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Lets All Laugh At Rangers Thread

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4 minutes ago, gannonball said:

This is nonesense really, usually you support whoever your family or friends support at a young age. And telling someone to stop supporting them once they may realise other more sinister things later on in life just would make the support even more of an echo chamber for those things.

Yes, the idea of maturing out of bigotry must seem really bizarre to the Old Firm supporter.

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58 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

I'd challenge that the Rangers support is diverse in a meaningful way.

Of course it's diverse. 

Do you apply this "they're aw the same" to other groups ?

1 hour ago, VincentGuerin said:

I have no truck with this "don't offend the bigots" pish.

Literally no-one is saying this m8.


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11 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

Yes, the idea of maturing out of bigotry must seem really bizarre to the Old Firm supporter.

I've never really been one for religion, let alone lording up one over the other so I've never really had to 'mature' out of it.

I think you are just lashing out now because everyone is poking holes in your unhinged posts left right and centre. The retort to my original post didn't really add up tbh  

Edited by gannonball
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5 minutes ago, gannonball said:

I've never really been one for religion, let alone lording up one over the other so I've never had to 'mature' out of it.

I think you are just lashing out because everyone is poking holes in your unhinged posts left right and centre.

People are lashing out because Rangers are normalised in Scotland, even though they should not be. And we have (as you can see above) a real concern about hurting people's feelings when something needs to be pointed out.

Rangers are a bigoted fitba club from top to bottom and their fans all sign up for that.

These are simple facts. Incredible seeing folk giving it "Oh, you can't say that about these bigots!".

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25 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

Safe space?

What the f**k are you on about?

Do I think this forum should be a safe space for bigots? No.

Do I think Rangers fans are all at least bigotry-neutral? Yes. (For clarity, yes, all Rangers fans. You'd have to be.)

It's bizarre this narrative of the poor wee put-upon Rangers fan, who just wants to be accepted like everyone else.

Well, don't support an organisation that is bigoted from top to bottom and revels in being so.

Aye I re-read your post and you didn't use the term safe space, you said you didn't want this forum to be a place where Rangers fans were welcome. 

And no, Rangers fans aren't put upon. Let's leave the straw men to the side and just focus on what is being said. There are sound Rangers fans who come on here and want to talk football and have a community. 

Obviously there are problems with Rangers and bigotry which seem to have gotten a bit worse since "the journey", and the decent fans need to stand up to that (the singing of "hello hello" at the Europa League Final made my heart sink), and they need to have a look at themselves. 

But people don't change or seek to change when we tell them to f**k off and call them bigots. 

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1 hour ago, VincentGuerin said:

I'd challenge that the Rangers support is diverse in a meaningful way.

I have no truck with this "don't offend the bigots" pish.

Everyone knows what Rangers are. Anyone choosing to identify with them as a 21st century adult and then giving it the crocodile tears "I get tarred as a bigot" should be told to get themselves to f**k.

We all know what Rangers are.

I don't really know if after quoting me before this is aimed at me or the wider fanbase but I honestly don't care if random losers on the Internet mistakenly think I'm a bigot for no other reason than the football club I support because my parents and grandparents chose to support them too. 

39 minutes ago, AJF said:

You’ve said that you have challenged songs sung by Hearts fans before which is commendable.

However your logic is that anyone who doesn’t challenge it is an enabler or are just as bad.

Considering that the majority of Hearts fans won’t have called out singing as you did, does this mean the majority of the Hearts fan base are enablers and are just as bad as those singing?

I know Hibs fans that gleefully sung about Skacel being a refugee and one of them is probably the most racist person I've met so I cut ties with them and called them out on that. There's zero chance I'm dumb enough to then go and associate Hibs fans as being racist due to this person's warped behaviour. 

Obviously it means very little in the context of our wider fanbase and I'm nowhere near trying to say Rangers fans are therefore good guys or whatever but I've been at a game vs Hearts where some dickhead made a racist remark and got shouted down from the majority around them.

Obviously these same people may turn a blind eye to sectarianism which you could certainly argue is shameful but the idea everyone that supports a certain club is scum or whatever dehumanising terms you wanna use is just ridiculous.

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5 minutes ago, velo army said:

Aye I re-read your post and you didn't use the term safe space, you said you didn't want this forum to be a place where Rangers fans were welcome. 

And no, Rangers fans aren't put upon. Let's leave the straw men to the side and just focus on what is being said. There are sound Rangers fans who come on here and want to talk football and have a community. 

Obviously there are problems with Rangers and bigotry which seem to have gotten a bit worse since "the journey", and the decent fans need to stand up to that (the singing of "hello hello" at the Europa League Final made my heart sink), and they need to have a look at themselves. 

