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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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2 minutes ago, HoBNob said:

At least with another game that'll be another ten thousand pies sold. 

Pie in the Sky.

Half year progress results? Since when have football clubs announced that? It actually makes me more suspicious about them.

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1 hour ago, The Toun Clock said:

Big Toddy scoring against the pie sellers again. 

Good. Hopefully shuts them up for a bit.

Could hear the RAT Potter screaming the full match as well. Total earache. 

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18 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

What happened at the meeting on Tuesday?

Private meeting, so it's hard to get any confirmation of what went on.

Our accounts are due the end of the month. If the loss is as bad as some have said, then it'll be interesting. But I'm sure the Board will have any debt covered regardless.

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13 minutes ago, North West said:

Private meeting, so it's hard to get any confirmation of what went on.

Our accounts are due the end of the month. If the loss is as bad as some have said, then it'll be interesting. But I'm sure the Board will have any debt covered regardless.

This ^ 

some people can trivialise things that others see as a major problem. 
my small group of Pars supporting neeburs and me trust that our owners, a group of very successful businessmen in their own right, will have all the bases covered. 

For what it’s worth we doubt that Ross McArthur would hand the Pars over to the first person to knock the door, he would have crawled up their arse with a microscope to make sure these guys would be the best fit for our club. We feel our club is in very good hands, and that these guys will make the very best version of ourselves happen given time. 

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16 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

If it was so private then why were some folk making lots of noise about it?

To be fair though, during the masterton era lots of things were treated as private and not for general consumption amongst the Pars community. We only found out what was going on when the shit hit the fan. Even then masterton was trying to bleed money from the fans for his own ends. If it wasn’t for a few knowledgeable fans we likely wouldn’t have a club at all, so wouldn’t you say it’s good to question things we may not be happy about? 
That said, I’m sure if there was some serious issues we would have heard about it by now. 

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16 hours ago, da_no_1 said:

Bobby Smith?

Stuart beedie , giving the 3 “kings”, standing in the game , the statement was a bit over the top . Holt was brilliant, Beedie , very , very good . Kirkwood didn’t fit in for some reason , and was quickly moved on . 

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13 minutes ago, Wacky said:

To be fair though, during the masterton era lots of things were treated as private and not for general consumption amongst the Pars community. We only found out what was going on when the shit hit the fan. Even then masterton was trying to bleed money from the fans for his own ends. If it wasn’t for a few knowledgeable fans we likely wouldn’t have a club at all, so wouldn’t you say it’s good to question things we may not be happy about? 
That said, I’m sure if there was some serious issues we would have heard about it by now. 

Nothing wrong with questioning things but why aren't the same folk who were so vocal about things apparently being terrible/club in a bad way/discontentment at the club before the meeting (which was seemingly the reason for it) suddenly utterly silent about that after the meeting and now don't even mention said meeting, let alone what was said in it?

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55 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

If it was so private then why were some folk making lots of noise about it?

You asked if anything came out of it. Just pointing out with it being a private meeting it's hard to establish what went on. 

Some fans (Patrons) made a noise because of concerns over alledged debt levels, longer term strategy, sustainability, progress on the academy and probably a few other things. So they're entitled (CIC) to call a meeting to raise their concerns.

I'd hazard a guess that a frank and informative meeting took place. Hopefully questions were answered, but I've no idea. 

I'm hoping to spear some folk at the game today for info just for my own curiosity. Some of the stuff I've heard concerned me, some of it was/is just utter pish. You'll never stop fans being interested in the goings on at the club and given what happened under Masterton it's right to keep asking. We all fell asleep at the wheel back then, it took a gradual awakening to grow a movement, you were there, so you know. 

Nobody is saying there's any sinister motives, not that I've heard anyway and I don't believe there is. But, there are concerns around debt levels, and the management of that. But if the Board have it covered then fine, let them tell us that. The accounts be be out soon too, which will be great for a bit of clarity and fans will have their own thoughts. 

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32 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Nothing wrong with questioning things but why aren't the same folk who were so vocal about things apparently being terrible/club in a bad way/discontentment at the club before the meeting (which was seemingly the reason for it) suddenly utterly silent about that after the meeting and now don't even mention said meeting, let alone what was said in it?

Because we/they are just gubby attention seekers trying to look important. There I said it for you. Say what you mean bud. 

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57 minutes ago, Wacky said:

To be fair though, during the masterton era lots of things were treated as private and not for general consumption amongst the Pars community. We only found out what was going on when the shit hit the fan. Even then masterton was trying to bleed money from the fans for his own ends. If it wasn’t for a few knowledgeable fans we likely wouldn’t have a club at all, so wouldn’t you say it’s good to question things we may not be happy about? 
That said, I’m sure if there was some serious issues we would have heard about it by now. 

Good post. 

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You'd like to think those who had concerns would either say "we had a meeting and the board allayed any fears we had", "we heard a few things we are still concerned about but will give the board time" or "we're going to try and buy these guys out". To hear nothing at all is a bit odd but it is what it is I guess.

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1 minute ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

You'd like to think those who had concerns would either say "we had a meeting and the board allayed any fears we had", "we heard a few things we are still concerned about but will give the board time" or "we're going to try and buy these guys out". To hear nothing at all is a bit odd but it is what it is I guess.

It is a bit odd. One of the reasons I'll be nipping folk at the game today. 

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58 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Nothing wrong with questioning things but why aren't the same folk who were so vocal about things apparently being terrible/club in a bad way/discontentment at the club before the meeting (which was seemingly the reason for it) suddenly utterly silent about that after the meeting and now don't even mention said meeting, let alone what was said in it?

I'm not sure which posters your are meaning. Could be me tbf given I did post a few things some fans I had spoke to were concerned about.

I suppose I still have questions to get clarity on but I have no idea how the meeting went. Tbh though if the meeting didnt go well after some of the shareholders were going into it with worries then we probably would have heard about it. Sounds like any concerns might have been addressed/clarfied which is good news.


I think one concern is the club being skint and we have signed a few players since then on loan.

Edited by Fifes Elite Force
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There's making loses due to buying ready made players out of our financial means,  which is unacceptable. Like we did in the past.

Then there is making loses due to building an academy, getting rid of useless managers and putting a competent management team in place and getting good young prospects in the door on long term deals with fees paid and getting paid qualified people running our club day to day.

The loses we're about to announce are loses that were factored in by the board when they arrived. Maybe not having to pay off uselesss managers but fees paid on young players, who have turned out to be really good signings and may well be sold for much bigger fees. Then the costs of building the training ground will be in the accounts too as they will want to off cost that money for tax purposes. 850k the first phase is costing. 

The loses are not being covered by bank debt this time. It will be covered by money generated by the club and the back hipper of our owners(hopefully not soft loans). These loses will subside once the infrastucture is in place and we start making money off our investments in the future. We just have to go through a bit of financial pain at the beginning.

All current expenses that have been incurred are for the greater good of the clubs future.

Edited by Chubbychops
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You're talking too much sense!

The silence from the private meeting probably says it all tbh. They had fears and they were either unfounded or were aleviated with an explanation and long term plan.

As Chubby says, having some debt at this point in time is to be expected with the complete change in approach and changes that have gone on. Without even factoring in the relegation implications. 

1 step back to take 2 forward in future. I get some are not sure the plan will work but it's happening and so time will tell.

Edited by Heaton
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