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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Thing (2011) - 7/10

A fairly decent film. I have seen all 3 adaptions based on the original story, and the 1982 Carpenter version is not only my favorite, but also my favorite Carpenter movie(It very narrowly beats Big trouble in little china). I thought at first when this film was announced it was gonna be another mindless remake which hollywood is plagued with currently. I did find it amusing that they were possibly remaking a remake, so my hopes were raised when i learned it was to be a prequel telling the tale of the norweigans who discovered the crash site.

I felt the film made a decent effort at capturing the feel of suspense and doubt over who was and wasnt infected, but it wasnt as apparent as it was in the 1982 version. Watching the base fall to pieces to the state it was in the carpenter movie was quite enjoyable, and i felt they did that justice. My only fault was that we see in the original that the Norweigan team used explosives to remove the ice surrounding the ship, i dont remember seeing this here. The sequence during the end credits tying up events to the begining of the original was a nice touch.

Overall id say this film is a faithful attempt to compliment the original carpenter film, and should be enjoyable for fans of the original. But as a horror movie is falls short of cutting it. The CG effects were a let down and i wish they had used the old school techniques that made the original a visual delight of gore.

Would have to go with big trouble in little China as my fav Carpenter film hence the user name but I really like the original thing as well.

The prequel is alright and certainly could have been a lot worse. I like the way it ties into the original with everything from the axe in the wall to the two face creature but In some ways it is more of a remake with the story almost the exact same.

In the prequel the thing shows itself at times which don't make sense. In the original it was much more clever and only revealed itself if it was trapped or had a decent chance taking somebody over.

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The Raid - 10/10

The best action movie i have ever seen, just all about action, really awesome.

A must see

agreed brillant film

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I cant wait to see it!

Limitless - 8.5/10.

Never fails to impress me this film, even on the 5th watch. All round a brilliant film.

Got a special advanced preview last Tuesday, fight sequences are excellent and brutual

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Drive (2011) 8/10

Fairly hyped up and can see why. An excellent film. I was not expecting as much violence that was on offer here and some of it had my face twitching. Albert Brookes puts in a perfect shift and having never really seen him have a role like this, I think he did a great.

The soundtrack really helped the film. The whole thing reminded me a bit of a GTA Vice City.

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Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 8/10

Read a few people on here saying they enjoyed it so I recorded it when it was on the other night. Thought Robert Downey Jr & Val Kilmer were brilliant and they played off each other really well. A bit different from most films I've seen too.....it's all over the place but kind of in a good way. Highly recommended.

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Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is one of my favourties. Maybe it's because I went into it with low expectations but it really is one of those movies that has good re-watching value about it IMO. I continue to recommend it to people and I rarely hear people having anything bad to say about it.

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Marvel Avengers Assemble

I eventually got round to seeing this, although in 2D rather than 3D.

I didn't know what to expect, but I didn't enjoy any of the preceding films (bar the first Iron Man, and even then that was a 6/10). First up, I really enjoyed it. Some very good dialogue - considering it's a proper comic book film (I wouldn't call the Nolanverse Batman to be a "proper" comic book film) - and a couple of excellent performances.

Mark Ruffalo is excellent as Bruce Banner. The Hulk is a bit meh, but Banner is excellent. Tom Hiddleston steals the show as Loki. Very good performance.

I wasn't too fussed about anyone else. Robert Downey Jr is what you expect (I'm starting to find him a tad boring now, but he was funny at times). I don't like Thor, and Captain America is dull. The Scarlett Johansson-Jeremy Renner chemistry was better than I expected, and I liked the Hawkeye character.

It's impressive to look at, with the special effects a joy to behold at times. Joss Whedon demonstrates why everyone is raving about his script-writing. The only poor points is Thor/Captain America being a total let-down and Scarlett Johansson being a bit annoying after a while. Incredibly attractive but when she isn't with Hawkeye is just glares moodily at everyone. A few Michael Bay style scenes which were needless IMO.

