Trek - Passable. No idea what the younger generation would make of it though. At least I remember the original characters and the way they interacted with each other. Seeing them 20 years beforehand was the most interesting aspect of the film for me. The plot was plausible and, more importantly, understandable as well which helped. 6/10

The Wall - Firstly, I've always thought letting Geldof sing In The Flesh was a big mistake. For me, the movie is great though, not to everyone's taste though, I accept. For any fan of Pink Floyd that hasn't got a copy, buy it. Now. 9/10

Downfall - Had been meaning to get this for ages and never got round to it. Fantastic film, best I have watched in a long long time. The Goebbles family sub-plot was the best, and most insightful part of the movie for me. 9.5/10

Of the films I have still to watch I am most looking forward to Papillion, Marathon Man, Che and Inglorious Basterds. Hopefully there will also be a sale on at HMV once the World Cup starts so I can build up the collection a bit more. It's bloody expensive at the moment like.

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