But people don't change or seek to change when we tell them to f**k off and call them bigots. 

I'm sorry, but we just completely disagree about how to deal with them.

I think you're hopelessly naive to by into the 'decent' Rangers fan thing for all the reasons I wrote about earlier.

And, as I said, the only way this changes is if it becomes socially unacceptable to support a club like Rangers. Pandering like yours, and I'm afraid that's what it is, simply perpetuates the issue.

Rangers are not acceptable. Being a Rangers fan is not compatible with being a decent person in the twenty-first century. I find it funny that so many people shy away from saying these things out loud. Yet, also depressing.

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8 minutes ago, RuMoore said:

I don't really know if after quoting me before this is aimed at me or the wider fanbase but I honestly don't care if random losers on the Internet mistakenly think I'm a bigot for no other reason than the football club I support because my parents and grandparents chose to support them too. 

I know Hibs fans that gleefully sung about Skacel being a refugee and one of them is probably the most racist person I've met so I cut ties with them and called them out on that. There's zero chance I'm dumb enough to then go and associate Hibs fans as being racist due to this person's warped behaviour.

Firstly, you have a choice. Just because your family did, you do not need to associate yourself with Rangers. You choose to, this tells us a lot. Your grandad and your dad are likely to have lived in very different times. You've got a choice. An informed one.

Secondly, I've never been aware of Hibs encouraging their fans to abuse refugees. Maybe you have.

Complete false equivalence bullshit is all Rangers fans have.

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No fan base in Scotland comes out looking good if you look closely enough. 

We must all clean up our game and ultimately our society will benefit. 

It’s all fcuking sad ain’t it?

It’s a SHITE state of affairs to be in (Doncaster and Maxwell), and all the fresh air in the world won’t make any fucking difference!

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1 hour ago, VincentGuerin said:

I have. As covered in various threads.

I've yet to be called a tarrier, get punched in the face, or even told to f**k off.

Well mate I’ve never been punched in the face at Tynecastle but I have been called a tarrier, dirty ****** b*****d, told I’m a beast, a pedofile, child abuse enabler whilst visiting as a Celtic fan.

Does this make you an enabler of that abuse for continuing to go as your club and by in large the fanbase do nothing? Don’t be so fucking daft. Fair play to you if you have but you are also a minority in that respect as most fans don’t.

Even as a Celtic fan I cannot make a sweeping generalisation that all Rangers fans are hateful or pander to the anti-Catholic sentiment that you can hear in the stands. Can the club do more? Absolutely starting with the gaudy and staunch displays, the Orange football strips, some of the music played etc etc however I still can’t accept every Rangers fan is a wrong un just because they support Rangers. That’s not my reality 

The easiest way to stop it is via points deductions, forefits, sanctions or even ban clubs from playing in the cups. There are ways to tackle this but it has to be consistently applied across the league. 

Edited by Jinky67
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13 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

I'm sorry, but we just completely disagree about how to deal with them.

I think you're hopelessly naive to by into the 'decent' Rangers fan thing for all the reasons I wrote about earlier.

And, as I said, the only way this changes is if it becomes socially unacceptable to support a club like Rangers. Pandering like yours, and I'm afraid that's what it is, simply perpetuates the issue.

Rangers are not acceptable. Being a Rangers fan is not compatible with being a decent person in the twenty-first century. I find it funny that so many people shy away from saying these things out loud. Yet, also depressing.

What are you, the right arm of the lord? 

I grew up a Lanarkshire catholic and have many, many reasons to loathe Rangers. I have a complicated relationship with them, for sure. 

Growing up catholic does mean that I know self-serving sanctimony when I see it too though, which is what you're spouting. 

Excluding people and shaming them doesn't result in the desired behaviour. That's not pandering, it's experience and learning. 

Away and go a run or something before you give yourself an aneurism.


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5 minutes ago, velo army said:

What are you, the right arm of the lord? 

I grew up a Lanarkshire catholic and have many, many reasons to loathe Rangers. I have a complicated relationship with them, for sure. 

Growing up catholic does mean that I know self-serving sanctimony when I see it too though, which is what you're spouting. 

Excluding people and shaming them doesn't result in the desired behaviour. That's not pandering, it's experience and learning. 

Away and go a run or something before you give yourself an aneurism.


f**k me!

This kind of utter pish is why Scotland is a country where it's completely normal for mainstream celebs to say out loud that they support a club like Rangers.

Experience and learning tells us that Rangers have not changed their behaviour and will not change their behaviour.

You've got 150 years of evidence. When do you think the next orange strip will be out?

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8 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

f**k me!

This kind of utter pish is why Scotland is a country where it's completely normal for mainstream celebs to say out loud that they support a club like Rangers.

Of all the things that's going on in life to get yourself worked up over...

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