Fury and Coulson were decent enough, with both having some funny lines and just enough screen time.

Bonus points for Cobie Smulders/Scarlett Johansson/Gwyneth Paltrow (particularly Cobie Smulders). Good eye-candy for the male audience.

A solid 8/10. No higher though. Good fun with a good script and some surprisingly good performances - which Marvel films often lack.

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Limitless - 8.5/10.

Never fails to impress me this film, even on the 5th watch. All round a brilliant film.

Cant remember if I put it on here but Limitless is a very good film, much better than it looks. A decent watch and all that, nothing spectacular though.

Drive (2011) 8/10

Fairly hyped up and can see why. An excellent film. I was not expecting as much violence that was on offer here and some of it had my face twitching. Albert Brookes puts in a perfect shift and having never really seen him have a role like this, I think he did a great.

The soundtrack really helped the film. The whole thing reminded me a bit of a GTA Vice City.

Funnily enough I also watched this the other night. Definitely gave me something I didnt expect. Probably the best gangster-y film I've seen since The Departed. Not as much dialogue as I usually like but it really fits the film perfectly and adds to the overall atmosphere. Soundtrack is perfect, casting is very good.

10/10 for me

The Vice City thing is so much because of the title and credits, I felt the exact same way :lol:

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Avengers Assemble - 8/10

Eventually got around to seeing this today. Pretty glad I did, one of the better comic book type movies of recent years. Much love for RDJ returning as Tony Stark (much better than Iron Man 2 I might add). Also an honourable mention to Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansen for their parts, much better than expected.

The only thing that bugged me was how hyped up it had been to me. Yesterday I was told (straight faced) it was the best film ever.... Sadly, for me, it wasnt even the best superhero film ever (Nolan's Batman's(Batmen?*) and the Spiderman Trilogy are still better

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The only thing that bugged me was how hyped up it had been to me. Yesterday I was told (straight faced) it was the best film ever.... Sadly, for me, it wasnt even the best superhero film ever (Nolan's Batman's(Batmen?*) and the Spiderman Trilogy are still better

Emo Spider-man negates all.

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Emo Spider-man negates all.

Meh harsh, that storyline was pretty shit (mostly because he wasnt actually evil, just emo like you say), but it was still a good film even with that. Not sure how the new one will go, looks ok but it'll have to be pretty fucking good to beat the last 3 (in box office terms)

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The Crow - 7/10

Better than I thought it would be. Obviously has a big cult following but I never really fancied it, too much leather for me :P I decided to give it a go tonight though and it was well worth it. Quite a cheesy character (I like the fact he's different from other superheros though) and a pretty predictable story, but it comes together to be pretty cool. OK action scenes and a decent start put it up in my estimations, but the obvious last 20 minutes stopped it from being an 8 or 9.

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Meh harsh, that storyline was pretty shit (mostly because he wasnt actually evil, just emo like you say), but it was still a good film even with that. Not sure how the new one will go, looks ok but it'll have to be pretty fucking good to beat the last 3 (in box office terms)

Nah that story was crap and the Sandman is a shit villain. Venom, or more importantly Topher Grace, was the only decent thing about that film IMO.

Box Office numbers aren't necessarily indicative of the quality of a film. In this case, it's more that Spider-man 2 was so good and the expectation that 3 would be better was so high that people went and saw it.

I don't think it does, Garfield looks a lot more like Peter Parker should. Tobey McGuire isn't geeky enough, I think Garfield looks more nerdy. From the trailer, this Spider-man looks to be funnier, which is something the other three movies lacked.

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The Dictator-8/10

Funny and offensive, exactly what I've come to expect from a Sacha Baron Cohen flick. Not quite as good as the brilliant Borat but alot better than Bruno with plenty of offensive gags. The helicopter scene in particular was f@ckin hillarious!

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