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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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not wanting to get embroiled in a crowd w**k but your crowd at Starks the last time wasn`t much better


It's a moot point in all honesty, I remember the club stating that they were going to be budgeting for 7000 and rightly being laughed at. There was no way in Hell Rovers would bring anything near what they did 2 years ago but away crowds should not been budgeted for and looked upon as a bonus

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His attempt to blame our financial difficulties on other clubs was at best laughable and at worst down right offensive. The man is a fucking clown.

It's near enough impossible to correctly project away supports as nobody has any real idea how each club will be performing when the fixture arrives. Budget for the worst case scenario and you'll never be disappointed.

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Blaming the fixture list was laughable as well. They were no secret and the fact that we finished bottom of the SPL means we should have been planning for the First Division fixture list and not having fanciful hopes of getting a reprieve from the SPL.

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Yeah, I can't understand why we're budgeting for away crowds. Surely to God you try to budget for projected home crowds, and the following the away team bring is a bonus?

I still don't get why GM is going on about a lack of home games. In the league, we've played 11 games at home. The same as Thistle. The same as the Rovers. Some teams have had less home games, Morton in fact I think have played one more league game at home than us. And we've had Aberdeen at home in the League Cup, with a home Scottish Cup tie on Saturday. I just find that rationale to be a complete nonsense - especially when we know exactly when our league fixtures are going to fall.

It's a pitiful excuse.

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His attempt to blame our financial difficulties on other clubs was at best laughable and at worst down right offensive. The man is a fucking clown.

It's near enough impossible to correctly project away supports as nobody has any real idea how each club will be performing when the fixture arrives. Budget for the worst case scenario and you'll never be disappointed.

Totally agree jimmy 85. Rovers away support is down this year granted but we are playing very poor at the moment not like two year ago when it was a top of the table clash, Like wise this season at san starko the pars away support well down on what it normally is, The country is in a recession and football is too expensive at the moment. Im really feeling it for the Pars fans at the moment cos clearly the Pars BOD have made an almighty cock up by going by the attendances they had the last time they were in the first divsion when setting this seasons budget . Luckly for the Rovers we have budgeted more prudently but the downside is a much poorer squad of players. Think the best thing for the Pars fans is dont give that clown Gm any more money and try and continue with the buyout by the fans. Best of luck

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Ok an interesting evening at the "Pars Alive" meeting tonight. Will just go through the notes I took during the meeting and what I think were the key points.

  • Masteron and the Board are "very, very confident" that they have been successful in their time at the club.
  • Dunfermline Athletic pays no rent for East End Park and won't for the next 25-30 years
  • Youth development costs around £200K per annum (Under 20 and Under 17 squads. Under 17s are run by "Black and White")
  • Club has no bank debt.
  • Professional accountant helped with budget and all Board members looked it over and agreed with it
  • Home crowds are up but blame for cash flow issues was placed on very low away crowds and lack of home fixtures. The example given was Rovers who overall brought 2000 less to EEP this season compared to our last season in the First Division.
  • Pars in the Community offer is/was "completely unacceptable" GM reasoning for this was a lack of transparency of who exactly is involved and was also unhappy at stories in the media.
  • Club is implenting a share issue. It is ready to go, pending legal approval.
  • If successful, three supporters would be brought onto the Board. Shares were likely to be £1 each. Advantages of buying shares and the hierarchy of the proposed new club structure were shown on the screen. I am going to try and get my hands on those slides as I think it would be beneficial for as many people to look them over as possible.
  • 8 week plan to sort the short term cash flow issues which includes the moving of Pitreavie to the charitable Pars Trust. This will remove a cost to the club and GM says that they will be able to pay HMRC "every last penny owed"
  • GM talked about a potential sponsorship deal that would be "probably the biggest in the club's history" He mentioned that it had gone cold recently though due to club in-fighting and uncertainity.
  • It costs the club £200k per month just to keep the club alive. £2.4 million per year. Club is looking to reduce this to £150K from next season.
  • Crucial that the club continues its development of young players. Example was given that the midfield against Livingston's combined age and wages were equal to Martin Hardie last season (This was a joke by GM, I should point out!)
  • Club has a higher average attendance than St Johnstone but they received £1.2 million at the start of the season from the SPL whilst DAFC have only received £10K at this time from the SFL.
  • Bob Purvis said that GM was "shellshocked" when five directors walked out on the club.
  • BP was also "disgusted" by comments written online about GM, saying he had dedicated his life to DAFC and he had been treated "like a criminal"
  • John Yorkston discussed the SFL meeting at Hampden he had attended earlier in the day. He said not a single club was in favour of the 12-12-18 set up but the proposal ticked a lot of boxes and was the only offer on the table.
  • Up to 2nd and 3rd division clubs to decide whether they want two leagues of 10 or one league of 18 below the top two divisions.
  • Under the proposals, there would be no relegation from the 1st Division this season.
  • BP said that Scottish Power were "out of order" with their penalty charges and the club has contacted the Scottish Government. A question from the floor later queried whether the club felt Scottish Power were acting illegally and BP hinted that he had people looking into that possibility.
  • Wages have not been fully paid. Players received 65%, coaching staff 40% and non-playing staff 70%. (I may have those figures wrong but it's what I wrote down)

I think that's about everything. If anyone else wants to fill in the blanks or add something to the points, then feel free. Also, let me know if I've missed anything out or misquoted somebody etc.

