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Another Earth

Pretty decent, weird as f**k though. I don't think they really explained it, but somehow another earth just pops up right beside "Earth 1", when this happens, the main character is driving, slightly drunk, so she looks out her window at "Earth 2" and loses her concentration and crashes into a family of three, she goes to prison(as a minor) and gets out, few years later(or something) and tries to make amends.

She tracks down the guy(his son and pregnant wife died in the crash but he went into a coma) and starts cleaning his house. She then falls in love and tells him, he's all pissed and shit. That's all cool and stuff, but there's a whole sub-plot of the Earth 2 going on. The main character, wins a competition to go to Earth 2. There's a thing going on, where all the experts are saying that the synchronicity of the two Earths disappeared as soon as 1 saw 2(basically alluding to the fact that the dude's family probably didn't die on 2). So she gives him the trip to Earth 2. It's all sorts of weird.

Decent but some weird shit going on. 6/10



Fucking amazi/ng. I'd heard some good things, but wasn't expecting this! Liam Neeson kicks ass! Nothing more needs be said. Go watch this! Only it's 10/10 because it's just a badass action film, which in itself isn't perfect.




Hilarious, until the shit starts to get real(last half hour-45 minutes). Good film though, wasn't as sad as I thought(given reviews on here), I wasn't near tears or anything. Whatever. Levitt and Rogen are fantastic in it.


When I read your review I decided to download this and take a look. I was more than pleasantly surprised. Firstly it's an indie film which means that the budget was small and there are no superfluous special effects and is all the better for it. The films turns around the relationship between the two main characters and the difficulty that exists between them. Brit Marling is remarkable as the guilt-torn young woman who has killed William Mapother's wife and child. This is director Mike Cahill's first major film and it bodes well for the future; I just hope he doesn't sell out to big bucks.

If there is one criticism I could make it is that the ending was somewhat rushed, more time could have been spent dealing with John's trip to Earth

2 and Rhoda's meeting with her alternate self but these are minor matters. All in all probably one of the best films of 2011 though not to everyone's taste. I'd give it 9/10

Edited by WeeHectorPar
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Just watched Neds.

I very rarely watch any films, I've not been to the cinema for years, I don't buy DVDs and I rarely even watch them on TV. This makes my love of film review shows even more bizarre but after seeing that guy off film 2011 saying Neds was the best film of the year I had a gander on amazon

and at £4 next day delivery it couldn't be sniffed at.

Got it a few days ago and finally got round to watching it today and it is a brilliant film. Pretty disappointed I never went to the try outs as I would have been the perfect age and have a gratuitously strong Glaswegian accent. Oh well, I'd have probably ruined it. It is a fascinating film though, it really evolves over time as the central character is gradually eroded - fantastic acting performance by some randomer. It does really highlight the perils of taking up this lifestyle though the most poignant moment for me being :

When the camera pans to the guy in the remedial class who has clearly become mentally disabled from the severity of the attack.

A great film, I'd thoroughly recommend watching it. I understand most of the accents but I usually have subtitles on because I like to hear things that probably don't matter, must be a nightmare for most people though.

Oh and I also saw the Thin Blue Line a few days ago - the documentary not the TV series. Again, absorbing stuff although I had seen it highlighted on Currents 50 documentaries to see before you die. It was only short segment but it went into detail about the reconstruction and whether or not the female police officer was in the car - the actual film was nothing like that at all!

Not only is it an entertaining and bias free documentary - it tells the story in a very simple way from a lot of angles - it also got an innocent man out of prison. And the guilty man was an incredibly inoffensive and articulate, eh, multiple murderer on death row.

Watched it a couple of days ago. Superb movie. Im waiting for ken loach to shoot his next film in dundee where i will suddenly become master actor! It was quite frightening but really believable, apart from thebit where he walks up to the other gange with his two knive and just stabs a randomer. I didnt get that bit? But great film anyway.

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Absolutely fantastic. Nothing like what I expected. The acting was good. The way the film shoot was amazing. Also, a mention of the great soundtrack.

Only problem was I though the start was a little slow


American Psycho

One of my favorite films. Must have been the 5/6th time I've watched it this in the last 2 years.


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Lives of other. 8/10

A cracker of a movie and also offered a facinating insight into communist europe. Was a terrible place. Im not sure what cuba is like for the average person but i dont think its that good reall. Not being allowed to do anything rebellious and the people have not power at all. still id rather live there than say brazil, where people are living in squalor.

