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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Hurt Locker 79%

This was a fairly decent watch in my eyes, suffice to what some people might say. I had a read of the reviews on this on the imdb website which looked a bit harsh as if they were expecting the best movie ever because it beat a predictable storyline like avatars in the awards.

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Until the End of the World - 9/10

Wim Wenders ultimate road trip with William hurt, Sam Neill, Max Von Sydow and the wonderfully named Ernie Dingo. A corking end of the world film in which the world ending isnt actually the end of the world but more addiction to chasing your dreams rather than living in the now.

Its 150 minutes long but I still want to see the Directors cut which runs so much longer.

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Whatever Works

Like a lot of people, I was a massive Woody Allen fan until he started churning out dud after dud around the nineties. The fact that this one has Larry David in it and definite similarities to aspects of Curb Your Enthusiasm was a good step towards making it a not bad film. The lead was apparently written for Zero Mostel years ago and I think he would have been great in it. Overall a fairly decent and ridiculous film, quite funny in bits and an OK way to pass the time.


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Triangle (2009)

Young people on yacht that gets into trouble. Big ship appears out of nowhere to rescue them but nobody seems to be on board. Then strange things start happening..... Turned it off at this point, not because it was particularly bad but because I've seen it all before.


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13 game sayawng / 13 Beloved

13: Game of Death as it's known here, is a brilliant Thai crime thriller. Pusit has lost his job, his girlfriend and his car, when he gets a phone call offering him 100 million baht to complete 13 challenges.

Little does he know that he's being screened around the world, very similar, but greatly superior, to Slashers or the internet segment in Cradle of Fear.

If I say much more it'll spoil it, so go out and buy this, it's probably the best Asian film I've ever seen and I include Oldboy, My Name is Khan and Battle Royale in that.


13 Beloved ( 2006 )

Mental. Fucking mental. It's an amazing story of desperation buried inside gore and horror. Brilliantly acted, even better directed, and astonishing on almost every level. And when you think it can't possibly get anymore crazy, the climax comes and leaves your jaw on the floor. I can't agree with Salty enough when he says you have to see this movie. If it was a studio movie, people would be talking about it as one of the greatest ever. As it is, I suppose we can only hope it gets watched on word of mouth alone.


After reading these reviews I've just bought it from Amazon for £4

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Triangle (2009)

Young people on yacht that gets into trouble. Big ship appears out of nowhere to rescue them but nobody seems to be on board. Then strange things start happening..... Turned it off at this point, not because it was particularly bad but because I've seen it all before.


How can you rate a movie you haven't watched ?

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The new star trek, i have never watched any of the previous films or the tv programme so i wasnt expecting much from this.

However it was really good, id defo recomend it even if like me your not a fan of star trek.


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So, I finally got round to watching [REC] because the parents are in Berlin.

And, wow, the single most scary film I have every seen in my life.

The first hour or so, are good, but you're expecting more to happen, but the last half hour, f**k me, I genuinely, for the first time in my life, let out a scream at the bit

where the boy is in the vents.


Superb, can't wait to watch the second one.

I might watch Quarantine, just to see what it's like.

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Fish Tank - 2/10

Would have been as well calling it Pish Rank, as that was what it was.

Con Air - 8/10

For about the 50th time but it was on and there was nothing else worth watching. If you can get ove the cheesy soundtrack and drawwwwlll of Mr Cage it is pretty decent I think.

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Anchorman 0/10 - words cannot express how much I hated this film. The sole reason for me taking as long as I have to watch it is because I knew I would hate it; how right I was. How anyone can find this even remotely funny is beyond me.

To that end (and by that I mean, nothing of the same ilk please) can anyone recommend some funny films?

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Law Abiding Citizen 71%

Really enjoyed it up until the ending.

Why does it always have to be the hollywood 'good guy wins' ending? This is a film most people were siding with the anti-hero butler's character.

King Arthur(Director's Cut) 51%

Decent enough cast, but poorly acted, okay fight scenes, absolutely honking plot.

Michael Clayton 72%

Slow burner of a film imo. The best performance have seen from tom wilkinson by a mile as the slightly unhinged but intelligent lawyer who's looking for redemption. Quite a nicely brought together ending to the film i thought.

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13 Beloved ( 2006 )

Mental. Fucking mental. It's an amazing story of desperation buried inside gore and horror. Brilliantly acted, even better directed, and astonishing on almost every level. And when you think it can't possibly get anymore crazy, the climax comes and leaves your jaw on the floor. I can't agree with Salty enough when he says you have to see this movie. If it was a studio movie, people would be talking about it as one of the greatest ever. As it is, I suppose we can only hope it gets watched on word of mouth alone.


I've taken your's and SaltyTon's recommendations on this and ordered it last week from Amazon.

Definateley one of the best Asian films i've ever seen and ending with a twist that I just did not see coming. Well worth checking out before Hollywood decide to ruin it.

9/10 (Point taken off for the scene in the restaraunt - yuck)

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Anchorman 0/10 - words cannot express how much I hated this film. The sole reason for me taking as long as I have to watch it is because I knew I would hate it; how right I was. How anyone can find this even remotely funny is beyond me.

To that end (and by that I mean, nothing of the same ilk please) can anyone recommend some funny films?

If Anchorman rates a 0/10 the I would suggest such comedy classics as Saving Private Ryan or Million Dollar baby to accomodate your warped sense of humour. :blink:

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9/10 (Point taken off for the scene in the restaraunt - yuck)

WHAT ?!?! That was brilliant ! Sick I know, but brilliant !

If Anchorman rates a 0/10 the I would suggest such comedy classics as Saving Private Ryan or Million Dollar baby to accomodate your warped sense of humour.

Maybe he just didn't like Anchorman and still has a sense of humour ? What a stupid post.

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