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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The King's Speech (2010)

The last of the nominees that I've seen, and I left the winner until last. For once I agree with the Academy, a deserved winner.

Firth deserved his Oscar as well, although I'd have given Rush his over Christian Bale.

Well worth watching and the best film of this fledgling decade.


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The Resident

One from the new generation Hammer studios, starring Hilary Swank. A tedious bore covering a subject matter and plot devices we've seen many times before. There's a vaguely interesting use of winding back the action at a certain point to show what's just happened from different perspective but that's the only positive note.


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I had quite high hopes for this but left disappointed. It's suitably grim and disturbingly violent in bits but it seemed a little hard to follow who was who at times and two hours was unnecessarily long, especially when it finished so suddenly. Fairly unsatisfying.

One amusing note was the number of pensioners in to watch it this afternoon. I suspect not all of them knew what they were in for. That was certainly the case for those that walked out during it.


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I had quite high hopes for this but left disappointed. It's suitably grim and disturbingly violent in bits but it seemed a little hard to follow who was who at times and two hours was unnecessarily long, especially when it finished so suddenly. Fairly unsatisfying.

One amusing note was the number of pensioners in to watch it this afternoon. I suspect not all of them knew what they were in for. That was certainly the case for those that walked out during it.


Apparently in the actual murders, one poor bugger had a burning sparkler shoved down his cock.


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Does anyone know of a site that provides a general list of all the major movie releases of the past decade and perhaps even further back? I've got quite a bit of free time coming up and I'm rubbish at just picking up a film and watching it so fancied working back from 2010 toand try and catch up on all the good (and some bad) movies I've missed. Thanks in advance I hope!

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Big enough cast. Storyline was a bit like Crank i thought. So unrealistic that at some points i thought it was purely a comedy.

Gruesome, funny parts. Jessica Alba, Lindsay Lohan, Michelle Rodriguez. Pretty much decent viewing.


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Does anyone know of a site that provides a general list of all the major movie releases of the past decade and perhaps even further back? I've got quite a bit of free time coming up and I'm rubbish at just picking up a film and watching it so fancied working back from 2010 toand try and catch up on all the good (and some bad) movies I've missed. Thanks in advance I hope!

You can filter by release date on IMDb, using this form.

Remember to check "feature film" or you'll get every TV episode released in that time as well.

When the list comes up sort by "Num Votes" as that will put the most watched ones to the top.

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You can filter by release date on IMDb, using this form.

Remember to check "feature film" or you'll get every TV episode released in that time as well.

When the list comes up sort by "Num Votes" as that will put the most watched ones to the top.

Cheers man, this is perfect. biggrin.gif

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Big enough cast. Storyline was a bit like Crank i thought. So unrealistic that at some points i thought it was purely a comedy.

Gruesome, funny parts. Jessica Alba, Lindsay Lohan, Michelle Rodriguez. Pretty much decent viewing.


How did I miss this post? Brilliant!

A film based on a character from Spy Kids, far too unrealistic, I agree! :lol: :lol:

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How did I miss this post? Brilliant!

A film based on a character from Spy Kids, far too unrealistic, I agree! :lol: :lol:

Spy kids? thought it was a Tarrantino film.

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Spy kids? thought it was a Tarrantino film.

His character was Antonio Banderas's brother in Spy Kids, which was directed by Robert Rodriguez. There was an ad for the Machete film in the Grindhouse Tarantino and Rodriguez double feature. And then Rodriguez directed the Machete film. Trejo and Rodriguez are cousins or something.

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Anaconda III (TV 2008)

Starring such a luminary in the acting field as David Hasselhoff, what can go wrong? Well quite a lot, but you can almost forgive anything which has the most typecast part in any film - the wealthy expedition benefactor as usual played by John Rhys-Davies. It makes me want to watch The Lost World!

The film itself was pretty awful, and came up with such words of wisdom as:

Where there's blood, there's more blood


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Take Shelter

I really fancied this but it didn't deliver. A bit too long, a bit too uneventful and a bit too unrewarding. I know it's been getting some great reviews but it just didn't do much for me.

On the positive side, the acting was good and some of the early dreams/hallucinations are interesting.


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