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20 minutes ago, Jamaldo said:

I think I'm going to ask to cut to a four day week at work. This five days a week is a load of nonsense and is going to kill me eventually.

While we're on the subject of antidepressants I ordered something called 5-htp and it arrived today. It's almost like a natural serotonin enhancer and it isn't full of chemicals like pharmacutical pills. The reviews were excellent so thought f**k it and got some as I clearly need to take something but didn't fancy the prescription ones.

Anyone ever tried these? And am I mad for planning to cut my hours at work? I've really tried to stick it out but just don't think I can anymore.

We work far too much and it's a massive cause of anxiety and depression to our society. There is no reason to be doing 8 hours a day 5 days a week. It just tires people out and leaves them with little free time. Folk don't get a chance to relax and unwind. It's also just a waste of time as often people drag things out just so thay have something to do all week.

There have been studies done that show a reduced working week has a positive impact not just on mental health but also on productivity. Here's a few;





There's plenty more a quick Google away. Sadly our society won't do anything about this any time soon. There's an ingrained mentality that we should all be working hard all the time and that to do otherwise is somehow lazy and indicative of a poor and unpalatable even untrustworthy character (personally I feel it's the opposite).

I hate sitting at my desk 5 days a week just wasting my life. It's boring and almost an insult to the gift of life. It gets me down a lot as well and it feels like I'm trapped. 

I'd love to drop my hours but I can't afford it. My wage is low enough as it is!

Edited by DA Baracus
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We work far too much and it's a massive cause of anxiety and depression to our society. There is no reason to be doing 8 hours a day 5 days a week. It just tires people out and leaves them with little free time. Folk don't get a chance to relax and unwind. It's also just a waste of time as often people drag things out just so thay have something to do all week.
There have been studies done that show a reduced working week has a positive impact not just on mental health but also on productivity. Here's a few;
There's plenty more a quick Google away. Sadly our society won't do anything about this any time soon. There's an ingrained mentality that we should all be working hard all the time and that to do otherwise is somehow lazy and indicative of a poor and unpalatable even untrustworthy character (personally I feel it's the opposite).
I hate sitting at my desk 5 days a week just wasting my life. It's boring and almost an insult to the gift of life. It gets me down a lot as well and it feels like I'm trapped. 
I'd love to drop my hours but I can't afford it. My wage is low enough as it is!
When you have no work to do instead of being allowed to go home you're told to "look busy", to appease the arseholes in charge.

The amount of jobs advertised are designed to entice desperate, out-of-work people rather than employed people looking for a change. Companies are trying to pass off minimum wage as a "competitive salary". Competitive with who? The job centre?

Getting off topic but you get my point.
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Just now, Jamaldo said:

When you have no work to do instead of being allowed to go home you're told to "look busy", to appease the arseholes in charge.

The amount of jobs advertised are designed to entice desperate, out-of-work people rather than employed people looking for a change. Companies are trying to pass off minimum wage as a "competitive salary". Competitive with who? The job centre?

Getting off topic but you get my point.

I've never made myself "look busy" in my life, if they can't provide enough work f**k them.

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2 hours ago, gav-ffc said:

That’s brilliant.

I was in today as I’ve had a bad week and had to take diazepam most days for last week. Time and space to talk. 

When I was really ill, just out hospital one of the GP’s put an alert on my file and I got double appointments without asking. Some weeks it was twice a week. The other gp then ok my bank card and car keys off me just as she was calling to have me admitted. That particular gp and I have gone through a lot together. 

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54 minutes ago, Jamaldo said:

When you have no work to do instead of being allowed to go home you're told to "look busy", to appease the arseholes in charge.

The amount of jobs advertised are designed to entice desperate, out-of-work people rather than employed people looking for a change. Companies are trying to pass off minimum wage as a "competitive salary". Competitive with who? The job centre?

Getting off topic but you get my point.

Yup, competitive with the job centre.

52 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

I've never made myself "look busy" in my life, if they can't provide enough work f**k them.

If I was to do that I'd be fired. I'd love to just get up and leave when I've done my work for the day but I'd be swiftly punted if dared.

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Forgive the location of this post, I need to vent and not sure where is better.

Basically since my mums death, my dad has spiraled into a worsening position back home. He had a small fall, ended up in hospital and before he could get home had a serious fall, broke his hip and is now at Cameron Hospital near Windy gates.

He's refusing rehab and and refusing point blank to make an effort to get better. I'm not surprised as he has always been a lazy fucking arsehole who took advantage of my mum for years. He's refusing to get on his feet at all.

I got an email yesterday from the head nurse saying that they're now done with trying to help and the overall decision has been taken that he'd moving to a home somewhere.

This means that I'll be left getting rid of all the stuff at his flat, which I would have had to do anyway at some point, but pulls me across at some time again soon.

I went across last weekend (originally just to see him) to try instill some life back into him but he's given up like a fucking shite bag and refusing to even talk about the situation with me.

