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Evil Neighbours Thread

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I moved last month and the Neighbour fae two down came to say hello and pick up the previous tenants mail. Told me the ones on my right are bat shit crazy (which I knew there were some issues) but told her they start and me and I will be twice the p***k they try to be. Last issue was all over parking apparently anyway, I don't drive.

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On 10/08/2017 at 12:09, NorthernJambo said:

No better way to do this than have the pup (who you've identified as the hardest) to beat the roaster up. Few leatherings and he'll soon wind it in. You'll run the patch.

Or persist with contacting the authorities and try and speak to the most senior people possible. Local MP probably worth a shout as well.

Local councillors too, from experience they're a mixed bunch, some seem self serving and too busy to get back to you but try different ones, they have more influence with the council departments and will know the people to contact. For anyone with issues, don't give up, keep making a nuisance of yourself and use email where possible so you have a record of who you got in touch with and when. I've had issues with trail bikes and those lovable travelling types and (touch wood) after a few years of pushing it, the travellers should be sorted. Next stop the bikes. If YOU are having issues then there's a good chance others are too, get other neighbours involved, you might have to be the 'lead' dealing with chasing things up but apart from the moral support you will also be able to provide witnesses rather than it just being a dispute between 2 neighbours.

Having said all that, years ago I resolved an ongoing noisy neighbour issue with the threat of a shoeing, horses for courses.

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  • 1 month later...
On 18/06/2012 at 13:44, TheScarf said:

I stay in a four-plex and the 2 lassies above me are noisy as f**k. Always seems to be at around 11pm that they start stomping around and dropping what sounds like a large boulder on the floor above.

If one of them wasn't an absolute piece, and a sound lassie, we would be having words. Mostly sex words.

are they lesbians

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On 19/06/2012 at 12:19, audioslave said:

My first flat was this bogging wee number in Dalry. My favourite neighbours were the fucking bum balloons above us, who's bedroom was right above ours. Usually you'll know your neighbours are shagging because you'll hear some kind of rhythmic noise and go "that'll be the bed getting knocked about because their riding" - not the case with these dafties.

The Betty was one of they "noisey customers". But not an "ooo" or "ahhh that's the spot" kind of noisey. For the entire duration of her getting her bacon vault filled in by her man friend, at the top of her voice, she'd make this noise which was identical to the noise Dr Zoidberg makes in Futurama when he skuttles away. A sort of "WOOOOOP-WOOOOO-WOOOOP" noise.


Every night.

For about an hour.

I really should have evened the score up by blowing into a kazoo the whole time I was getting my hole but sadly I didn't think of that at the time.

had a neighbour about 3 years ago  she was english and when her marine boyfriend was there  all you could hear at night  for about 10  minutes was her going uh uh uh about 100 times then silence she still works at the local travel agents

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We've got a nasty old bitch at the bottom of the street.She has been poisoning dogs in and around the streets, but until theres evidence and proof that it's her, nothing can be done sadly. She's already had an asbo from tranent, but now she's in a bought house. Attacked by a dog a few years ago, apparently. One poor old guy lost his wife to cancer a few months back, so his daughter and son in law got him a dog to keep him him company, but it's been at the vets a few times with a dodgy stomach, where it transpired there was poisoning in the blood. She was seen throwing food into the old boys garden, but they didn't have enough proof. The dog is now living with his daughter, and he hardly leaves the house now and is completely heartbroken.



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1 hour ago, D.A.F.C said:

So finally after years it came to a head and it was all their doing. Called the police on me for handing them a letter on the advice of asbo people and then accusing me of trying to poison cats. 

You would think I would be upset but I'm actually delighted with this, they have shown themselves up to be total loonballs and the police just referred it to a mediation team who will be getting shown seven years worth of recorded info and facts to support my case.

They don't want mediation now and have shat themselves but I'm seeing it through and if they continue the false BS claims I'm going to destroy them at the meeting then possibly take it to a lawyer about the poison stuff.

Main thing is they are now quiet during the night. Happy days, or nights even.


