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Evil Neighbours Thread

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We're moving the Boldette into a nice wee flat. One immediate concern is the state of the bins enclosure. Burst bags and overflowing bins, food waste on the ground, squirrels having a ball so rats too I'd feel certain. Mrs Bold says she's going to clean it up, but not repeatedly. There's evidently no culture (!) of hygiene.

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I really want to make an anonymous complaint to Falkirk Council about my neighbours. A month ago they shocked us all by clearing most of the rubbish away from their front garden, cut the grass, planted flowers and so on. That lasted a week. Now they have 3 mattresses, about half a dozen black bags, a rabbit cage, bookcases and a few other odds and ends all over their garden. Their is the only garden in the village like this.

Anyway, the council will only take a complaint (as we've had mice problems ever since they moved in) if I leave my name, address and so on which I'd rather avoid.

The council wouldn't seriously send someone round to say, "aye, that c**t at #73 has been telling us you're a clarty midden", would they? :unsure2:

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The council wouldn't seriously send someone round to say, "aye, that c**t at #73 has been telling us you're a clarty midden", would they? :unsure2:

No, they wouldn't. But I wouldn't be surprised if they sent one guy round in the morning to speak to the neighbour, then he came back in the afternoon to speak to me. Falkirk council folk are not the sharpest tools in the box.

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My old neighbours were not evil but the guy was too cocky for my liking and he had too many smart comments at my expense that made him think that he was the Alpha male. When I put my house up for sale, his son offered to buy it but for 3 grand under the asking price. He said he couldn't afford the full price. If he had bought the place then their family would have had a very large corner plot with plenty of scope for expansion. They thought that I would just roll over and sell to them.

I sold to a housing association and the house is now used as temporarily accommodation for homeless families.

Maybe I was the evil one.

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No, they wouldn't. But I wouldn't be surprised if they sent one guy round in the morning to speak to the neighbour, then he came back in the afternoon to speak to me. Falkirk council folk are not the sharpest tools in the box.

I used to live in an area where the police would come straight round to a complainant's house after visiting the object of the complaint, so I sympathise.

Not sure if they ever noticed the link between that and the subsequent 999 calls that were made half an hour later.

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I had these wee arsehole students nextdoor to me when I lived in a flat in Hamilton, within a week they had dumped all sorts of crap at the front door. Stepladders, gardening implements, golf clubs. Decided to prop it all up against their front door when I came in from a nightshift, got woke up a few hours later to the sound of one of them going off the nut when he opened the door and it all fell on top of him.

In another episode one of them rang my buzzer incessantly in the early hours because he had forgotten his key, told him to f**k off a few times, stuck it on silent and went to my bed. About an hour later I got woken up by a racket outside and the c**t was on his hands and knees slurring some incoherent nonsense in my letterbox, getting a boot to the jaw off someone wearing nothing but gutties and a pair of boxers probably wasn't his finest moment.

I hope to never have to live in a flat again, I can't stand the proximity to other arseholes.

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After a reasonably quiet spell my neighbours have went mental again.

Shouting at a roofer sorting my rhones.

Throwing birdseed or some sort of nuts onto my decking.

Banging about after midnight and howling, crying and arguing.

So, two independent witnesses saying they're crazy plus months of logging the noise on a phone. Think I might give the council a phone just in time for Christmas.

f**k them.

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My neighbour thinks it is OK form to keep her two alsations outside in a "run" (cage) and 8'x 4' overnight every night. The way the houses are set up essentially means that she is keeping her dogs in my front garden. At least twice a night the dogs have a two minute Barking frenzy as someone or something walks past. Getting fucking pissed off now

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My neighbour thinks it is OK form to keep her two alsations outside in a "run" (cage) and 8'x 4' overnight every night. The way the houses are set up essentially means that she is keeping her dogs in my front garden. At least twice a night the dogs have a two minute Barking frenzy as someone or something walks past. Getting fucking pissed off now

Can't open my back gate without the arsehole next doors attack dog (Rhodesian ridgeback) making a run for me, its gonna get a fucking baseball bat over the skull.

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Can't open my back gate without the arsehole next doors attack dog (Rhodesian ridgeback) making a run for me, its gonna get a fucking baseball bat over the skull.

Tempt it with some Laxative chocolate. A few doses will work wonders especially if it gets access to their house. Recommended this to a nightshift worker a few years ago who could not sleep because of neighbours dogs who were left in the house all day. Worked a treat especially satisfying were the howls of the owner who discovered half his house had been doggy pebble dashed.

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The folk next to me are just clueless. They decided to sort out their garden, which I was pleased about. They put the mattresses up on their sides against the house, and carefully put the fifteen black bags of rubbish next to them. Then they cut the grass and planted flowers.

I mean...why?? Why have the front half of the garden looking reasonable, and the other half a dump site?

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