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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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So when does liquidation formally begin? Presumably we have the court hearing in the next week, it gets proven that we can't fulfil our debts, and a liquidator gets appointed?

Bearwithme is spot on with timings as specified in legislation. Technically though there is a court hearing but it is just that if the club does not lodge answers i.e. defend the case, the court will automatically issue a winding up order. If they do lodge answers, the court will set another date for a full hearing but woe betide any director trying to dispute the debt just to gain a bit more time. You need a good reason to oppose it.

In practical terms, the winding up order will be made about a month after first deliverance. First deliverance is when the court authorises HMRC to serve notice on the company and place adverts. As the citation has been served on the club, presumably in the last week, I would expect the winding up order to be made around the first week in April. If answers have been lodged, the hearing for that could stretch into May.

The problem is though, that everyone knows there is a winding up order pending so there is no more credit, things happen like services being cut off, police and stewards stop providing cover for games unless they get paid upfront, etc,etc. Trading just becomes very difficult.

Edited by Tonsilitis
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From my point of view without sounded disrespectful Im surpised its taken this long to come to a head as there has always been stories it seems like for the last 5/6 years coming out about the state of Dunfermline's books but it was always sweeped under the carpet

With the situation tho you are up the creek without a paddle and a massive GM shaped hole in the middle of the boat, hopefully they will survive in some form tho best case looks like a sevco mhak 2 in Div 3

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I'd like to express my sincere appreciation and thanks to everyone, whether it be their club themselves or the fans, who have wished us well and made some heartfelt gestures to help us in our predicament. They've been really appreciated by all of us and, even if the worst comes, I won't forget that.

That makes it all the more heartbreaking for me - the fans have done everything they can, fans of other clubs across Scotland have done their bit, yet it all looks like having the disasterous ending we dreaded.

But nothing can ever take away the great memories I've had of watching Dunfermline Athletic for the last 20 years. They've been the perfect partner - we've had our ups and downs, and even fallen out with them on occasion, but they've always been forgiven and I've never stopped loving them. And I never will.

I'm really finding it hard to prevent tears suddenly streaming down my face :(

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It's always the fans that suffer in these situations.

The sooner the likes of Yorkston and Masterton are out of the Scottish game the better, thankfully their aren't as many chancers kicking around anymore because they have realised there isn't money to be made in this game but its disgraceful that there is a good chance we will lose a great club.

StMirren have had a few close shaves over the years and that was torture so I don't have a clue you Pars must be feeling.

All the best guys :(

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If Masterton ever returns from Switzerland I will be utterly astonished. There has to be a reason he fled the country?

I don't get this fascination with him being in Switzerland other than avoiding press/fans etc at present. If your alluding to him being in hiding as a result of something criminal surely he'd be away somewhere that he can't be extradited from.

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I don't get this fascination with him being in Switzerland other than avoiding press/fans etc at present. If your alluding to him being in hiding as a result of something criminal surely he'd be away somewhere that he can't be extradited from.

Surely just avoiding the press.....and the possibility of getting his wee gerbil like face smacked.

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Devastated for the fans, having been there myself 11 years ago. Nothing I've ever felt was comparable to that feeling of waiting for the outcome on the last day, the dread of knowing that it was most likely bad news but clinging on to the hope that something could happen.

Of course, long term something did happen for Airdrie. Following Airdrie United doesn't feel the same as following Airdrieonians, and it's hard to see a time when it ever will, but I'm thankful I still have a team to follow. Days like beating Hearts in the cup and Ayr in the playoff make it worthwhile. And we're being run properly now, living within our means.

I just hope Dunfermline can salvage something from this like we did, because Scottish football might be crap, but I can't imagine life without it.

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Think there may be twist & turns before its the end of the road. Not saying things aren't grim but if the Pars can get to the end of the season there may be a glimmer of hope.

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Five home games left and will be lucky to get £160, 000 taking off VAT - or will VAT not be paid?

Hopefully the Rovers money goes straight to wages or local creditors and not used to pay the administrators.

How much did Diff & Phelps charge sevco? Just under four million? And they were mates rates :o

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To cite Berwick and Hibs - both worked hard over many years to cut our cloth, reduce our debts and spend within our means. Maybe Berwick should just have run-up big debts seeing where it'd take us, then NewCo'd.

I seem to remember Berwick being insolvent and shafting their creditors by offering 7p in the pound, which was accepted. They are hardly the club to base a holier-than-thou stance on.

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Masterton and Dunfermline will have got what they deserved after they just about killed us. f**k them.

Dunfermline and the Stadia Group have nothing to do with one another.

For someone who's almost lost their club what seems like countless times, that's pathetic.

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Masterton and Dunfermline will have got what they deserved after they just about killed us. f**k them.

Masterton yes; but I don't recall when Dunfermline almost killed you. GM has rightly been slaughtered by many Pars fans over his involvement in other concerns of his, including the Stadia Group nonsense.

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