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Monday Night Raw Live


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Great show made by an even better crowd. Ziggler the clear highlight. But who is in the picture to challenge Cena? Henry won't work and Ryback would just be face v face again. Could be an interesting triple threat I suppose but would be an easy retain for Super Cena vs the behemoths.

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A friend of mine was there last night and posted this on Facebook.

They were singing Fandangos music half an hour after it finished in the car park, everyone was honking there horns to the song.

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For the first time, I really felt they made good use of the three hours, didn't drag at all.

Also, is that the start of a Ryback heel turn or will he stay face against Cena? The WWE seemed to have successfully turned Cena heel without actually turning him if that makes sense. He is now more hated than he ever would have been if they officially turned him. And because he is officially a babyface he can still do all the make a wish and merchandise crap. Have to say hats off to them if they have meant it, having him this way allows them to keep all the stuff they were worried about losing whilst also having him a heel to the crowd and in matches. If they can pull this off, it will have been genius in my opinion. I suppose the real test will be next week with a 'normal' crowd

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Fucking brilliant Raw. Far, far, far superior to Wrestlemania in every way. The matches were better, the crowd was incomparably better, the show flowed much better and things were actually progressed.

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The matches were better and things were actually progressed.

Were they though? Big E/Bryan wasn't any better than the tag match, Barrett/Miz was utterly pointless and makes Miz look shit, Del Rio/Swagger wasn't better either. Orton and Sheamus was an atrocious match, as was Henry/Cena.

Apart from Ziggler winning, The Shield/Taker spot and Ryback turning (whether it was just on Cena or full heel turn), it was quite a bland Raw, in terms of story.

We shouldn't forget that the crowd absolutely shat on those Sheamus/Orton and Henry/Cena matches.

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Wonder whether the Fandango thing will catch on like Bryan last year.

Dunno with American audiences. Seemed like there was a huge British contingent last night so they sounded a lot like football chants (I'd love to start that one at Firhill tomorrow night!).

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