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I already have tickets to WM30 and Raw in New Orleans. Pretty pissed off if Punk won't be there. Probably down to the recent horrendous booking (by recent I mean past 3 years). But yeah I'm sure that was all part of Vince's plan too. Good job, Vince.

Edited by GiGi
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People should start fantasy booking a work-shoot angle where Punk and Bryan inavde the WWE NWO/2 Man Power Trip style and target the chosen ones of Cena, Orton and Batista.

Before one of them becomes a corporate sell out, turns on the other the resultatnt feud headlines Mania 31.

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Raw is in Chicago a month before Mania. Wonder how the crowd will react to that. To be honest there's no point in Punk being around right now. He should have been headlining WM28 or 29 and now the best they can find for him is supposedly a feud with corporate Kane well away from any main events or title shots. Minging.

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Aye I've just been reading about this. He's been pulled from all upcoming house shows, although apparently is still advertised for Elimination Chamber. His contract runs out in a few months and no one knows if he'll re-sign or not. He's pretty over with the crowd, but they really dropped the ball with him after his 'Pipe bomb' speech and beating Cena at MITB. They drained him of his heat then turned him in to a generic heel. Once again they continued to push Cena in the main event, even though he wasn't the champion. No wonder he's pissed off.

Punk's contract runs out in the summer, June or July.

Remember the original Nexus?

It's members were;

Wade Barrett

Daniel Bryan

Husky Harris

Skip Sheffield

Michael Migilicutty

Darren Young

Heath Slater

Justin Gabriel

This group was routinely annihilated single handedly by John Cena. He ended them after winning some bullshit match or other.

That group contained guys that became Bray Wyatt and Ryback, Curtis Axel, and of course had Daniel Bryan. Wade Barrett was the leader and was given the strongest push. All were smashed by Super Cena. And they wonder why they don't have more main event guys!

On Chris Jericho's podcast, he and Edge were talking about that match and they both pleaded heavily to try and put Barrett over but Cena refused. Cena admitted later that it was a mistake.

It is an absolute joke though, with the exception of Bryan and Wyatt, they're all fucked now. Fair enough Ryback was given the push but he was too green and even then, he got buried a bit by The Shield and Punk. Justin Gabriel doesn't even get on tv anymore!

Harris was in it.

Only briefly, him and McGillicutty joined Barrett's after the initial Nexus invasion (I think to boost their numbers after Tarver left, Bryan got fired and Sheffield/Ryback injured his ankle).

When they faced the WWE team at Summerslam it was Barrett, Gabriel, Slater, Tarver, Young, Otunga and Sheffield.

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Following up on CM Punk being pulled from upcoming WWE shows, all we can do at this time is speculate. Punk has not had much contact with anyone since Sunday’s Royal Rumble pay-per-view, however, I was told some things on Tuesday that could play into what has happened.

The proposed plan for Punk at Wrestlemania XXX was for him to face Triple H in a singles match, however, the talk backstage at Raw on Monday night was the company might have to give that match to Daniel Bryan in response to the crowd hijacking Royal Rumble. As I reported in this week’s Backstage Raw News, Vince was adamant about not changing initial plans for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania and the most prominently talked about match for Bryan at the pay-per-view was one against Hunter.

Given the fact Triple H was CM Punk’s proposed Wrestlemania opponent, this left him without a match. According to my source, Punk would then be bumped down the card to face Kane in the “6th match on the show” and he was very upset about that.

Adding to the speculation is the fact Punk’s WWE contract is up in July and he legitimately hasn’t told anyone whether he plans to re-sign or essentially retire from the wrestling business. Those close to Punk have made it clear he hasn’t been happy with the direction of his character lately and it’s unknown if he’s bored or just wants more but the feeling is it’s not one of optimism or excitement.

When Punk didn’t appear on Raw as advertised on Monday night, I checked with multiple sources to find out if there was more to it or if he was simply “written out.” This is when I was told the situation about Wrestlemania and the fact he had not been returning phone calls or text messages since Sunday.

Word has come out that CM Punk has left WWE, according to sources for the Wrestling Observer and PWInsider.

After being re-written out of the script for Raw, Punk reportedly told Vince McMahon he was going home and that he wasn't coming back. The company responded by pulling him from all of his scheduled WWE dates going forward.

