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7 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

I don't know if you ever fully get over it but you find a sense of acceptance and the loss just becomes part of who you are. There are not many tougher things in life to deal with so give yourself credit for getting through it.

I'd echo this capybara. I've been divorced and made redundant (not at the same time, thankfully...) but neither of them comes anywhere close to the loss of my mother. There's no set timescale for grieving, so as SP says, give yourself some credit for what you've already coped with.

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I read this thread and thought it was great that p&b posters were sharing experiences and giving each other a bit of support.

I have Parkinson's and started a thread to see if anyone else on here suffers from it. Hoping to chat to others about the symptoms and how it affects going to the football.

Turns out Parkinson's is funny and I had to delete the thread after only half an hour due to all the jokes being posted on it.

It's the first time I have been mocked about my condition and I am pretty upset about it to be honest.

Depression often accompanies PD and I was treated for it prior to diagnosis. I am not sure now if my reaction to being taken the piss of is due to the onset of a new episode or just that I am not as thick skinned as I thought.

That is the fun part of mental illness though. You never know if it's the condition, the meds or just a touch of the blues.

At least the lads got a bit of a chuckle though.

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Sorry if you thought that I was mocking you. I can't speak for others on here but that was never my intention. I just tend to take a slightly more light hearted approach to things on here so once again I apologise to you if I caused any offence and I would like to wish you good luck for the future.

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6 hours ago, Kneetrembler said:

I read this thread and thought it was great that p&b posters were sharing experiences and giving each other a bit of support.

I have Parkinson's and started a thread to see if anyone else on here suffers from it. Hoping to chat to others about the symptoms and how it affects going to the football.

Turns out Parkinson's is funny and I had to delete the thread after only half an hour due to all the jokes being posted on it.

It's the first time I have been mocked about my condition and I am pretty upset about it to be honest.

Depression often accompanies PD and I was treated for it prior to diagnosis. I am not sure now if my reaction to being taken the piss of is due to the onset of a new episode or just that I am not as thick skinned as I thought.

That is the fun part of mental illness though. You never know if it's the condition, the meds or just a touch of the blues.

At least the lads got a bit of a chuckle though.


1 hour ago, supermik said:

Sorry if you thought that I was mocking you. I can't speak for others on here but that was never my intention. I just tend to take a slightly more light hearted approach to things on here so once again I apologise to you if I caused any offence and I would like to wish you good luck for the future.

I'd echo what supermik says. You shouldn't take mickey-taking too seriously on here, it's normally a sign of endearment, not malicious. My old man had a really rare condition that attacks the nervous system and those it doesn't kill outright are often left with weakened internal organs, nerve damaged limbs etc. He went to a conference on it in Glasgow for survivors. It was an all day-thing but he bailed out after the morning session, saying the place was full of "miserable, boring b*****ds".

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I read this thread and thought it was great that p&b posters were sharing experiences and giving each other a bit of support.

I have Parkinson's and started a thread to see if anyone else on here suffers from it. Hoping to chat to others about the symptoms and how it affects going to the football.

Turns out Parkinson's is funny and I had to delete the thread after only half an hour due to all the jokes being posted on it.

I was actually a bit disappointed I didn't get some pelters when I made my first post in this thread.

I suppose that's down to the fact I've been signed up to this forum for about 10 years so know what to expect. I suppose it's all down to the individual. I personally rip the pish out of myself if I'm discussing it with friends, but on the other hand understand that for others it can make things worse.

This thread seems solid though. I hadn't posted on here in years and one of my first posts back was in this thread. A load of new names and old ones I had forgotten were wishing me well, so that was nice. Just don't be afraid to come in here because you'll never go unnoticed.

I've noticed over the last few years almost tick like symtoms which seem to be constant and make me not want to leave the house, then all of a sudden I realise I haven't had any for a while. I do feel that's more of an anxiety thing though.

Anyway, I'm still shite. Spending almost every day with my son though which is amazing and me and the ex are getting on very well. Nae pumping though, which isn't so grand.

I've been off Facebook for over a year now and it's a godsend. My account is still active because I don't want to lose the pictures. That's the only reason I still have it. I have also changed number a few times which means people I have no intention of seeing have no real way to pester me, and a couple of my trusted friends are doing a smashing job of keeping them at bay.

I can't remember if I posted it or not but a couple of months ago I was 5 minutes from going to a train station and flinging myself in front of an expess. I still wish I went through with it but on the other hand I'm glad I didn't put some poor b*****d driver through the grief.

I also appear to be much closer to getting my own place again and freeing myself from the burden that is me living with my maw. It might sound insensitive considering what Capy is going through but I can't wait to get out of the same house as her. Unfortunately I'm nowhere near ready to get back to work as I still take panic attacks when faced with the concept of seeing more than a couple of people at the same time and not having complete control of the situation.

I'll get there though. Not working is utterly soul destroying and I have never been the type to sit around on my arse.

Anyway i'll let you know if I'm going to do myself in.
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I'm signed off work for at least four weeks and don't see myself going back to that job tbh. It was a totally miserable job and I have felt a sense of liberation from the job since being off.

I have been going to the gym a lot and using the sauna in the gym (including jumping into the freezing cold plunge pool) because I find these things therapeutic. I have also noticed that I have lost a lot of weight since I started going to the gym as I noticed that I looked fat as f**k in older pictures compared to how I look now.

