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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Woman in Black

It's a 12a, but could easily be a 15. The cinema had quite a few kids about The age of 8 in it, and even though it wasn't that scary, it was about child suicide (you see a girl set fire to herself), and had a few 'thriller' moments.

Overall, I liked it. Daniel Radcliff is a bit wooden, and felt he looked too young for the role, but still a solid effort.


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You're a tedious c**t.

Click on General Nonsense, then into the NSFW section and then the Jessica Nigri thread. Review your posts there and then come back and say that without any irony.

edit: as for movies I've seen recently, had a wee Kurt Russell/John Carpenter marathon.

The Thing

Pretty good, Russell has really impressed me in this. It's quite thrilling, not really that scary since the "Thing" hasn't aged too well. I'm interested in seeing the remake now.


Big Trouble In Little China

Russell is fantastic in this, really funny. Some of the fight scenes are a bit shite though. Like, I get that Lo Pan's henchmen guys have special powers but the Chinese dude that is hanging with Russell seemed to get powers(he was flying about as well) which didn't make sense.


Escape From New York

I enjoyed this. Decent bit of action in it and the story is quite good. Again, Russell puts in another great performance. Nice wee cameo from Angel Eyes from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.


Edited by forehead7
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Click on General Nonsense, then into the NSFW section and then the Jessica Nigri thread. Review your posts there and then come back and say that without any irony.

:lol: your rage and bitterness has led to you hounding me in unrelated threads. She's an average looking female. Deal with it.

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:lol: your rage and bitterness has led to you hounding me in unrelated threads. She's an average looking female. Deal with it.

Yeah, I'm hounding you in a thread that I've got 290 posts in, in a forum that I frequent every time I'm online. I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy at calling someone else a tedious c**t when you repeatedly came into a fan thread posting the same pish over and over again.

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Yeah, I'm hounding you in a thread that I've got 290 posts in, in a forum that I frequent every time I'm online. I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy at calling someone else a tedious c**t when you repeatedly came into a fan thread posting the same pish over and over again.

'mazing scenes.

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Cave of Forgotten Dreams Documentary by Werner Herzog about a cave in France where they found a genuinely astonishing series of cave paintings which had been so perfectly contained, they look almost fresh. In his usual inimitable style, Herzog follows a group of researchers as they climb down to investigate. And then he ends with a study of albino mutant crocodiles, for no apparent reason. Given that nobody is able to visit these paintings, it's a fascinating documentary, and the paintings are beautiful and surprisingly abstract. Herzog's style is somewhat haphazard, but it's an entertaining film and very educational. 8/10

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Working away ive been rattling through a fair few movies this Tour so far...

Moneyball- As a non Baseball aficionado i hadnt much clue on the backround to this story but i found it pretty engrossing. Im a Pitt fan i like how alot of his characters are pretty driven and determined and his potrayal of Billy Beane captures his hunger for success and even though it shows how ruthless Baseball can be there are still guys out there how put glory before the paycheck. The scene when hes travelling back from the meeting with the red sox boss and he sticks on his daughters song was pretty emotional. pretty solid 7/10 for me.

50/50- Pretty decent film although Seth Rogen is annoying as always playing the same character he does in every film. Totally unbeleivable in his role and in my opinion wastes the film a bit. Joseph Gordon Levitt is good as the main character and Dallas Bryce Howard does a cracking cow of a girlfriend. can someone tell me who the toothy councillor is im sure ive seen her in something before but its slipped my mind. 6/10

Catfish- Couldnt decide if this was a mock up or what. The boys in it were annoying as f**k and in a way you wanted them fucked over as badly as possible cant really say too much as itll give the plot away but id say 5/10 just because it kept me hooked enough to hang on till the end to see what happened bit like ten to three back in the old nightclub days.

