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Charles Green's share issue

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Youngsy, as long as your talking about sporting achievement. What's your opinion of the Usain Bolt guy?

Every time he takes part in a competition, it's a one horse race?

Would you say folk around the world look at track athletics with disdain?

How would you feel if America started doping one of their athletes. I mean. Now we've got two folk competing for the title, that's ok I take it?

The problem is, it's not an equal competition. Don't get me wrong, the American had the best training facilities, US sport put in a lot of money, but the only way they could match the Jamaican was to dope him. That's ok right?

The boy gets a ban, but hey, at least it was competitive right?

Now that Jamaican wins every race, the 100m is just so devalued!

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You must have hated the first few of your nine-in-a-row then. Apart from when Aberdeen ran you close in '91, there wasn't much of a challenge.

Aadvocaat also had a 20+ point triumph. That must have been shit for you.

Ah,but that was an exceptional team playing against second rate players for the most part. However my point still stands that for the most part the SPL is really an irrelevant competition without both Glasgow clubs competing against each other. So let's concentrate on the present; which team is there to challenge Celtic this season or indeed seasons to come before Rangers are back? Quick answer,no one.

Youngsy won't get that because he has been so used to a winning team he won't consider a club achieving the highest ever placing in the SPL as a competitive achievement ! ROSS COUNTY ? will finish this season above expectations and will be more ecstatic than Rangers winning the SPL ever will be.

Oh,i can understand a club being ecstatic staving off relegation,but the whole point is there is not a relevant challenge to Celtic for the title and won't be until we're back.

Youngsy, as long as your talking about sporting achievement. What's your opinion of the Usain Bolt guy?

Every time he takes part in a competition, it's a one horse race?

Would you say folk around the world look at track athletics with disdain?

How would you feel if America started doping one of their athletes. I mean. Now we've got two folk competing for the title, that's ok I take it?

The problem is, it's not an equal competition. Don't get me wrong, the American had the best training facilities, US sport put in a lot of money, but the only way they could match the Jamaican was to dope him. That's ok right?

The boy gets a ban, but hey, at least it was competitive right?

Now that Jamaican wins every race, the 100m is just so devalued!

My opinion of Usain Bolt? He's fast,very fast but he has set the standard for others to aspire to and someone will,perhaps his countryman,Yohan Blake. One things for sure though until Rangers are back in the top division no club will aspire to challenge Celtic. That's why the SPL is looked on as a mickey mouse league by many,many people. It was bad enough with the two clubs in it,it's worse now. Anyway that's it for me on this topic.

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Ah,but that was an exceptional team (1)playing against second rate players for the most part. However my point still stands that for the most part the SPL is really an irrelevant competition without both Glasgow clubs competing against each other. So let's concentrate on the present; which team is there to challenge Celtic this season or indeed seasons to come before Rangers are back? Quick answer,no one.

Oh,i can understand a club being ecstatic staving off relegation(2),but the whole point is there is not a relevant challenge to Celtic for the title and won't be until we're back.

My opinion of Usain Bolt? He's fast,very fast but he has set the standard for others to aspire to and someone will,perhaps his countryman,Yohan Blake. One things for sure though until Rangers are back in the top division no club will aspire to challenge Celtic. That's why the SPL is looked on as a mickey mouse league by many,many people. It was bad enough with the two clubs in it,it's worse now. Anyway that's it for me on this topic.(3)

1. Exceptional? Really? Multi-European Cup winners? Have a word with yourself, youngsy. You must have been aware of football being played outwith Scotland at this time. AC Milan ring any bells?

2. Can you? Can you really?

3. Arse royally kicked. Shame, really, you put most rangers posters to shame on here, both with your willingness to debate and your (usual) ability to concede defeat.

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Oh,i can understand a club being ecstatic staving off relegation,but the whole point is there is not a relevant challenge to Celtic for the title and won't be until we're back.

Youngsy there is no chance of Rangers competing against Celtic because Rangers won't have sufficient funding for years in the SPL and will have to qualify for Europe a few times with a decent run or your team be a sure fire second position every year till then.And with Chuckles at the helm fleecing what he can it will be even longer than you think after he has been ousted and then you'll find out what shit he has left crippling your club.

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Youngsy there is no chance of Rangers competing against Celtic because Rangers won't have sufficient funding for years in the SPL and will have to qualify for Europe a few times with a decent run or your team be a sure fire second position every year till then.And with Chuckles at the helm fleecing what he can it will be even longer than you think after he has been ousted and then you'll find out what shit he has left crippling your club.

To be honest, HB, the major issue for your boys is the lack of interest shown in the bread and butter games this season. CL last 16 won't happen every year. It won't even happen most years. If celtic can't pull the punters in for SPL matches, all that lovely lucre may not be there. So the big signings will be a thing of the past. So the CL qualifiers may be as far as your lot ever get. Winners of a one-horse race year after year may keep the gloryhunters aboard for a wee while, but they're already getting bored, aren't they? 6 and a half thousand at RP this season - including home fans. That is, frankly, pathetic, especially when RP is closer to the ferries than parkhead.