I know I sound like a c**t and being selfish in the matter but he's had everything done for him as long as I can remember. If he goes to a home fine.

If it was my mum, I'd have done anything for her but although I love my dad and generally get on well, I hold this burning resentment for his laziness and how he pushed it all on my mum.

Sorry for the rant, especially here but I didn't feel anywhere else was better.

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An update.
Had a small step back last weekend as, who knows why, went into a full blown panic attack for some reason. Never had one before but by f**k it was scary.
Ended up in hospital, pulse hovering between 150 and 190 bpm for about an hour and shaking like the worst jakey ever. Pumped full of Ativan, kept got 2 nights and all seems fine again now, thank feck.
But that was horrible

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Forgive the location of this post, I need to vent and not sure where is better.

Basically since my mums death, my dad has spiraled into a worsening position back home. He had a small fall, ended up in hospital and before he could get home had a serious fall, broke his hip and is now at Cameron Hospital near Windy gates.

He's refusing rehab and and refusing point blank to make an effort to get better. I'm not surprised as he has always been a lazy fucking arsehole who took advantage of my mum for years. He's refusing to get on his feet at all.

I got an email yesterday from the head nurse saying that they're now done with trying to help and the overall decision has been taken that he'd moving to a home somewhere.

This means that I'll be left getting rid of all the stuff at his flat, which I would have had to do anyway at some point, but pulls me across at some time again soon.

I went across last weekend (originally just to see him) to try instill some life back into him but he's given up like a fucking shite bag and refusing to even talk about the situation with me.

I know I sound like a c**t and being selfish in the matter but he's had everything done for him as long as I can remember. If he goes to a home fine.

If it was my mum, I'd have done anything for her but although I love my dad and generally get on well, I hold this burning resentment for his laziness and how he pushed it all on my mum.

Sorry for the rant, especially here but I didn't feel anywhere else was better.

It’s good to get it out, even just re-reading what you’ve written can help.
Obviously, I don’t know the history and/or ages of parties involved, but is it possible your dad is suffering depression after the passing of your mum & needs assistance with his mental health as well as physically?
You’ll know the situation best, just a suggestion as to why he appears to be making no effort to get better.
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It’s good to get it out, even just re-reading what you’ve written can help.
Obviously, I don’t know the history and/or ages of parties involved, but is it possible your dad is suffering depression after the passing of your mum & needs assistance with his mental health as well as physically?
You’ll know the situation best, just a suggestion as to why he appears to be making no effort to get better.
Aye maybe, he's been given anti depressants but frankly, he'd get more benefit just making an effort rather than even more medication.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's my old man passed away, a little suddenly if not unexpected. Still reeling a bit from my mum gone. Flying back in like half an hour, it's like I'm on autopilot. Didn't get the chance to properly say goodbye, he didn't want to talk on the phone past couple of weeks, I'm full of mixed feelings.

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1 minute ago, Stellaboz said:

That's my old man passed away, a little suddenly if not unexpected. Still reeling a bit from my mum gone. Flying back in like half an hour, it's like I'm on autopilot. Didn't get the chance to properly say goodbye, he didn't want to talk on the phone past couple of weeks, I'm full of mixed feelings.

Sorry to hear that, understandably you won't know whether you're coming or going.

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That's my old man passed away, a little suddenly if not unexpected. Still reeling a bit from my mum gone. Flying back in like half an hour, it's like I'm on autopilot. Didn't get the chance to properly say goodbye, he didn't want to talk on the phone past couple of weeks, I'm full of mixed feelings.

Sorry to hear Stella. From what you’ve said it was probably expected but still not nice. Thoughts are with you mate.
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I have experienced some sort of "relapse" back into depression in recent weeks (feelings of anxiety, poor sleep, stress and anger for no reason) but have identified that my caffeine intake has been rather high in the past few months. I have stopped drinking coffee yesterday and today (drinking only tea) and have found myself feeling calm and relaxed, but tired.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I started a new job about three months ago and I enjoyed it at first because it seemed like a nice change from what I did before.

Unfortunately my new workplace is very cliquey and certain people have taken a dislike to me and have decided to start criticising my work for no reason. According to my supervisor I was wrong to allow a very volatile patient to eat his meal in a quiet area, despite the manager (who I get on well with) previously instructing us to do exactly that.

Most of my colleagues are arrogant fuckwits and I'm sick of working with them. They make me not want to go to work.

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On 7/30/2018 at 14:49, DA Baracus said:

Are folk on medication supposed to have a review? I've been on Fluoxetine for 3 years now and have never met with a GP to discuss it. I just keep getting the same prescription.

I think I'm going to taper myself off of them soon. Can't be fucked with them anymore. Don't think they're doing anything anymore anyway.

I was on that a while back i took myself off them as wanted to try and battle it without the use of anti depressants.  I have a lot of blip days and off late there have been more blip days.  I try to keep myself busy to keep my mind active and theres only so much you can do.  I dont help myself with isolating myself from everyone mind you.