In Bruges- loads of my mates were like "Its pish nothing happens til the end" but i think thats the point,these two guys are asassins and there basically on gardening leave in the most boring place in Europe passing the time going to boring museums and galleries. Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson are superb especially the part when Farrell changs the diner (how many people have wanted to do that to a cheeky bawbag in a restaurant?). The only thing is and i say this as a fan of Ralph Fiennes, but sitting down to watch Sexy Beast and copying Ben Kingsleys every mannerism and action does not good acting make. 8/10 really liked it and glad i shunned the mates opinions.

Contagion- Tried to watch it last night but fell asleep dunno if thats a damning indictment but i got as far as a pretty rotund Matt Damon trying to revive Gwyneth Paltrow. maybe try again tonight....maybe.

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The Assasination of Richard Nixon - Found myself really engrossed in this. Sean Penn plays a 'good man' (debateable) who is marginalised and completely demoralised by society. So much so that he basically starts losing his shit. Within about 10 minutes I was already drawing comparisons with films like Taxi Driver and King of Comedy. Maybe throw in a bit of Jack Lemmon in Glengarry Glen Ross. Although those are all classics, I found this equally if not more depressing to watch. Penn's character is essentially right about many things but his behaviour is so completely wrong, that you feel almost equal resentment and sympathy for the people around him. Bit of a mindfuck, and would be interested to see what other people who've seen it thought. On iplayer right now.


Moneyball - Came into it just hoping for a good sports story movie but it was better than that. Pitt is a total marmite actor for me, either find his performances excellent or just unwatchable. This was definately the former. The movie is so focused on Beane that he's the only character with much in the way of depth but it worked all the same.


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Working away ive been rattling through a fair few movies this Tour so far...

Moneyball- As a non Baseball aficionado i hadnt much clue on the backround to this story but i found it pretty engrossing. Im a Pitt fan i like how alot of his characters are pretty driven and determined and his potrayal of Billy Beane captures his hunger for success and even though it shows how ruthless Baseball can be there are still guys out there how put glory before the paycheck. The scene when hes travelling back from the meeting with the red sox boss and he sticks on his daughters song was pretty emotional. pretty solid 7/10 for me.

50/50- Pretty decent film although Seth Rogen is annoying as always playing the same character he does in every film. Totally unbeleivable in his role and in my opinion wastes the film a bit. Joseph Gordon Levitt is good as the main character and Dallas Bryce Howard does a cracking cow of a girlfriend. can someone tell me who the toothy councillor is im sure ive seen her in something before but its slipped my mind. 6/10

I think its Anna Kendrick, the main things she has been in is "Twighlight" and "Up in the air"

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A lonely place for dying 5/10

Cold war thriller set @ 1972 KGB v CIA sort of thing. Competant BUT only 1st part released so far (28mins), kinda spoils it. Other bits to be released when donations hit 40 grand I believe, but if its a while, I will have forgotten about it.

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It's a decent watch. Not brilliant but not terrible. Despite the nature of the film, it's a quirky film with a nice feeling throughout it and a few laughs thrown in (although being a dark comedy there are more chuckles than actual laughs), although that probably has a lot to do with Frances McDormand's wonderful character and the utter desperation that is exhibited by William H. Macy.

It's funny in places, tragic in others and the story keeps you intrigued. That said, I did feel slightly underwhelmed by the whole thing. Frances McDormand makes the film watchable because she is just fantastic in it. The accents are hilarious as well.


The accents were explained to me by my aunt who lives state side. In Minisotta where it is set is inhabitted mainly by Scandinavian migrants, hence the accents and are seen by Americans as a bit on the slower side.

Just thought you'd like to know. :)

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The Muppets

Top class piece of great fun cinema, definitely one for fans of the show but I'm sure it'll work for everyone. Quirky humour like this is right up my street, and the songs are inspired. Possibly the most cheerful I've ever been in the cinema- an absolute joy.

Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but it uses that to its advantage, not taking itself seriously.

6/10 as a film, but for something sit and enjoy it's a ten!

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