I got my medication doubled when I went to my GP and was prescribed sleeping tablets because I had been struggling to get to sleep. Been sleeping a lot better the last three nights, and I only took the sleeping tablets on one of those nights.

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18 hours ago, Toma_BullyWee said:


I was actually a bit disappointed I didn't get some pelters when I made my first post in this thread.

I suppose that's down to the fact I've been signed up to this forum for about 10 years so know what to expect. I suppose it's all down to the individual. I personally rip the pish out of myself if I'm discussing it with friends, but on the other hand understand that for others it can make things worse.

This thread seems solid though. I hadn't posted on here in years and one of my first posts back was in this thread. A load of new names and old ones I had forgotten were wishing me well, so that was nice. Just don't be afraid to come in here because you'll never go unnoticed.

I've noticed over the last few years almost tick like symtoms which seem to be constant and make me not want to leave the house, then all of a sudden I realise I haven't had any for a while. I do feel that's more of an anxiety thing though.

Anyway, I'm still shite. Spending almost every day with my son though which is amazing and me and the ex are getting on very well. Nae pumping though, which isn't so grand.

I've been off Facebook for over a year now and it's a godsend. My account is still active because I don't want to lose the pictures. That's the only reason I still have it. I have also changed number a few times which means people I have no intention of seeing have no real way to pester me, and a couple of my trusted friends are doing a smashing job of keeping them at bay.

I can't remember if I posted it or not but a couple of months ago I was 5 minutes from going to a train station and flinging myself in front of an expess. I still wish I went through with it but on the other hand I'm glad I didn't put some poor b*****d driver through the grief.

I also appear to be much closer to getting my own place again and freeing myself from the burden that is me living with my maw. It might sound insensitive considering what Capy is going through but I can't wait to get out of the same house as her. Unfortunately I'm nowhere near ready to get back to work as I still take panic attacks when faced with the concept of seeing more than a couple of people at the same time and not having complete control of the situation.

I'll get there though. Not working is utterly soul destroying and I have never been the type to sit around on my arse.

Anyway i'll let you know if I'm going to do myself in.


 Sounds like you have great relationship with your son and some good mates looking out for you. Good luck with getting your own place, i spent a bit of time staying with my dad and whist we get on fine enough, I was glad when i moved into our own place. 

I know how demoralising it is to be out of work. I was unemployed for 9 months and it nearly did me in. Have you thought about maybe doing some home study? Could fill your time and give you a bit of confidence for when you feel well enough to get out a bit more? 

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 Sounds like you have great relationship with your son and some good mates looking out for you. Good luck with getting your own place, i spent a bit of time staying with my dad and whist we get on fine enough, I was glad when i moved into our own place. 
I know how demoralising it is to be out of work. I was unemployed for 9 months and it nearly did me in. Have you thought about maybe doing some home study? Could fill your time and give you a bit of confidence for when you feel well enough to get out a bit more? 

I have actually. Looking into doing something with Open University. I have this feeling though that as soon as I get out of that house I will have turned a corner. I think as soon as I have that space i'll be in a much better place mentally.
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I read this thread and thought it was great that p&b posters were sharing experiences and giving each other a bit of support.

I have Parkinson's and started a thread to see if anyone else on here suffers from it. Hoping to chat to others about the symptoms and how it affects going to the football.

Turns out Parkinson's is funny and I had to delete the thread after only half an hour due to all the jokes being posted on it.

It's the first time I have been mocked about my condition and I am pretty upset about it to be honest.

Depression often accompanies PD and I was treated for it prior to diagnosis. I am not sure now if my reaction to being taken the piss of is due to the onset of a new episode or just that I am not as thick skinned as I thought.

That is the fun part of mental illness though. You never know if it's the condition, the meds or just a touch of the blues.

At least the lads got a bit of a chuckle though.

Folk maybe thought you were taking the piss when they seen your username to be fair.
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On 28/07/2017 at 02:52, Kneetrembler said:

I read this thread and thought it was great that p&b posters were sharing experiences and giving each other a bit of support.

I have Parkinson's and started a thread to see if anyone else on here suffers from it. Hoping to chat to others about the symptoms and how it affects going to the football.

Turns out Parkinson's is funny and I had to delete the thread after only half an hour due to all the jokes being posted on it.

Well you're not going to find that out in half an hour. This isn't facebook, you're always going to get some crap jokes in amongst some solid advice and sympathy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 minutes ago, paranoid android said:

Just watched a video of Sinead O'Conner that's currently doing the rounds - fucking hell. :(

Haven't seen it, but sitting in a New Jersey Travelodge asking for help from Facebook can't be a good place to be.

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"In a follow-up message published on Wednesday, an unnamed spokesperson said: "I am posting at Sinead's request, to let everyone who loves her know she is safe, and not suicidal.

"She asked for this to be posted knowing you are concerned for her."

"I hope this comforts those of you were concerned," they added."

Lets hope she is being taken care of, cause when you are in a place like that, just having someone to talk to can literally save your life


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1 hour ago, capybara said:

Just a couple of months after my dad's death mum is in hospital with another Heart attack. I struggle at times to believe what is going on.

Best of luck with your mum. I hope she gets well soon. Must be a tough time for you. 

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