I bet you don't, not having a go but what will you achieve, it sounds like they don't have a pot to piss in and you'll have to go through the whole process of proving what you (and I'm guessing everyone else) know and that's they're a pair of basket cases. I've known a couple of guys who were accused of rape (wrongly but it didn't stop the piss taking) who were adamant that they would be pursuing things through the Civil courts but ended up not doing it.  No point going over things again for no real benefit, even if you were awarded a financial benefit it would be at £1.45 a week or whatever could be spared, best option is either you or them moving on. At least its come to a head and it will all come out in the wash, it must be a massive relief for you. 

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4 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

You are right and I do think taking it to a lawyer would be pointless from a financial point of view but I can't  have people say stuff like that about me.

A written apology or apology would be a start. I'm concerned for my safety and also for what they have possibly be saying to other neighbours. Hard to prove but they said "we heard you were poisoning cats". 

Fucking scumbags, they must've seen me out putting down some weedkiller in my back garden and are so desperate for any comeback to me asking nicely for them to be quiet. More than happy to show them the weedkiller with pet friendly stamped on the box.

Hoepfully it will be sorted in a few weeks, I will enjoy seeing them fail badly at mediation if they keep up this utter madness.

You've allowed yourself to get roped into their fecked up world mate, at least it will end soon. Learn a lesson and don't pander to phuqwits, getting on with your neighbours is great but not at any cost. Good luck with it and I'd be putting up bunting and having a garden party if and when they move out, from what you've said the neighbours would be up for it too.

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  • 1 month later...

They are going!

After 4 years of listening to them scream at their kids (while posting on facebook that their kids are wee angels), of their gardens (front and back) piled high with bin bags, of their dogs dumping in my garden, of their feigned illnesses and disabilities...next week they're finally moving away.

I said to the wife "whoever we get can't be much worse". Then I remembered this thread and so came back for a look.

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On 01/10/2017 at 22:11, D.A.F.C said:

You are right and I do think taking it to a lawyer would be pointless from a financial point of view but I can't  have people say stuff like that about me.

A written apology or apology would be a start. I'm concerned for my safety and also for what they have possibly be saying to other neighbours. Hard to prove but they said "we heard you were poisoning cats". 

Fucking scumbags, they must've seen me out putting down some weedkiller in my back garden and are so desperate for any comeback to me asking nicely for them to be quiet. More than happy to show them the weedkiller with pet friendly stamped on the box.

Hoepfully it will be sorted in a few weeks, I will enjoy seeing them fail badly at mediation if they keep up this utter madness.

How did it go ? We need to know !

21 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

They are going!

After 4 years of listening to them scream at their kids (while posting on facebook that their kids are wee angels), of their gardens (front and back) piled high with bin bags, of their dogs dumping in my garden, of their feigned illnesses and disabilities...next week they're finally moving away.

I said to the wife "whoever we get can't be much worse". Then I remembered this thread and so came back for a look.

Nice one.

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2 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

Got a mediator in who was good at calming down both sides. Ultimately I have been asked to hand them a letter any time I have issues with noise or need to talk to them about shared stuff which isn't very often thankfully.

I guess they thought because they were disabled the police would come round and scare me regardless of what was right or wrong. Ultimately I haven't heard a peep out of them for over a month at night and the harassment thing has been found out for the bollocks it was. So it turns out they were just selfish p***ks and their scheme backfired and have to live like normal considerate neighbours.

To recap:

Nothing I did was harassment.

They bothered the police for no reason.

They were the cause of the problems.

They have to behave themselves or the mediators will be at their door.


Well, you would say that,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last Monday night, I went to put out some rubbish and found my blue bins were gone. Nicked, disappeared. Come Tuesday morning I saw one of them lying on the field next to my house. I retrieved it, but could see tracks from the other one. Looked like someone had run them round and round. What I couldn't figure out was that these bins were full - due for their fortnightly emptying on Wednesday. Yet they hadn't been tipped out anywhere.

Tuesday, the bin was there all day. At about seven it vanished. Cheesed off now, I got my torch and went out to the field. I heard voices and found a wee path, where two teenagers were in the process of setting fire to my last bin. I put the torch on and shone it full in their faces, shouting a  few expletives as I did so. The wee yannies ran off quick. Twenty years ago I might have caught them, but not now.

Got a new bin from the council, and so far it is still there.

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Ours got torched years ago. Genuinely took me a couple of minutes to work out what had happened when I went out to bring it in and discovered a set of wheels in a green pool.

I've had days where I've felt smarter TBH.

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