All the time, of course, having to pay the stadium maintenance, the PR department, the whole ball of wax needed to be a "global brand".

Saints north and west are doing it, County and ICT are doing it. I wish to f**k Killie could do it. Living within your means. Sound familiar? Yes, it's the stick you've been beating rangers with for years. As have we all. Now, though, the landscape's changed.

What do celtic have to offer, other than the "OLD FIRM"? Feyenoord, Porto, PSV and Nottingham Forest (twice) won the Big Cup. Are any of those "global"?

Without rangers, the SPL has changed. For all of us. But for celtic most of all. Because there were only ever two winners in the game of SPL roulette. What a lot of celtic fans have failed to grasp is that they needed each other. If either one went, for whatever reason, a major part of the other's raison d'etre vanished.

We're all enjoying rangers' death and the fallout from it - there's only one club that want them back in any form. Because,like any symbiotic relationship, without "the other" your own side will wither. And there won't be many mourners.

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1. Exceptional? Really? Multi-European Cup winners? Have a word with yourself, youngsy. You must have been aware of football being played outwith Scotland at this time. AC Milan ring any bells?

2. Can you? Can you really?

3. Arse royally kicked. Shame, really, you put most rangers posters to shame on here, both with your willingness to debate and your (usual) ability to concede defeat.

Your first point;under a Scottish football context yes the Advocaat team was exceptional,i can't remeber discussing Europe in the context of the challenges in the SPL,can you. Your second point; yes i can understand the ecstasy of staving off relegation,having experienced it myself with a non-league club here in England.

Your third point;arse royally kicked? by who,certainlly not by you or anyone else on here,unless you can determine where a challenge to Celtic is going to come from in the next three years or so. Once again i will state that the purpose of a league competition is to have a relevant challenge and a realistic chance of winning that league championship,not settling for second place. This is why this SPL is looked upon as a third rate league,i'm being kind there,by many,many people. When you have only one team capable of winning then there is no competition worthy of the name.

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To be honest, HB, the major issue for your boys is the lack of interest shown in the bread and butter games this season. CL last 16 won't happen every year. It won't even happen most years. If celtic can't pull the punters in for SPL matches, all that lovely lucre may not be there. So the big signings will be a thing of the past. So the CL qualifiers may be as far as your lot ever get. Winners of a one-horse race year after year may keep the gloryhunters aboard for a wee while, but they're already getting bored, aren't they? 6 and a half thousand at RP this season - including home fans. That is, frankly, pathetic, especially when RP is closer to the ferries than parkhead.

All the time, of course, having to pay the stadium maintenance, the PR department, the whole ball of wax needed to be a "global brand".

Saints north and west are doing it, County and ICT are doing it. I wish to f**k Killie could do it. Living within your means. Sound familiar? Yes, it's the stick you've been beating rangers with for years. As have we all. Now, though, the landscape's changed.

What do celtic have to offer, other than the "OLD FIRM"? Feyenoord, Porto, PSV and Nottingham Forest (twice) won the Big Cup. Are any of those "global"?

Without rangers, the SPL has changed. For all of us. But for celtic most of all. Because there were only ever two winners in the game of SPL roulette. What a lot of celtic fans have failed to grasp is that they needed each other. If either one went, for whatever reason, a major part of the other's raison d'etre vanished.

We're all enjoying rangers' death and the fallout from it - there's only one club that want them back in any form. Because,like any symbiotic relationship, without "the other" your own side will wither. And there won't be many mourners.

To be frank WRK ! Celtic's ambitions in Europe must be to reach the group stages if they can and the last 16 is just a bumper bonus year if achieved.

Personally I'd hope to see over the next couple of years our clubs in the Europa League actually qualify for the group stages at least to help those clubs financially for the coming season,to strengthen their squads or keep their players from being robbed into the English leagues at a fraction of the valuation they instantly become because they are in a supposedly higher status league.

Your right Rangers in the third has affected only Celtic's attendances,but even without Rangers if one team pushed Celtic all the way to the few games then the Celtic fans would flock back because we have a title fight on our hands.Celtic really aren't missing Rangers are they ? they are missing a rival to push them to the end.

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Your first point;under a Scottish football context yes the Advocaat team was exceptional,i can't remeber discussing Europe in the context of the challenges in the SPL,can you. Your second point; yes i can understand the ecstasy of staving off relegation,having experienced it myself with a non-league club here in England.

Your third point;arse royally kicked? by who,certainlly not by you or anyone else on here,unless you can determine where a challenge to Celtic is going to come from in the next three years or so. Once again i will state that the purpose of a league competition is to have a relevant challenge and a realistic chance of winning that league championship,not settling for second place. This is why this SPL is looked upon as a third rate league,i'm being kind there,by many,many people. When you have only one team capable of winning then there is no competition worthy of the name.

