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I can understand why they need keep Cena looking strong ahead of the probable rematch with The Rock at Wrestlemania. I don't understand why Ziggler has to be the fall guy every single time though. Dolph's talent should be more than enough to make him a main eventer for years to come, however you have to start to wonder how many more times he can be jobbed out before he loses all credibility.

Get your money on Zigger being eliminated from the Rumble and pinnned cleanly in the Chamber by Cena.

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Well that saves me a lot of bother.

The way he's booked in matches is extreme bizzaro world stuff though. At least the Lesnar one didn't do too much harm because Lesnar looked absolutely astonishing for 30 minutes before it happened, and it was two MASSIVE moves that toppled him.

I can't think of the many times that he cleanly lost a match. Sheamus in the tables match might be the last time. People like Umaga, Alberto Del Rio have been made to look stronger than most in victory, but didn't get a proper clean win.

See, the Sheamus win at TLC was good. It was sort of a fluke, so Cena didn't look weak, and it let Sheamus have the distinction of a win (plus the title). Now they wouldn't dream of having Cena lose at all, no matter how. f**k sake, even Stone Cold lost on occasion when he was cheap shotted or attacked outside the ring etc. f**k sake, he lost the 99 Rumble to Vince McMahon after the Rock distracted him, yet still looked strong and went on to win the title.

Oh, and before I forget... Team Nexus vs. Team WWE at Summerslam one year.


I can understand why they need keep Cena looking strong ahead of the probable rematch with The Rock at Wrestlemania. I don't understand why Ziggler has to be the fall guy every single time though. Dolph's talent should be more than enough to make him a main eventer for years to come, however you have to start to wonder how many more times he can be jobbed out before he loses all credibility.

Get your money on Zigger being eliminated from the Rumble and pinnned cleanly in the Chamber by Cena.

If they have to job folk out to Cena, they have a massive selection. Ziggler should be getting pushed as the next top level guy. He's being made to look like crap though.

Anyway, just finished watching Raw. Was alright. Thought they would have made more of the 20th Anniversary thing. Team Hell No were quality as always. Rhodes Scholars were also decent. Surprisingly little from Punk. Cena's small locker room promo was dreadful. Is he even trying any more? No big appearances though. Remember, Brock Lesnar signed a 1 year contract, so is still contracted until Mania, and I'm sure his contract called for a certain number of matches, so unless he's ill again, he'll surely be involved in Mania. Can't see him appearing until after Elimination Chamber though, same with Taker is he's going to be wrestling at Mania.

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Probably one of the strongest arguments to your point. Cena is left with Justin Gabriel and Wade Barrett. Takes a fucking STORMING, and then gets comatosed with a Hanging DDT on the concrete at ringside. He bounces up and pins one with the AA and then makes the other tap quick as hell.

Probably the most annoying example of the mad booking.

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Probably one of the strongest arguments to your point. Cena is left with Justin Gabriel and Wade Barrett. Takes a fucking STORMING, and then gets comatosed with a Hanging DDT on the concrete at ringside. He bounces up and pins one with the AA and then makes the other tap quick as hell.

Probably the most annoying example of the mad booking.

Ah right! I'd forgotten about that ending! Fucking ludicrous!

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The Rock is somehow managing to come up with even worse promos than he did in the Cena feud. He was being booed out of the building for this schtick in 2002, it could well happen again in 2013 if he doesn't up his game.

The difference is that he was a heel then, and while doing that schtick first time round was also arrogant and self-serving with it, so he was trying to get booed, which made it hugely entertaining. Not so much as a face using "Cena-esque" insults now though.

It's just stupid. Interference, hit with cage door, distracted then hit with Zig Zag. All good opportunities to have him lose and still look strong. But noooo.

Yeah, I legitimately don't see who the result benefits. Cena doesn't need the win as he's as established as it's possible to be, while Ziggler is on the absolute cusp of being a top level star, a couple of wins over Cena would probably be the final push he needs.

It looks terrible on Langston as well. His gimmick in NXT was that he was an unstoppable monster and his finisher was so powerful that he'd give his opponents a 5 count, which no one ever broke. His 2nd night on Raw and Cena - having already been battered by Ziggler - kicks out of it after two? How weak does that make him look as Ziggler's enforcer? Utterly bizarre booking!

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Probably one of the strongest arguments to your point. Cena is left with Justin Gabriel and Wade Barrett. Takes a fucking STORMING, and then gets comatosed with a Hanging DDT on the concrete at ringside. He bounces up and pins one with the AA and then makes the other tap quick as hell.

Probably the most annoying example of the mad booking.

Looked back on this finish, and the worst thing is that he doesn't even hit Gabriel with the AA. Gabriel goes for his tope rope finisher (I forget the name of it), misses and Cena bounces up and rolls him up for a 3 count. Barret then comes in, he hits the STFU and makes him tap after about 10 seconds. Ridiculous.

Edit: Aye, didn't see that above.

