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People that spend money care about HHH. I watch f**k all wrestling now and I'll be far more likely to fork out for Wrestlemania for HHH than Punk's skinny fat ass.

Different debate altogether, but HHH is unquestionably one of the top 5 wrestlers in history. Better than Shawn Michaels for one.

HHH is good, but can he do it on a wet, windy Tuesday night in Stoke?

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Apparently he made the decision to leave when he found out Batista was winning the rumble and main eventing Mania and that it should have been him or Bryan given the work they have put in over the last year and not an out of shape wrestler.

Also wasn't happy with facing HHH at Mania and with whatever they have planned for Bryan.

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And have him go to TNA/ROH/Japan and get them ratings? Can't see that. They may release him immediately if he signs a no compete clause similar to the one with Brock.

Lets face it, even if he went to TNA and got them a bigger rise in ratings than expected, they still wouldn't be anywhere near the same ballpark as WWE.

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Shuggie_Murray7, on 29 Jan 2014 - 21:25, said:

And that meand WWE would be cool with it? They'd go all out from wirking anywhere at least in the US.

The WWE let Kurt Angle go. Granted, different circumstances and they probably wouldn't 'happily' let him go, they'd probably prevent it, but if it did happen, WWE would still comfortably be the number 1 show and wouldn't really suffer for more than a few weeks.

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If Punk wanted to wrestle for other companies, he'd just let his contract run out as it expires in June ( I think, someone said when earlier in the thread). Why the f**k would he sign a no compete agreement?!

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If Punk's quitting he'll go home, watch some hockey, go to a few UFC shows and shag AJ. He's not been a w**k with his money and he doesn't need wrestling.

This stinks of a work to me btw. I fully expect a Foley/Punk/Bryan "we're unconventional I hate you HHH you and your corporate musclebound pretty boy mates are ruining the business for us hard workers" style stable.

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If Punk's quitting he'll go home, watch some hockey, go to a few UFC shows and shag AJ. He's not been a w**k with his money and he doesn't need wrestling.

This stinks of a work to me btw. I fully expect a Foley/Punk/Bryan "we're unconventional I hate you HHH you and your corporate musclebound pretty boy mates are ruining the business for us hard workers" style stable.

I could see Foley's being a work but not Punk, he's a c**t and they had to do huge reworks when he bailed.

Spoiler about what he was supposed to do regarding someone in the Elimination Chamber, it's going to happen so it's a spoiler

He was supposed to lose to Cesaro with help from Kane.

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I'm a big fan of HHH, there's no doubt he is one of the all time greats. But better than Shawn Michaels? Not a chance in hell, Michaels is quite simply the greatest there has ever been.

The WWE's problems can mostly be summed up by one word, Cena. As it's been said previously everyone with proper talent gets buried to keep I'm on top, his matches are fucking terrible, his character hasn't changed in a decade. He is fucking awful. Brining back these part timers doesn't help either. Batista fucks off for 4 years and comes back and effortlessly gets the main event at wrestlemania while the talent keeps working for scraps. It's fucking pathetic and the show is fucking awful for it.

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