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5 minutes ago, Bowers said:

Think they could have goldberg destroying people in the royal rumble only for a returning lesnar to entire illegally to take him out. End with a wrestlemania rematch.

I think it's pretty obvious that this is the route they're taking.

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Have Goldberg come out in the second wave of the Rumble, give him the full entrance treatment with everyone in the ring doing their usual "OMFG look who's here" routine.  Have him eliminate everyone (it'll be only relative jobbers by that point) then celebrate for the remaining seconds before the next entrant.  Lesnar.  Have them batter the living shit out of each other until the next guy comes in (make it Ellsworth or something).  They completely ignore him and battle out eliminating each other, setting up a match at Wrestlemania.  Then after Ellsworth dances around like the odd looking fucker he is, Strowman comes in next and tears his arms off or something.

That seems to be the most obvious route they could take, but I'm not sure what they could really do with another Lesnar Goldberg match.  I don't think the latter can go for a long match, and neither can the former at the moment without resorting to suplex after suplex.  I'd far rather Lesnar moves onto something more interesting (if they manage to take this opportunity to make the character itself more interesting) and have Goldberg do something different.  Or maybe they'll go mental and have Goldberg win the Rumble or something.

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I don't see the point in Lesnar beating Goldberg at a future event. We've now got 2 credible 'monsters'. What would Lesnar gain from beating Goldberg? He'd still be 2-1 down. Pointless IMO. Move on like Taker did and allow both to flourish.

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At this stage I can't see who wins the Royal Rumble. I think maybe John Cena or Chris Jericho. Balor might be back in time for it though, I'm not really interested in seeing him win.

The money matches at WM 33 for me are:

The Undertaker (C) vs John Cena for the WWE World Championship.

Kevin Owens (C) vs Chris Jericho for the WWE Universal Championship.

Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg (meh).


I'd love to see another Shield vs Wyatt Family match but there's no way they do that, too many stars to put in one match.


Anyone want to try and throw together their WM33 card?

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Not sure about Owens vs Jericho.  Is it big enough?  Definitely building towards a feud, but it doesn't immediately scream Wrestlemania to me.  Of course, with the right build, it definitely could.

It's tough at this stage, but the one I would be annoyed about if it didn't happen is the Taker/Cena match you mention. I don't think it needs to be for the title, although it's definitely a sensible storyline to go down.  Bayley vs Charlotte is surely a lock, unless they throw Banks in there too.  Charlotte's run finally ending at WM with Bayley picking up her first title would be a great moment, but not sure what Banks does then.  Actually, apart from that, there isn't really anything that looks likely at the moment.  The brand split is too young, could even be that we get some draft trades before then that completely change the outlook.  We'll get the Battle Royal for all the jobbers, we'll get an IC ladder match I imagine.  I think Shaq and Big Show are pretty much guaranteed (ooft...cannae wait).  

I'd actually go along with a Shield Reunion to be honest.  I don't think you necessarily need any of the three in singles matches.  Rollins may well end up against HHH (although surely that isn't going to get dragged out until then), and there's still little appetite for Reigns to be a singles star.  Ambrose hasn't really worked out how most hoped, so putting them together would be absolutely huge with the right opposition.  Doesn't need to be the Wyatts either.


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I'll play...

To set up - Cena to win the Rumble, Taker to win the Elimination Chamber WWE title match. Finn Balor to win the Universal title on his return at Fastlane against KO...Sami Zayn to win the IC in a rematch against the Miz at the Rumble...Some sort of triple threat no1 contenders match between Reigns, Owens and Strowman at a Raw leading up to Mania for the Universal shot which Braun surprise wins...

Mania 33:

Big Show vs Shaq

IC ladder match - Zayn(c), Owens, Ziggler, Miz + whoever else needs a spot

Goldberg vs Reigns

Styles vs Michaels

Rollins vs HHH

Raw women's title - Charlotte (c) vs Bayley 

Universal - Balor (c) vs Strowman

WWE title and career on the line  - Undertaker (c) vs Cena

Got a fair few part timers vs regular guys which leaves the likes of Wyatt's, Ambrose, Lesnar, Jericho if he's still around, with nothing I can think of...no idea what to do with them

Edited by Christophe
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AJ Styles vs Undertaker for WWE World Championship

Seth Rollins vs HHH vs Finn Balor for Universal Championship

Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Randy Orton vs Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper and Erik Rowan

Braun Strowman vs John Cena

IC Ladder Match: Miz, Ziggler, Zayn, Owens, Jericho, Corbin

Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar

Some other shite

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Interesting you've got IC switching sides, now that it's on SmackDown I just couldn't see it, there's no depth to pull that off. you'd end up with something like Miz, Ziggler, Corbin, Kalisto, Crews & Hawkins :lol:. I like the multi brand ladder match idea, great shout. Is Reigns just holding on to the US throughout this period? Could he feasibly drop it without completely losing face in the run up to Mania. 

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8 minutes ago, JamieStevenson said:

Interesting you've got IC switching sides, now that it's on SmackDown I just couldn't see it, there's no depth to pull that off. you'd end up with something like Miz, Ziggler, Corbin, Kalisto, Crews & Hawkins :lol:. I like the multi brand ladder match idea, great shout. Is Reigns just holding on to the US throughout this period? Could he feasibly drop it without completely losing face in the run up to Mania. 

Yeah ladder would have to be cross brand to get the best mix wouldn't it, even if the title went to Raw for a bit between RR and Mania...

Ha, never even considered Reigns has the US title...it's such an irrelevance isn't it. Let's just say he holds it but it's not brought up as the Goldberg match is billed as a generation vs generation type thing instead. Or he could give it up as a stipulation to get into the triple threat no1 contenders match maybe, comes out with nothing.

Edited by Christophe
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