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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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What a c**t Masterton is. He's actively gone on record saying that they'd been up to date on HMRC payments due to a payment from him. Then he's had Yorkston our saying that it is either the share issue or the directors pocket. Call me sceptical, but isn't it ironic TPC come out and say along the lines that they have a backing for £125k and then conveniently a bill of £134k needs picking up? Genuinely wouldn't surprise me if Kim Jong-Gav was trying to swindle the money out of them like he has been with others for years.

All I can say is best of luck to the Pars fans. Hopefully they can overcome this one way or another.

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Keep the faith Dunfermline fans, we were due a sizeable chunk to HMRC and raised over £30,000 on a flag initiative alone. We raised a hell of a lot of money, and I'm sure if Dunfermline fans dig in, they can save their club as well.

You must act though, even if it's in vain.

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Did Yorkston not claim the other week on Sportsound that people saying this sort of stuff were just silly wee boys on internet forums? Obviously he was talking nonsense.

Let's be honest, the previous examples in Scottish football which such claims are made is the club is still here years down the line. Obviously worrying in the short term, but long term the club should still be there.

It was either Yorkston or Masterton, certainly. And we've been subjected to reassurances that it was a "short-term" problem since October, amongst other things.

Meetings scheduled for fans tonight and next week, with Leishman heading the steering group.

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Keep the faith Dunfermline fans, we were due a sizeable chunk to HMRC and raised over £30,000 on a flag initiative alone. We raised a hell of a lot of money, and I'm sure if Dunfermline fans dig in, they can save their club as well.

You must act though, even if it's in vain.

Dundee fans didn't save their club, the club cheated their creditors out of millions of pounds.

Only Rangers would be a worse example to use.

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So it looks like the majority of the infamous document that appeared a few weeks back is true.

Meanwhile in the last six months we've been told

No financial issues at EEP - lie

HMRC up to date - lie

Short term problem - lie

Players will be paid - lie

Certain fans are out to shut the club down - lie

It's 14 year old troublemakers behind all internet criticism - lie


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December 19th

Dunfermline say outstanding player salaries from November have now been settled.

The First Division club have also met their tax latest deadline by paying £50,000 to HM Revenue and Customs.

"We are working to a plan and are now moving into a better period," said director Gavin Masterton

January 17th

A DAFC spokesperson announced today that "following receipt of a further loan from the Masterton family we are pleased to advise that all historical arrears due to HMRC have been cleared."

...and now by the end of next week, we've to find £134,000. That plan to move into a better period is really working isn't it Masterton?

It's no surprise that Yorkston and him were speaking bullshit once again.

In regards to the upcoming bill, i can't see anyone else being able to cover it other than The Pars Community. However what they'll get out of it in return i have no idea.

Edited by Parscelona
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...and now by the end of next week, we've to find £134,000. That plan to move into a better period is really working isn't it Masterton?

It's no surprise that Yorkston and him were speaking bullshit once again.

In regards to the upcoming bill, i can't see anyone else being able to cover it other than The Pars Community. However what they'll get out of in return i have no idea.

I'm actually wondering if something really shady or criminal is going on, nobody can be that whimsical with the truth and not up to something surely?

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It'll be interesting to get Jimmy's take on it as the fans who turned up were invited in to the press conference but at this moment I'm fearful.

I will be at the meeting on Monday even if I've to get up at 6am the next morning to be at uni in Paisley for 9

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£134k to HMRC by next week, that's it, a difficult situation is now not only inevitable but in fully flown death throes. The End Game is here right now.

And who even knows if we are due them that much by next week because I no longer believe anything those rogues come out with, it could just be another rouse to get money out the fans. I don't know what is going on but one thing is very evident is that they are desperate to get as much money out the fans as they can, like really deperate and I find it hard to believe that it's purely to save the Pars because if it wad they would have spoken to the fans groups and shown some level of respect a long time ago.

This whole thing I suspect has a lot more going on than just some provincial football club feeling the pinch. The share issue not going ahead because of some 'wording' problems? How long ago was that now? No accounts published for Charleston Holding and EEP Ltd? It's all going to get really murky isn't it?

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So it looks like the majority of the infamous document that appeared a few weeks back is true.

Meanwhile in the last six months we've been told

No financial issues at EEP - lie

HMRC up to date - lie

Short term problem - lie

Players will be paid - lie

Certain fans are out to shut the club down - lie

It's 14 year old troublemakers behind all internet criticism - lie


I'd guess this was probably a half- truth and what Dunfermline where actually up to date with was the repayment schedule for their debt. HMRC will give such an arrangement on the understanding that all future liability is paid in full and on time. When this does not happen the arrangement is cancelled and payment in full is demanded.

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Sounds ominous.

Has HMRC actually issued a winding-up order against Dunfermline - or is the implication that they'd be into the Court of Session as soon as payments or repayments are missed?

It's a lot of money to find, or for supporters organisations to stump-up for no 'stake'.

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And who even knows if we are due them that much by next week because I no longer believe anything those rogues come out with, it could just be another rouse to get money out the fans.

The sad thing is that we can't rule that out either.

Can one of the supporters groups not get into contact with HMRC to determine whether this is the true figure/timescale that has to be met?

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Terrible news tbh. Couple of my best pals are Pars fans and I'd be gutted to see them lose the club they've grown up supporting. That, and despite the rivalry, I have no real ill feeling towards Dunfermline.

What's the chances of coming up with that sort of cash in that timescale? Going from what I've read it seems to be quite unlikely?

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