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  • 2 weeks later...

Aaron Rex has been fucking gash. He's out of shape and his character has been pish. He's turning heel now though so hopefully that improves things.

That Team X Gold thing is shite as well. Why do X Division guys only wrestle each other? They can wrestle other folk on the roster and not just folk who are considered X Division guys. That's another thing; surely everyone is potentially an X Division guy? Sadly it seems that they've made it a cruiserweight division again (with a couple of exceptions). 

Eli Drake continues to be tremendous. He's got a shot at the WHC on the next Impact.

Incidentally, the Impact that aired last night had all of 4 matches. There were A LOT of recaps.

Oh, and Brandi Rhodes :wub:

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I have to say (and being a few weeks behind on Impact tapings) but TNA has been pretty decent recently. Which is a shame if they do end up being wound up soon / dont get picked up by a new station in the UK. Delete as appropriate)

Obviously you have Broken Matt who has went from being totally meh, to the greatest character in wrestling EVAH, the world title shouldn't be on eddie edwards (or should he be near it) but it looks like it could be interesting to see how Lashley gets it back with EC3, Moose and Eli Drake in the mix

Cody turning up adds something to the mix, Hopefully it goes better than Sandow / Rex who has been totally dull so far.

Add in Drew and Grado for a bit of scottish interest and they can put on a decent show.

As an aside, does anyone know whats happened with Magnus and Bram lately?


Edit to add just read spolier above so thats have of my question answered :)

Edited by honestly united
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