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Last Book You Read....


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I've had hardly any time recently, but finally got around to finishing "Emperor: The Field of Swords" by Conn Iggulden.

Exactly as good as as I expected it to be, having read the first two in the series and also his Conqueror series. 9/10.

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I've had hardly any time recently, but finally got around to finishing "Emperor: The Field of Swords" by Conn Iggulden.

Exactly as good as as I expected it to be, having read the first two in the series and also his Conqueror series. 9/10.

The Emperor Series is indeed excellent!!!

Iggulden has confirmed on his official website that he will be writing 3 more books in the Conqueror series about Genghis’ sons and grandson, Kubla Khan. After that, the plan is to write one more Emperor book, covering the aftermath of the "Ides of March" and the rise to power of Augustus!!!

Can't wait!!! :D

If you're looking for some good holiday reading I can recommend David Gibbons' Atlantis and Crusader Gold, the first two books in his Jack Howard series, it's what you get if you cross Indiana Jones with Dan Brown!!!

You really can't put them down they are an action-packed mixture of archaeological fantasy and techno-military thriller, nothing better when lying beside the pool!!!

There are a third and fourth in the series already out, I'll be picking them up soon!!!

And don't be put off by the airy-fairy title "Atlantis", David Gibbons isn't just a bestselling novelist he's also a world reknowned underwater archaeologist, and a world authority on ancient shipwrecks and sunken cities, it is all fiction but he creates an incredibly logical site and reasoning for where such a place as the fabled Atlantis would have been and why it disappeared from history, and it's not in the middle of the Ocean!!!

A thoroughly excellent read!!! 8/10

Crusader Gold 9/10

I just thought it was better, the characters are getting more fleshed out and starting to grow on me!!!

They would make good films!!!

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Iggulden has confirmed on his official website that he will be writing 3 more books in the Conqueror series about Genghis' sons and grandson, Kubla Khan. After that, the plan is to write one more Emperor book, covering the aftermath of the "Ides of March" and the rise to power of Augustus!!!

Sounds good. :D

I'm just glad that there are more Iggulden books in the pipeline, I can see myself getting that "disappointed to have finished it" feeling when I eventually finish The Gods of War. :lol:

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Today I bought Occupied City by David Peace, Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larson (Henriks brother).

I will read them in this order andupdate you all.

I read Child 44 on holiday. I thoroughly enjoyed it, highly recommended!! :D

Reading The Surgeon by Tess Gerittsen just now and the next on will be Sashenka by Simon Montefiore.

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Just finished Damn Rebel Bitches by Maggie Clarke. An interesting and frequently overlooked insight into womens involvement in the '45 rebellion. This was strongly recommended by Centre Stand Her and Kilt , so my thanks to them for this cracking read. 8/10

f**k me there is a surprise :rolleyes:

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The Women in the Fifth.........Douglas Kennedy..good story.About a disgraced college lecturer who flees small town America for Paris.Some of the language is colorful but it is a cracking story.

The people he mixes with ..the mystery women. A story of bloody revenge.

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For those bookly minded and centrally based, Ian Rankin is headlining the Stirling book Festival.

He will be appearing in The Tolbooth on Monday 14th September.

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The player of games by Iain M.Banks.

I actually read this in high school, but had recently bought his more recent works, the Algebraist and Matter and was struggling to get into them. I remembered that PoG was actually quite easy to get into so went out and got it as a primer to help me back into the denser Banks stuff.

In short Player of games is a brilliant sci fi concept and it's well executed. Banks is so good at the moral allegory in his work and his heroes (or 'good guys' at the very least) are often the targets of his point rather than the antagonists.

Born in Dumfermline as well :( , how come Kirkcaldy got stuck with the crimewriters!

anyway: 8/10

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Like who???

Val McDermid, for what that's worth - we named a stand after her dontchaknow.

To be more exact I broadly meant those of a Raith alleigance, at which point Ian Rankin counts also.

Still better than being stuck with that greasy git vetriano anyway ;)

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Val McDermid, for what that's worth - we named a stand after her dontchaknow.

To be more exact I broadly meant those of a Raith alleigance, at which point Ian Rankin counts also.

Still better than being stuck with that greasy git vetriano anyway ;)

Wasn't fishing, honestly didn't know McDermid was from Kirkoddie!!!

And glad you changed your remit as no matter how hard Miller and Muir Homes are trying, Car Den Den is not part of the Lang Toun!!! ;)

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Wasn't fishing, honestly didn't know McDermid was from Kirkoddie!!!

I read one book of hers.

Well, that's not entirely true. I started reading one book of hers, and gave up after a few chapters, laughing at how pisspoor the writing was.

And bear in mind, I speak as someone who managed to read all of a Quintin Jardine book.

Edited by H_B
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