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Strange dreams

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I've been having dreams about toilets lately. Didn't realise it was a recurring thing until last night, then realised I'd had quite a few lavatorially-themed adventures lately..

One was about a knackered old school which has these stupidly huge lavvies with hundreds of cubicles laid out like a maze. They were in a terrible state with smashed cubicle walls everywhere, lakes of piss pooling all over the floor, massive quantities of shite smeared everywhere, and broken seats/porcelain. I was desperate for a shite and spent some time trying to find a cubicle with an intact toilet and walls so I didn't have to crap in front of all the kids milling around. Gave up in the end and just used a clean, intact loo that was completely exposed to the rest of the room.

Last night it was a knackered old Fawlty Towers style hotel which had toilets dotted around the building. I was desperate for a piss, but every toilet I found was either broken, engaged, or just had people hanging around inside having a drink.

No doubt there's some deep metaphorical reason behind why I'm spending so much time hanging around toilets in my sleep, but I'd rather they were as memorable as Miguel's.

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I had a dream last night that Russia invaded Scotland and chose the seaboard villages as their invasion HQ. I was cutting about telling them to go and buy eggs off of my dad (who does actually live close by). When a group of soliders refused I shouted "Free Ukraine" at them. Next thing I knew I had half a dozen kalashnikovs aimed at me and then gave them the "mon then" guesture. I woke up before I was probably turned into Swiss cheese.

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On 16/05/2024 at 01:34, BFTD said:

Last night it was a knackered old Fawlty Towers style hotel which had toilets dotted around the building. I was desperate for a piss, but every toilet I found was either broken, engaged, or just had people hanging around inside having a drink.


Those pesky Rangers fans, eh?

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On 12/05/2024 at 06:09, Miguel Sanchez said:

Then a bird outside woke me up and I've spent the past 25 minutes typing this. I feel like I'm going to die. At least my wife was hit.

Surely that's a bad thing.

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  • 1 month later...
2 hours ago, Richey Edwards said:

I dreamt Dion Dublin was kidnapped and beheaded by ISIS.

Hopefully with a snazzy video titled “Dion Under the Axe”, eh?

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