First point - the only Scottish team in football history with any kind of claim to be "exceptional" is the celtic side of 1967.

Second point - no you can't. It's not possible to understand unless it's your team. Whether you played for someone else, went to see them on a regular basis, there's only one team that matters.

Third point- no, we don't need a strong anti-celtic. celtic do. If the pair of them fucked off tomorrow Scotland, not just Scottish football, would be a happier place. That you cannot see this simple truth reflects badly upon you,youngsy. You and I both know the unsayable truth about both these clubs. Our country would be the better if they both fucked off.

Without these twin beacons of bigotry, our entire society would be healthier. Who would lose? Not my family who still live in Scotland. Not me. Not Scotland. An absolute embarrassment the pair of them.

In the short term, it's amusing for us to watch your lot beelin' at them catching your title count. In the medium term, it'll be fucking hilarious watching them selling themselves as a global brand without the anti-celtic. In the long run, we might drag Scotland into the Twentieth Century, with only a thirty year handicap on catching up with the rest of the world.

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First point - the only Scottish team in football history with any kind of claim to be "exceptional" is the celtic side of 1967.

Second point - no you can't. It's not possible to understand unless it's your team. Whether you played for someone else, went to see them on a regular basis, there's only one team that matters.

Third point- no, we don't need a strong anti-celtic. celtic do. If the pair of them fucked off tomorrow Scotland, not just Scottish football, would be a happier place. That you cannot see this simple truth reflects badly upon you,youngsy. You and I both know the unsayable truth about both these clubs. Our country would be the better if they both fucked off.

Without these twin beacons of bigotry, our entire society would be healthier. Who would lose? Not my family who still live in Scotland. Not me. Not Scotland. An absolute embarrassment the pair of them.

In the short term, it's amusing for us to watch your lot beelin' at them catching your title count. In the medium term, it'll be fucking hilarious watching them selling themselves as a global brand without the anti-celtic. In the long run, we might drag Scotland into the Twentieth Century, with only a thirty year handicap on catching up with the rest of the world.

I think you're consistently missing the point here. Whether by choice or otherwise i'm not sure because you keep harping back to both clubs leaving the Scottish set up. That isn't going to happen any time soon so get used to the clubs remaining in Scotland. You can go on about the bigotry all day long,again that isn't the issue. The issue is that without Rangers in the SPL there is not a relevant challenge to Celtic and until they are back there won't be a relevant challenge. Rangers may or may not challenge in the first season or so back but they will win the championship before any other club,outwith Celtic. That is a certainty.

Once again though you go off on a tangent as regards Rangers and everything else that has happened to them. Try relating to the topic and explain where there is a challenge in the SPL to Celtic at the moment or where it's going to come from in future seasons without Rangers instead of going over your usual tirade about the bigotry that exists,we all know about that,it's nothing knew so at least try and revert to football and football alone.

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To be honest, HB, the major issue for your boys is the lack of interest shown in the bread and butter games this season. CL last 16 won't happen every year. It won't even happen most years. .

I'm not so sure, WRK. I think European success is a self-perpetuating thing. Once you've hit the last 16 once, the money that brings in makes it easier to buy the players to mount a challenge next time. And so on.

Nah, it's Celtic. You're right.

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Meanwhile, back to the Threads Original Topic.....

The recent well publicised attempt by Orlit to get paid their rightful dues via a winding-up petition will have clear ramifications on Chuckies Grand Plan.

Businesses perform this sort of financial brinkmanship on one another all the time it must be said....but seldom this early in the life of a newly floated company.

The immediate financial impact will be far less noticeable than the damage to business reputation, and it will only serve to instigate a myriad of enquiries into his past activities by potential investors or partners.

Nothing like showing your hand early Chuck..... :D

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Don't you know, the Club & Company, they're separate entities. The club carries all the debt & the Company, that was where all the cash went, in return for the owners shareholding.
The most expensive bits of parchment in a long while.

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Don't you know, the Club & Company, they're separate entities. The club carries all the debt & the Company, that was where all the cash went, in return for the owners shareholding.

The most expensive bits of parchment in a long while.

That's it. why should any club worry about finances. just simple change company at the hint of any trouble.

No idea why David Murray thought of this, or why Craig Whyte decided to buy the debt ridden company when he could have just as easily took on the club. or even Charlie Green wanting a CVA, what was the point in that?

One thing we do know, No Rangers fans have any shares in the club, it's all the company

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That's it. why should any club worry about finances. just simple change company at the hint of any trouble.

No idea why David Murray thought of this, or why Craig Whyte decided to buy the debt ridden company when he could have just as easily took on the club. or even Charlie Green wanting a CVA, what was the point in that?

One thing we do know, No Rangers fans have any shares in the club, it's all the company

Just waiting on him exiting, with the club up to it's eyeballs in debt again, renting the facilities, oweing him the £5.5M bail out cash & two seasons (inside 12 months) worth of ST cash as well.

But hey those fans will have bits of paper saying they own shares in "Rangers International".

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