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Kofi Kingston at one time used to act like he card. No wonder he doesn't anymore. He had a great push, looked great in it, could talk and had cracking matches. Randy Orton complains about one move he did and he got put into the midcard never to be seen again.

WWE committed the cardinal sin last night. Take a popular gimmick and shove it down the throats instantly. I can't remember the last time that worked.

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He should be getting his books, he's pish.

I take it this wasn't much of a show?

Brutal. They should have left Fandango well alone in light of last week but he was trying to gee the crowd up to 'go Fandangoing'.

Cesaro returns to lose to Kofi and Ziggler loses to Swagger.

Only interesting thing that happened was a cool heel promo from Ryback.

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Ryback's promo was quality. Got to say I was not a fan of his at all, but he's winning me round. And of course almost anyone opposite Cena is better than him.

Agree with all that's been said about Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan Goooooooooooooooooo. They've really fucked it up. Hopefully the crowd next week can save it.

Crowd reaction for Ziggler was rank as well. And AJ really needs to cut out the skipping now; it's immensely shit and irritating now.

There doesn't seem to be any talk of it on here, but The Shield Vs Team Hell No and Undertaker next week on Raw sounds fucking immense.

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The two faces vs one heel handicap match was pretty weird. Don't think i've seen that before.

The US title gets further devalued with another pointless Kingston run. We should change the Ziggler job watch to Cesaro i reckon, poor lads been getting buried lately. He is awesome on the mic yet they have replaced his walk-on promos with this yodelling crap.

Agree the 'Fandangoing' thing was cringeworthy in the extreme.

Ryback thing was ok, but questions still remain over him talking live after staring blankly at Cena during their bit later on. They probably spent the whole day getting that segment taped. Guess he's gone full heel now after the Shield walk-off.

Terrible Raw for me, even the ever reliable Punk can't save it with his spot, which was kinda weird.

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There doesn't seem to be any talk of it on here, but The Shield Vs Team Hell No and Undertaker next week on Raw sounds fucking immense.

I thought that'd be a PPV match. Bryan to heel turn?

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Guess the rumour I heard was wrong. I reckon we will see him before the end of the year though.

I can't see Batista coming back any time soon. He's got the role as Drax The Destroyer in the Guardians Of The Galaxy film which is due out next year. He'll be filming that for ages. Then there's the possibility of being in the 2nd Avengers film in a few years.

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I didn't think RAW was that bad obviously it's not a patch on the 90s now but we expect too much these days after what was a fantastic era and i'm getting a bit bored of the Cena pushes too but reading on here week after week how shite he is etc is getting boring when each and every one of you know if they turned him heel he would be the best thing since sliced bread to all of you since everyone on here is a heel mark.

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I didn't think RAW was that bad obviously it's not a patch on the 90s now but we expect too much these days after what was a fantastic era and i'm getting a bit bored of the Cena pushes too but reading on here week after week how shite he is etc is getting boring when each and every one of you know if they turned him heel he would be the best thing since sliced bread to all of you since everyone on here is a heel mark.

You seem to think this is some sort of big revelation. Most on here would love it if Cena turned heel, and have repeatedly said so. The fact that many think he would be such a good heel is one of the main reasons so many are so bored and annoyed with his shite act.

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I can't see Batista coming back any time soon. He's got the role as Drax The Destroyer in the Guardians Of The Galaxy film which is due out next year. He'll be filming that for ages. Then there's the possibility of being in the 2nd Avengers film in a few years.

I don't think they'll have him in the Avengers film, his character doesn't really come to Earth all too often from what I recall.

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Is The Shield v Undertaker / Hell No match definitely on Raw? I've just seen it advertised for Smackdown

The commentators definitely said it was on Raw next week at least a couple of times.

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The commentators definitely said it was on Raw next week at least a couple of times.

Excellent. Was watching last weeks Smackdown and they said Undertaker would definitely be there and I was sure I'd heard him advertised for a match that night as well.

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Kofi Kingston must consume a midcard title once every few months or he will die.

The forced Fandango stuff is just embarrassing. Referencing it would be fine, but I'd rather we had it done with a touch of subtlety than fucking Lawler coming out to the ring, saying "HEY GUYS YOU LIKE TO FANDANGO LOL LOOK AT ALL THESE GUYS FANDANGOING WE'RE SO MAINSTREAM AND RELEVANT!", showing the cringeworthy video clips, trying to get everyone to do it in the crowd and failing... basically the WWE sucking its own cock. These things should be done organically.

Or have Fandango *hate* people singing his theme because they aren't doing it justice and insult them for it - a heelish thing to do, and keeps the crowd doing it to piss him off.

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Or have Fandango *hate* people singing his theme because they aren't doing it justice and insult them for it - a heelish thing to do, and keeps the crowd doing it to piss him off.

The O2 is gonna absolutely mad fur it in a couple of weeks. UK crowds are always better. Can't wait for a live Raw at the Hydro, there must be one in the future.

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Do they really think that this process of champions losing non-title matches is working? That was Dolph Ziggler, Kaitlyn & Wade Barrett all losing non-title matches last night. Is the only way you can get involved in the title picture to beat the champion? What ever happened to number one contenders matches? It gets to the stage where the champion looks quite weak and it's not really a big deal when they lose the title, which leads me to my next point.

The crowd was pretty dead for Kofi Kingston's US Title win and I'm pretty sure most at home were too. On one hand you've got Antonio Cesaro, a guy with the potential to be a top star in all ways in the WWE who's been pretty badly used for the last couple of months, losing non-title matches then not even getting a spot on the Wrestlemania card. Then, you have Kofi Kingston. Perennial lower mid-card wrestler who's had many, many chances to break through but the crowd never quite engages with him. Don't get me wrong, I quite like Kofi and think he's quite good to watch, but he's had many chances at this level and it never happens for him. The crowd almost fall to total silence every time his music comes on. Reading back the comments and a few of you are saying hopefully Cesaro can move on up to the World Title level from here. I think he's good enough and I'd like him to but the way he's been used recently I can see him going downwards. Really hope I'm wrong. In saying that, I was hoping one of the faces would get the Intercontinental or US title soon as I'd quite like Damien Sandow to get involved in a feud at that level, another I feel is being criminally underused.

Edited by LAGer
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