From my view, communism has failed for mostly everyones account. Capitalism has worked well for some but been terrible and failed immensly for other groups. I think whats needed is for a change in power structure and de-centralisation, so everyone has equal power and influence. Anarchy has only had one go in recent history and from all acounts been a roaring succes in most aspects of peoples lives. Yet it's only had one spell of 4 years? It is the only theorie which offers real democracy, freedomand equality. And the only theorie which is actuall not idealogical because, for me anyway, that is as far as anarchy goes. Get rid all cenralised power and let everyone take control and have equal influence. I mean i personally would get rid of money and if i had my own way.... you know what i mean. But i dont mind really as long as the decision is based on general consencus and everyones opinion is equally listened to, not just the 'elites.'

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The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

I haven't read the book but really enjoyed the Swedish film. This was a disappointment. Maybe it was because I was now aware of what was going to happen but this seemed to lack the edge of the original with the more controversial scenes not being as powerful. The ending in particular was very poor. It's still a good story though.


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Lives of other. 8/10

A cracker of a movie and also offered a facinating insight into communist europe. Was a terrible place. Im not sure what cuba is like for the average person but i dont think its that good reall. Not being allowed to do anything rebellious and the people have not power at all. still id rather live there than say brazil, where people are living in squalor.

From my view, communism has failed for mostly everyones account. Capitalism has worked well for some but been terrible and failed immensly for other groups. I think whats needed is for a change in power structure and de-centralisation, so everyone has equal power and influence. Anarchy has only had one go in recent history and from all acounts been a roaring succes in most aspects of peoples lives. Yet it's only had one spell of 4 years? It is the only theorie which offers real democracy, freedomand equality. And the only theorie which is actuall not idealogical because, for me anyway, that is as far as anarchy goes. Get rid all cenralised power and let everyone take control and have equal influence. I mean i personally would get rid of money and if i had my own way.... you know what i mean. But i dont mind really as long as the decision is based on general consencus and everyones opinion is equally listened to, not just the 'elites.'

This is where I stopped reading.

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Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

Pretty good. I'm a massive fan of Downey Jr, I don't think he was as good as he was in the prequel, not enough of the drunk side of Holmes for me, which is where RDJ shines(Iron Man, Zodiac). Jude Law was alright, it's Jude Law, nothing to scream about. Jared Harris is really good as Moriarty. It was funny at parts and some decent action and sleuthing but there was one scene near the end that really pissed me off. It was an extended fight scene, but it was all in slow motion. Had to check it was Guy Ritchie who directed and not Paul fucking Anderson. That really ruined it IMO. Still worth a watch but a stupid scene. It wasn't even like the Sherlock scenes where he's planning ahead of anything, it was slow-mo for everyone involved. Horseshit of a decision to include it.


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Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

Pretty good. I'm a massive fan of Downey Jr, I don't think he was as good as he was in the prequel, not enough of the drunk side of Holmes for me, which is where RDJ shines(Iron Man, Zodiac). Jude Law was alright, it's Jude Law, nothing to scream about. Jared Harris is really good as Moriarty. It was funny at parts and some decent action and sleuthing but there was one scene near the end that really pissed me off. It was an extended fight scene, but it was all in slow motion. Had to check it was Guy Ritchie who directed and not Paul fucking Anderson. That really ruined it IMO. Still worth a watch but a stupid scene. It wasn't even like the Sherlock scenes where he's planning ahead of anything, it was slow-mo for everyone involved. Horseshit of a decision to include it.


Agree ! not as good as first film , no more please !! :(
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You're not discussing the films, you're Just spouting more of your utter pish.

It looks like a google job to me too!

anyway, I went to see the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Sherlock Holmes recently.

I actually really enjoyed the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I've never been quite sure about Daniel Craig, but I thought he played his part well. I thought Rooney Mara played her part brilliantly, especially when you look at her previous roles. She's developing into a great actress. I'm looking forward to see her going forward from here. Not quite as powerful as the Swedish version, but I did thoroughly enjoy the film with an excellent support cast. 8/10

Sherlock Holmes. Thoroughly enjoyed it until the last 5 minutes. Awful ending - I really hope that's it for the rebooted Holmes now as I'm not sure there's much more they can do with the characters. 6/10 - it would've been 7 or better, but the ending was just so poor.

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Sherlock Holmes. Thoroughly enjoyed it until the last 5 minutes. Awful ending - I really hope that's it for the rebooted Holmes now as I'm not sure there's much more they can do with the characters. 6/10 - it would've been 7 or better, but the ending was just so poor.


Him reappearing, camouflaged in the chair? I thought that was quite funny

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Sherlock Holmes. Thoroughly enjoyed it until the last 5 minutes. Awful ending - I really hope that's it for the rebooted Holmes now as I'm not sure there's much more they can do with the characters. 6/10 - it would've been 7 or better, but the ending was just so poor.

Third one already scheduled for 2014.

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