Punk was scheduled to face Triple H at WrestleMania 30, but as we saw on Raw, early signs may have been shown that Triple H will be facing Daniel Bryan at Mania instead. No word if the match change is what caused Punk to leave, or if the match was changed because Punk left. ProWrestling.net reports that Bryan VS HHH is, indeed, the current plan for Mania.

In the past, Punk had been very vocal about "part-time" wrestlers returning to WWE and getting pushed ahead of guys who are there on a nightly basis, and that may be a reason for him being upset. PWInsider says that Punk's final goal for his time with WWE was to main event WrestleMania, and with his current contract expiring in July, and with it becoming more and more apparent that he would not be main eventing Mania this year, his failure to achieve that goal may be a driving force for his departure.

All signs indicate that this is not a work, but we'll pass on any more information as it comes in.

Sources: Wrestling Observer, PWInsider.com, ProWrestling.net

- As noted, CM Punk has been removed from WWE events going forward after reportedly informing Vince McMahon at Monday's RAW that he was going home. Punk reportedly told Vince and other WWE officials this in a meeting before the show went on the air.

While Punk vs. Triple H was planned for WrestleMania XXX, word now is that Triple H will be facing Daniel Bryan in New Orleans this April.

While Punk is under contract through July, he is no longer factored into company plans. According to one source, the original script for Monday's RAW had Punk losing to Antonio Cesaro after Kane interfered, allowing Cesaro to qualify for the Elimination Chamber. Another source denies that and says Punk was never scheduled to wrestle Monday night and was only scheduled for an in-ring promo at Kane. Punk was not backstage during RAW and was not at SmackDown last night. It's believed that the late RAW re-write at 6pm on Monday was because Punk had just informed officials he was going home and wouldn't be back.

Punk leaving is being described as a situation where he's unhappy and burnt out with the overall direction of the company. There's also a feeling among wrestlers that Punk has saved his money and just doesn't need it any more, even the big WrestleMania payday that was coming up.

Following the Royal Rumble on Sunday, Punk's mood was described as "pissy" but that's not an unusual description of Punk's demeanor backstage. One source believed that since Punk's last goal was to work a WrestleMania main event, it may be a situation where he realized it wasn't going to happen this year and with his WWE deal expiring in July, that may have weighed down upon him because he was so goal driven and this was one he couldn't accomplish because of elements that were outside of his control.

Punk wrote the following on Twitter Monday:

"Thanks for all the support. Keep being you guys, it's pretty cool."

Sources: PWinsider and F4Wonline


Edited by Eoin Doyle
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WWE should tell Punk not to bother coming back.

I'd say they need Punk more than Punk needs them. He doesn't strike me as one to live lavishly and if the Champion still gets a bonus then he'll have quite a bit of money from his title reign.

Punk is a p***k but I don't blame him for walking out, the WWE is a shambles right now.

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Correct. HHH can take this huge ego with him and f**k off

Don't get me wrong, HHH is rightly an all time great, but we've seen him vs Punk and him vs Bryan achieves nothing. It's not about him any more. He needs to step aside.

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Why does HHH feel the need to put himself in over guys more deserving. He has been pish since Mania last year and it is a shambles guys of Punks calibre are being misused like this in the first place, never mind being placed in a match most of the WWE fans do not be tuning into Mania at this rate. PISH.

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Cena and orton should be in the stage of their careers where they only hold the title sparingly, or are used to put over younger wrestlers. The rock and Austin were kept fresher in the past by changing between heel and face characters. Cena has been a face since 2004. And it's the same face, it's boring now.

Orton has done nothing either.

The fact the wwe push a star, let them win a title then drop them back down after they lose to cena is pathetic. Ziggler, Cesaro, sandow, Bryan, punk and barret should have all been involved in the main event scene since 2011. There's probably more that I can't remember that have been screwed. I remember reading barret was meant to face taker at wrestlemania but HHH wanted that fight, and took it,

Vince is going to regret this I thinks

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People that spend money care about HHH. I watch f**k all wrestling now and I'll be far more likely to fork out for Wrestlemania for HHH than Punk's skinny fat ass.

Different debate altogether, but HHH is unquestionably one of the top 5 wrestlers in history. Better than Shawn Michaels for one.

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People that spend money care about HHH. I watch f**k all wrestling now and I'll be far more likely to fork out for Wrestlemania for HHH than Punk's skinny fat ass.

Different debate altogether, but HHH is unquestionably one of the top 5 wrestlers in history. Better than Shawn Michaels for one.




Gotta use up all my Punk GIFs before they become irrelevant.

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