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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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You are looking forward to seeing a Shamalamadingdong movie.

You're going to be disappointed, learn from experience... he should be shot!

EDIT: Unbreakable aside!

To be honest I haven't seen much of his stuff and this new one looks quite good.

I'll update y'all tomorrow night when I come home pissed and turn on my laptop B)

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To be honest I haven't seen much of his stuff and this new one looks quite good.

I'll update y'all tomorrow night when I come home pissed and turn on my laptop B)

I thought watching the trailer "that looks quite good", then they ruined it "directed by M Night Chameleon"

I shall wait for it to be on-line!

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I'm getting right into this European cinema malarky. This time we head to France, and two cops have a bit of heat with each other because of an incident involving armed robbers. It escalates in pretty dramatic fashion. The slimey b*****d cop is terrific, using every excuse he can for his actions, no matter how dispicable.


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Walk Hard - a rock star spoof which borrows heavily from Walk The Line. This film got poor reviews but is a good chuckle and at 85 minutes, doesn't outstay its welcome.

The Beatles bit was the only funny part. It had me in stitches but that aside it was shit.

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Shiryo no wana 2: Hideki (1991)

Well that was just fucking weird, basically a whole bunch of scenes thrown together to try and get the point over that the fat bird is cuckoo. Guess what Hashimoto? We don't care! Anyone who guess how the TV presenter would die whilst fighting in the watery pit with the fat one really needs to get themselves checked in to a mental institution.

I suggest Astley Ainsley, the manic depressive Australian male nurse perhaps wrote the screenplay.


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The Beatles bit was the only funny part. It had me in stitches but that aside it was shit.

I thought it was hilarious actually. "Dewey, it's cocaine you don't want this shit" :lol:

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Cinema - Prom Night 3/10, predictable pish but one of the birds had a cracking set.

DVD - The Business 7/10, nae bad I love films set in the 80's. Could of done with a twist though.

Going to see 'The Happening' tomorrow night - looking forward to it :)

Remember a drunken review please. :)

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It's a $20 million effort, and is on cinematic release, so it can only be better than the second one!

I've never watched the first one as it sounded awful, but might add it to my harddrive along with the other 300+ films that probably won't ever be watched! :lol:

The first Starship Troopers is Verhoven at his best. Think of the first Robocop movie. The parodies of the way things are reported in the news. It's brilliant.

Also it has big fucking bugs getting shot by big fucking guns.

And gratuitous nudity! :D

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The first Starship Troopers is Verhoven at his best. Think of the first Robocop movie. The parodies of the way things are reported in the news. It's brilliant.

Also it has big fucking bugs getting shot by big fucking guns.

And gratuitous nudity! :D

This phrase scares me. I've seen Hollow Man... What the f**k was he drinking that day???

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I got the double box-set for £5! One of the funniest films i've ever seen! I'd heard of it but just never got the chance of getting round to see it! :lol:

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Dark Floors

This is pretty dire stuff, filled with a bunch of dodgy accents and shite actors. Not the slightest bit scary, other than being scared that movies like this are allowed to be shown to the film watching public.


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Freedom Writers

A bit overdramatic at times, but that's par for the course with this sort of movie. Way too much hatred in this movie at the start, but it rams it's points home well enough. I guess it's the same old, same old.


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Shiryo no wana 2: Hideki (1991)

Well that was just fucking weird, basically a whole bunch of scenes thrown together to try and get the point over that the fat bird is cuckoo. Guess what Hashimoto? We don't care! Anyone who guess how the TV presenter would die whilst fighting in the watery pit with the fat one really needs to get themselves checked in to a mental institution.

I suggest Astley Ainsley, the manic depressive Australian male nurse perhaps wrote the screenplay.


Sounds bizarre!

For some reason, I had a mental image of a fat bird in a cuckoo clock when I first read your review...

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The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008)

Whilst some adaptions are okay, I feel that directors should now give these types of book a rest in favour more contemporary writings, if they cannot fully capture the greatness of the classics. It's good to hear this is a decent film though. :)

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Alpha Dog

A very unsettling and tense movie. The cast is terrific, and the way the tension builds is terrific. You just know that things are going to go tits up. You're second guessing every single thing that happens, to the point where you just stop trying to figure out how it's going to end up. I was mightily impressed by this.


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Went to see 'The Incredible Hulk' last night.

Far, far better than the 2003 one with Eric Bana, this one is defintely set up to be the first in a 'Spiderman' style franchise. Great wee cameo from Downey Jnr at the end as Tony Stark, tying in with the Avengers project.

Loved all the wee references to the 70's tv series, of which there were many, some obvious, some subtle.

The fight scenes with the Abomination are pretty much what you come to expect for this kind of film, and were handled well.

Overall, a good rendition of a popular Marvel character, and I'm looking forward to the inevitable sequels.


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