Edited by Big River
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I enjoyed Raw last night. I stopped watching it live after the Sheamus/3MB match (because it was late and I needed to get up early today)

Punk's "facts" promo was amazing again. So was Ziggler's backstage one after AJ's wedding recap. He looked like he was gonna cry but brought a weird intensity to it. Great stuff.

The cage match was good, apart from the finish and inevitable Cena win. Ziggler is crawling out and Cena clearly fucks up the timing, he managed to run and jump up the cage so he could slam the door on Ziggler. Makes it ridiculous when you see wrestlers slowly climb the cage if he can just up and climb in in 2 seconds. Nothing to add about the Cena win, it's frustrating when Ziggler gives such a good performance only to get buried...AGAIN.

The Heyman song was shite. The Vicki swerve was funny though. Another Rock promo tainted by being able to hear the commentary laugh at his stuff, it's like a fucking laugh track, over exaggerating the funny stuff and showing up what's meant to be funny but isn't. Rock didn't really hit Punk with anything though, another week of Punk coming out looking a lot better than The Rock...

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Watching it now, up to the Cena cage match. Decent Raw so far, gotta say tho, fair play to Cena giving his hat and shirt to that disabled girl in the Cena top. The lassie looked so chuffed and ill bet it will be one of her favorite memories in her life.

Ziggler and Rybacks promos were samey, kinda generic, they need a little practice still. Enjoyed everything with Rhode Scholars/ Hell No tonight, could have used longer matches but entertaining none the less.

Delighted to see Foley finally getting his rightful place in the Hall of Fame, Foley is God for a reason. Amazed taker isn't in it yet, id like to see him get in this year.

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The Rock's promos have been good, but they've been standard Rock promos (not that I'm knocking them). But Punk has out promo'd him each time, he just keeps topping them every time, but all the kids in the crowd just seem to love the "Cookie Puss" patter.

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I didn't notice anything special about punks promo, maybe I wasn't giving it full attention cause it felt like a regular heel promo, ill rewatch it tomorrow.

Rocks bit at the end was a little silly I'm premise but ill gladly watch Vicki get snagged any day.

More mental stuff from AJ. Tbh I was bored of it 6 month ago when I stopped watching. Her screaming like a bull on heat just made her look a rite twat.

Bring back the hardcore title and give it to Ryback so he has an excuse to be fed more

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I didn't notice anything special about punks promo, maybe I wasn't giving it full attention cause it felt like a regular heel promo, ill rewatch it tomorrow.

More mental stuff from AJ. Tbh I was bored of it 6 month ago when I stopped watching. Her screaming like a bull on heat just made her look a rite twat.

It just had a great delivery about it, so much feeling and anger from Punk in it.

I quite liked that and feel she should be doing more crazy stuff when she's at ringside rather than just standing being quiet. I also like the idea of Ziggler aligning himself with a bunch of weirdos (I hate to admit it but I liked John Cena's "Band of Misfits" line), I would make Big E seem weirder by never speaking though (as of right now he's just a very strong bodyguard) and have AJ ramp up the craziness.

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To briefly go back to Cena, another thing about him that really annoys me is how he powers out of submission holds. The way he just stands up when in a hold is terrible, and makes the hold and thus the guy applying it look shit. No one elsd does it, and i cant remember anyone doing it in the past

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The Rock's promos have been good, but they've been standard Rock promos (not that I'm knocking them). But Punk has out promo'd him each time, he just keeps topping them every time, but all the kids in the crowd just seem to love the "Cookie Puss" patter.

The Rock's two Raw promo's were pretty average but his Smackdown one with team Scholers genuinely had me laughing. Sandow & Rhodes should be given credit for making that segment work so well.

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To briefly go back to Cena, another thing about him that really annoys me is how he powers out of submission holds. The way he just stands up when in a hold is terrible, and makes the hold and thus the guy applying it look shit. No one elsd does it, and i cant remember anyone doing it in the past

His face never changing when in the hold doesn't help the other guy either. Deadly sleeper hold? Looks bored throughout. Way to sell it, Cena.

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Really frustrated again by the whole Cena-Ziggler match but wouldn't be saying anything that hasn't been covered already.

Wade Barrett getting the clean win over Randy Orton was surprising. Hopefully that helps elevate Barrett and Orton can turn heel soon.

Although it seems obvious, I'm utterly convinced that the Rock will win the title and Cena will win the Royal Rumble then beat the Rock at Wrestlemania. Personally, I'd love Punk to hang on to the title but the Rock winning it would be slightly nostalgic too. Looks like we're going to have a couple of rematches in Cena-Rock and Triple H-Lesnar though. Suppose that maybe means Punk-Undertaker.

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Not sure it Cena is all to blame for his current matches, it depends on the booking after all. I totally agree that it's stupid that he is nigh undefeatable atm, and its being preformed shitely. But we don't know if he is insisting he never loses face or its simply the lackluster writing. It wouldn't surprise me tho if he did moan about never losing a match.

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