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Strange dreams

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Last night I started my second stint at Morgan Stanley. I sat down at my new desk and immediately became confused at why I’d quit my job to rejoin this mob, when my first stint was the worst year of my life.

Woke up hating myself for fucking up my life again.

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Had a weird dream that i had to climb a ladder to get into a car park. But the ladder was only held on by a cable tie and as i got to the top of the ladder the cable tie snapped. The weirdest bit was as the ladder started falling backwards and i was going through the air, there was a calmness over me as I thought “so this is how i die”. I also could feel the cold air going over my back as i fell backwards.

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Last night I was back at school for some reason, hanging around with a bunch of cool and/or edgy kids who were smoking. They gave me a cigarette which I took despite knowing smoking was  bad for my health, but somehow managed to smoke it without actually inhaling at any point so it was all good.

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Had a dream the other night I was watching the news and the BBC's assistant political editor Norman Smith was turning into a woman as the news was happening. Every time it cut to a different shot then back to him his hair was longer, and his clothes were puffier/furrier. 

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Had a dream the other night that wasn't particularly interesting to be honest, the dream centred around me chatting to John Cleese about how outstandingly brilliant Fawlty Towers was...that was it dream over, woke up for work. Quick shower, clothes on and out the door.


Into the car, put on the radio...and a section of the news report was on a Scotsman poll that had found that Fawlty Towers was voted the best British comedy of all time. Coincidental obviously but fucking weird all the same, and stuff like that happens to me from time to time.

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Last night's dream found me in a bookshop and suddenly bumping into the friend who was best man at my wedding and whom I haven't seen for years. He and his wife introduced me to their young son whom I'd never met, only for some reason he was a girl. They didn't seem to find this odd.

Then this afternoon out of the blue at work I got a message about them from his wife's sister. I found this odd.

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  • 2 months later...

Had a dream last night that former F1 driver Giancarlo Fisichella died. I was trying to find links about him to post in the Dead Pool thread but no websites were loading.

Also had a dream I was in a music shop with Maw Sanchez. As I was on my way out a bunch of people were crowded at the door not moving for some reason, where a guy from my work (*** who doesn't eat vegetables and despite being the world's biggest Tory wouldn't vote for either current leadership candidate because "they're not right wing enough") told us the shop was going to blow up. Nobody believed him. It did.

Also had a dream the other night where I was trying to save the children of a middle class family from their dad and his pet goose who he valued more than them.

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Last night I had to sleep in a bunk bed in a very small shared room that contained an exercise bike and was rammed with rails of women's flowery blouses.

I also had to give a PowerPoint presentation that was 30 mins long, but they only gave me 14 mins to present it. A slide I had copied and pasted in turned out to be a series of toilet pictures. Every time I clicked the remote control for the next slide, it would show picture after picture of cisterns with president names and various phrases stuck onto them.

That was when I hit the next button rather than the power-down one which I kept clicking and shutting the machine down. Dreaming about the installation of Windows updates; what a time to be alive.

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I always have a dream that I’m trying to put a contact lens in my eye but the lens is massive, about the size of a small side plate and it is made of quite a firm plastic material.

That’s a very common dream apparently and is said to indicate particular things about the person having it.
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37 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:

Last night I had to sleep in a bunk bed in a very small shared room that contained an exercise bike and was rammed with rails of women's flowery blouses.

I also had to give a PowerPoint presentation that was 30 mins long, but they only gave me 14 mins to present it. A slide I had copied and pasted in turned out to be a series of toilet pictures. Every time I clicked the remote control for the next slide, it would show picture after picture of cisterns with president names and various phrases stuck onto them.

That was when I hit the next button rather than the power-down one which I kept clicking and shutting the machine down. Dreaming about the installation of Windows updates; what a time to be alive.

You're a flowery blouse.

34 minutes ago, throbber said:

I always have a dream that I’m trying to put a contact lens in my eye but the lens is massive, about the size of a small side plate and it is made of quite a firm plastic material.

That's not far removed from reality when the only ones available were hard or gas permeable.

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Had a dream last night that former F1 driver Giancarlo Fisichella died. I was trying to find links about him to post in the Dead Pool thread but no websites were loading.
Also had a dream I was in a music shop with Maw Sanchez. As I was on my way out a bunch of people were crowded at the door not moving for some reason, where a guy from my work (*** who doesn't eat vegetables and despite being the world's biggest Tory wouldn't vote for either current leadership candidate because "they're not right wing enough") told us the shop was going to blow up. Nobody believed him. It did.
Also had a dream the other night where I was trying to save the children of a middle class family from their dad and his pet goose who he valued more than them.

I wouldn’t worry about it.
Dreaming about Maw Sanchez is very common.
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