- Masterton and the board may have brought some on field success during their time at the club, but it has very nearly killed the club and still may. It was in no way worth it.

- The 'professional accountant' who did the budget is a fucking idiot. How is this person even an accountant. And the board are just as fucking stupid for agreeing with the budget.

- Blaming away fans is an utter disgrace. They should be blaming their own incompetence. Many fans seem to know roughly how much away fans will travel through. I recall the crowd predictions for the Rovers game at New Year and the first one in the season and most folk were pretty close, yet the board have no clue about these things. Morons. Also they can't blame the fixture list. That's nonsense, utter nonsense. If they didn't know what league we were going to be in, they should have made 2 budgets and then started working on the relevant one when they knew what league we would be in. And they could have waited until the fixture list was released before they made a budget. More excuses from utter tossers who are utterly clueless.

- What is this '8 week plan' to sort the 'short term' (?!!!) cash flow issues?!

- BP can shut his puss. GM hasn't been treated 'like a criminal'; he has though been rightly castigated for being an bumbling buffoon who has shown himself to be grossly incompetent. Anyway, his actions whilst at HBOS mean he may actually have skirted very close to being a criminal

- The club has no recourse against Scottish Power. They simply feel that the charges are unfair. That's it. If they had paid the bills on time, they wouldn't have been charged the penalties. They have an utter cheek running crying to the government over this.

- An utter disgrace that wages have not been paid.

To summarise; the club is being run by total arseholes who seem to have no clue what they are doing. Worse, these people have shown themselves to be craven cowards who can't accept blame and are desperately trying to deflect it. Anyone who still supports this regime has my utter contempt and disgust.

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Last night turned into a shambles due to a minority of people who seamed very ignorant , previously that could have been excused be information being hard to find for those that don't use the net but I fail to see how someone could know about the meeting but not know what it was about or what was going to happen.

On the share issue I may invest (lol) but that's certainly a heart over head decision and one I won't make until just about the last moment , I dont trust masterton but I like the idea of having my name on a share certificate and able to contribute to the running of the club even in a minority way, I'm intrereted in who the other two interested party's are/ what they have to offer and if the pars community bid can get anywhere with masterton , I didn't believe most of GMs reasons for rejecting their bid and I think he's more open to selling to them than he's suggesting , from what I've heard they're guys who are willing to put rather large sums into the club, NOT into GMs pocket and not willing to work with him day to day.

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Were you not entitled to a parachute payment after relegation? I note no mention of this in the minutes of the meeting detailed above.

I don't recall it being mentioned, the only mention of the parachute payment I can remember was in relation to league reconstruction in that once there is only one governing body for the game there won't be one.

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Hard to say who is more wound up by Masterton, Dunfermline fans or Raith fans...

personally as a Raith fan i was only commenting on the plight of your club and how i feel for the Pars fans especially when Rovers fans have suffered due to the Anelka debacle. I couldnt care less about Masterton but ill know the next time to keep my mouth shut.

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In regards to the parachute payments,


If the figures on that site are correct, we should have got £585,000 from finishing 12th in the SPL.

However when you add in the Rangers debacle last summer, did they get any prize money at all? If so, did they get the money for finishing 2nd or 12th? If it was the latter or if Rangers didn't get any money at all, then did the SPL push the other teams up a place in regards to the prize money? If so, Motherwell would have got £1.95m and we would have taken £650,000.

Then according to that article, if we don't go up this season, we will receive a £250,000 parachute payment from the SPL. If we don't go up in the following season, we'll receive £125,000.

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However when you add in the Rangers debacle last summer, did they get any prize money at all? If so, did they get the money for finishing 2nd or 12th? If it was the latter or if Rangers didn't get any money at all, then did the SPL push the other teams up a place in regards to the prize money? If so, Motherwell would have got £1.95m and we would have taken £650,000.

The £2m Rangers were due to receive was dished out to the other clubs in the same percentage as normal prize money was distributed. In other words, Celtic benefited most from Rangers having their money taken away from them. The money should have gone to the creditors of the Oldco.

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I must say, considering the venom shown towards GM over the past year or so I was surprised that not a single person attempted to chew him out last night. Maybe he's not the only coward.

Doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

Keyboard warriors to a man.

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That wasnae great, poor attendace considering it being the cup and the reduction in prices. Can't say I was surprised though. Well done to those in attendance, pretty poor from the boys today, 2 good goals from the accies and they deserved their win. May looks a cracking player at this level.

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