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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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Dunfermline v Dundee mid-week was the coldest game i've ever been to.

Always remember that one as Gibson scored a cracker yet unfortunately Paterson broke his leg. :green

I've never left a game more depressed.

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Hope this doesnt sound a bit like the proverbial 'vulture sitting on his perch' Parscelona...but if the worst scenario comes about and the Pars go down the tube...can I have your 'dancing girl' signature?...I am truly besotted by her alluring charms!... :wub:

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Was he not on the board when they were accumulating all of this debt?

He was, and is part of the reason that I think it's fairly naive for all the blame to be put on Masterton.

The overspending should have been put a stop to years ago, either by the fans or someone like Leishman who has the "best interests of the club at heart"

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Was he not on the board when they were accumulating all of this debt?

I get the impression that he's not really too clued up on financial matters. Masterton has certainly shown he knows how to twist things to suit his agenda and I doubt it would have taken much to convince Leishman that it was all sustainable.

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He was, and is part of the reason that I think it's fairly naive for all the blame to be put on Masterton.

The overspending should have been put a stop to years ago, either by the fans or someone like Leishman who has the "best interests of the club at heart"

From my perspective, I believed that after the 2004 flirt with administration, the board were working to bring down costs, and we were continually told that was the case. That said, the club consistently made a loss every year following that, so we as fans should have questioned that a lot more.

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Dunfermline v Dundee mid-week was the coldest game i've ever been to.

Always remember that one as Gibson scored a cracker yet unfortunately Paterson broke his leg. :green

Mind that night very well, was talking about it this afternoon...

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From my perspective, I believed that after the 2004 flirt with administration, the board were working to bring down costs, and we were continually told that was the case. That said, the club consistently made a loss every year following that, so we as fans should have questioned that a lot more.

The fans did try to question this but were bullied into keeping quiet by dafc.net admin.
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Best part of my day was hearing Leishman trying to say Due Dilligence. :lol:

It would have been hilarious if it wasn't so tragic.

Dew Dillige. Drool dillipants Jew kangaroo

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The fans did try to question this but were bullied into keeping quiet by dafc.net admin.

Piss-poor excuse. Our nefarious former owner threatened to 'close down the Internet' to stop protests against his regime: it didn't stop Morton fans ultimately chasing him out of the club, and taking the fairly grim consequences. Online forums aren't even remotely the sole or best means by which to express discontent.

Edited by vikingTON
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Any dissenters were carded and banned from the site quickly and ostracised. The party line was followed and we were told by the club that the debt was soft debt to masterton only.

Even a month or so ago this line was still followed.

It's difficult to gather support when you are marginalised and made to look like a loony.

Even on here I was being attacked by some pars fans who asked what it was I had against Yorkston and the board. I wasn't the only one but it certainly felt like it, after a while I just didn't have the energy to keep shouting this from the rooftops and getting abused for it.

I feel that that situation was very similar to rangers, only a select few had the balls to stand up to Murray but by then it was too late.

Both Murray and masterton have walked away scot free despite recklessly overspending money they didn't have.

The Scottish media have failed miserably to cover the real story of corruption over the last twenty years or so.

Perhaps Romanov was right all along?

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Why has Yorkston had such an easy time?

I think the level of our debts and the complicated web of the structure of our club and ground, allied to the fact that so many have fallen out of love with the club in the last decade has meant despondency and helplessness have been common feelings, rather than a collective will to dust down the pitchforks and torches.

At least D-Day is almost here. Has Masterton really already appointed an adminstrator/liquidator? He's clearly long-since lost touch with reality if he was refusing to budge on retaining cushy jobs for his girls and wanting to charge DAFC a big rent for use of the ground and training facilities.

The badge on the shirt says DAFC, not Masterton FC. It may well be too painful for him to sacrifice the livelihoods of his close family but he also needs to remember that DAFC is the fans, the history, the players, not a wee family business.

I keep getting asked by folk who are not football fans, but who have heard about the plight of DAFC how a 117 year old club can possibly just vanish? You could write an essay on it but I it think mainly comes down to greed and stupidity. It's a vanity project that has gone horribly wrong.

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