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Have recently bought a house and got married then had an excellent week on honeymoon with the wife.  Been away with my pals a few times over summer too for stags and it was great, my life is good and I feel resentment that I am unhappy at work.  Very grateful to have my job as I understand folk have it worse than me but I am currently sitting on forums all day everyday and the job is dead end as f**k.  Hate the call centre enviornment and moved from my old department which was full on customer service to a new 1 in work which is less busy but they are starting to make it like my old job more and more.  I was at the point of travelling to work with a knot in my stomach everyday when it was like that and am currently plotting an escape route.  I am considering a post grad at uni for secondary teaching but tbh it is because it is my only feasible option in terms of being unable to go back to uni full time for more than the 9 months this would take due to committments (mortgage and kid).  Feel like going off sick long term to try and find something but don't want to leave for another call centre.  The problem is once you are in the habit of bouncing about this environment it isn't hard to bag a job elsewhere doing it and the cycle continues.  Have applied for an adult apprenticeship with a company doing engineering which would be more beneficial in terms of salary only dropping by a few grand and continuously earning rather than studying full time for a post grad on not alot of money (minimum student loan and no bursary due to wife's income). Although life is going good in other aspects I am feeling desperately unhappy at work and as we spend 40 hrs a week there I feel myself slipping into a depression like I have in the past. Don't know what to be doing.  Just ranting on here as I feel I am killing my wife's buzz at night by moaning about work. 

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That's my old man passed away, a little suddenly if not unexpected. Still reeling a bit from my mum gone. Flying back in like half an hour, it's like I'm on autopilot. Didn't get the chance to properly say goodbye, he didn't want to talk on the phone past couple of weeks, I'm full of mixed feelings.
You situation is spookily similar to mine in the way I lost my parents.
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3 hours ago, ??? said:

Have recently bought a house and got married then had an excellent week on honeymoon with the wife.  Been away with my pals a few times over summer too for stags and it was great, my life is good and I feel resentment that I am unhappy at work.  Very grateful to have my job as I understand folk have it worse than me but I am currently sitting on forums all day everyday and the job is dead end as f**k.  Hate the call centre enviornment and moved from my old department which was full on customer service to a new 1 in work which is less busy but they are starting to make it like my old job more and more.  I was at the point of travelling to work with a knot in my stomach everyday when it was like that and am currently plotting an escape route.  I am considering a post grad at uni for secondary teaching but tbh it is because it is my only feasible option in terms of being unable to go back to uni full time for more than the 9 months this would take due to committments (mortgage and kid).  Feel like going off sick long term to try and find something but don't want to leave for another call centre.  The problem is once you are in the habit of bouncing about this environment it isn't hard to bag a job elsewhere doing it and the cycle continues.  Have applied for an adult apprenticeship with a company doing engineering which would be more beneficial in terms of salary only dropping by a few grand and continuously earning rather than studying full time for a post grad on not alot of money (minimum student loan and no bursary due to wife's income). Although life is going good in other aspects I am feeling desperately unhappy at work and as we spend 40 hrs a week there I feel myself slipping into a depression like I have in the past. Don't know what to be doing.  Just ranting on here as I feel I am killing my wife's buzz at night by moaning about work. 

Sounds like your job is boring and doing your tits in! however you like/need the money and don't want the drop in earnings to go full time education. Is that not what the open university is for? 

Try and change your attitude to work. you already know its pish and not what you want to be doing. use it to earn the money  you need while getting something better. You could keep your job and earnings while studying at night (i'd imagine on the job as well if you are crafty enough) and use that as a means to getting another job in an area that you want. Once you get a few modules under your belt you might as well chance your luck in applying for jobs in those areas. you will be able to show your future employer you mean business and are well on the road to gaining the qualifications they want their employees to have.

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1 hour ago, psv_killie said:

Sounds like your job is boring and doing your tits in! however you like/need the money and don't want the drop in earnings to go full time education. Is that not what the open university is for? 

Try and change your attitude to work. you already know its pish and not what you want to be doing. use it to earn the money  you need while getting something better. You could keep your job and earnings while studying at night (i'd imagine on the job as well if you are crafty enough) and use that as a means to getting another job in an area that you want. Once you get a few modules under your belt you might as well chance your luck in applying for jobs in those areas. you will be able to show your future employer you mean business and are well on the road to gaining the qualifications they want their employees to have.

Already changed my attitude to work in the lead up to saving for house and going holidays and wedding.   Currently registered to do an open uni course for my maths that is required for entering uni if I go for the Post Grad.  Problem with doing a Post Grad in teaching is you do placements and it is a FT course for 9 months.  It'd be a step back for 2 forward but there is a fear of failure inside me also.  Job pays roughly about 25k a year which is excellent considering it is a non skilled job just scared to leave it and end up in a worse paying job if the post grad fell on its arse. 

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