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I don't know what to make of the news about an American remake, aye, I dare say the graphics will be fantastic, but I have a feeling it will be the usual 'Americans save the day' w**k fest.

More interested in the (again, inevitable) Norwegian sequel, but hopefully Marshall will be able to do his own thing and not just trot out a Psycho-style retread.

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The Guest has received cracking reviews from critics. About a 90% score on Rotten Tomatoes which is some haul.

Saw the trailer a while back and thought it looked quite generic, so that is indeed impressive. Will take everyone's word for it and have a look when the opportunity arises.

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World War Z - Poorly paced, script is poor and Brad Pitts family are utterly annoying. Saying that some of the action sequences are well done. Didn't want to compare it to other zombie films but definitely felt 28 Days did this genre a million times better for a fraction of the budget. 5/10

Ferris Buellers Day Off - First time seeing this and get why it's well loved. Enjoyable and pretty entertaining on the most part. 7/10

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Willow Creek

A decent addition to the found footage genre, as a couple go to where footage of Bigfoot was shot, and things go downhill for them. The big climax is a bit shoddy, but before that they ratchet up the tension in spades, and there's a particularly fantastic 15 minute scene which is all sorts of tense.


The Children

A British horror movie where kids get sick and attack their parents. It's pretty straight forward stuff and we don't really find out the deal with them, but it's good stuff all the same.


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Walk among the tombstones. 6/10

Liam Neeson as a private detective hired by a drug dealer to track down whoever kidnapped and murdered their wife.

Decent film, these roles are perfect for Neeson. His character is a lot more laid back in this one to taken.

Apparently based on a novel which i presume gives a lot more detail to certain plot lines, there were a few unanswered questions at the end.

Mega tense film though, eerie music through the entire thing and a lot of it is at night so you're always waiting on someone jumping out. Whether that happens or not i can't say though ;)

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Maps to the Stars - David Cronenberg's latest film about the weird and sick World that Hollywood life consists of. To reveal the plot outline would be to give too much away but incest, sexual promiscuity, murder and a bit of animal cruelty/brutality give you a clue that this isn't a retread of "The Player".

It's more like a horror film in its truest sense and the black humour is perfectly contained therein. Watch out for Jullianne Moore who plays a faded actress and narcissistic sociopath who despite her abhorrent behaviour deserves a very very tiny bit of sympathy. John Cusack plays a ridiculous new age parasite who lives off his child's acting.

Brilliant, compelling and shocking.


Edited by Banterous
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Maps to the Stars - David Cronenberg's latest film about the weird and sick World that Hollywood life consists of. To reveal the plot outline would be to give too much away but incest, sexual promiscuity, murder and a bit of animal cruelty/brutality give you a clue that this isn't a retread of "The Player".

It's more like a horror film in its truest sense and the black humour is perfectly contained therein. Watch out for Jullianne Moore who plays a faded actress and narcissistic sociopath who despite her abhorrent behaviour deserves a very very tiny bit of sympathy. John Cusack plays a ridiculous new age parasite who lives off his child's acting.

Brilliant, compelling and shocking.


Cracking. Love me a bit of Cronenberg. Always happy when he has a good 'un out.

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Borat - fake Kazakh journalist tours America under the guise of research for his home country.

Wow, this wasn't what I was expecting at all. Everything I'd heard was that this was a humorous exercise in encouraging people to reveal their unpleasant views, but there's actually very little of that, and the Americans generally come off fairly well. The film actually comes over as Sacha Baron Cohen taking out revenge against a patriotic Kazakh bigot/PE teacher that humiliated him in school, because most of the film is trying to get laughs from his vicious vision of a real country that few in the West (Cohen included, one suspects) know anything about. For me, most of the funny stuff comes from Borat's interaction with his producer ("f**k off, Death"), who has the most spectacular pair of tits I've ever seen on a man.

Also, it's pretty clear that Cohen's vision of Kazakhstan is based on Fife, which is frankly outrageous and the Kingdom has my sympathy for this slur.

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Before I Go to Sleep

Pretty good movie this with some cracking twists throughout the movie.


Must check this out. Joffe Jr made a very poor (imo) adaptation of Brighton Rock but maybe this is a sign that he'll make films that are as good as his Dad's.

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