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Posting here feels a bit weird, but at this stage I am not sure what else to do.

My recent moods have been so up and down that it’s starting to scare me. Sometimes I feel fine, if a little disconnected from the rest of the world. But sometimes I go through wee phases of horrible lows. They generally pass quite quickly, but usually these periods are really intense. I feel short bursts of feeling utterly hopeless to the point of having suicidal thoughts, although I cannot see myself ever acting on those thoughts. I feel paranoid and I lash out at everyone around me. I don’t really want to know what’s going on as I think the effect on my family would be awful if I was found to have depression, or something else. I don’t really want to let the genie out if the bottle and I would rather try and manage it myself, although I am not sure if I can or if that’s in any way healthy.

The thing that really bothers me is that there’s nothing going on in my life to cause this. My job is dull but tolerable, it’s not in any danger, I have enough friends and family around me to not feel lonely, and I have no money worries. I have felt like this in the past, but it’s been triggered by a specific event and usually manifests itself with self-destructive behaviour – which usually involves me alienating myself from everyone around me.

Also, today for the first time in years I started self harming. I did self-harm a bit around the age of 20, but that was triggered by a specific traumatic event in my life at the time. This wasn’t, which terrifies me. I don’t know what to do as I think this is getting worse. I really don’t know where to go from here.

Rowan is right, mate - ask for help. :)

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Got an appointment at the doc's this morning and just had a chat about it. Been given the number for one to one counselling and put on a really low dose of citalopram just to see how I get on. Quite relieved actually to have finally done something about it. I owe quite a bit to my new girlfriend for being really good and open about her own problems with mental illness as it made me ready to go and see someone.

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Got an appointment at the doc's this morning and just had a chat about it. Been given the number for one to one counselling and put on a really low dose of citalopram just to see how I get on. Quite relieved actually to have finally done something about it. I owe quite a bit to my new girlfriend for being really good and open about her own problems with mental illness as it made me ready to go and see someone.

I always find opening up to folk close to me really difficult so kudos to you mate and its always a bit of a relief when they support rather than lecture or if they can relate with their own experiences

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I am having a really hard time coming home from work to an empty house, it's killing me

This time of year really doesnt help either. Try and find something to distract yourself or try and make plans outwidth your house to shake things up a little. If you do go down the boxset route Breaking Bad wouldn't go far asmiss

For some strange reason despite feeling down for the last few weeks im strangely cheery today. Probably just all the sugar in my system

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I've not had a great couple of weeks. Had a heap of input from psychologist but I'm through it safely.

also have raised far more than I ever thought I would for SAMH for the 5k I'm doing on Saturday.

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Not sure if this is the right thread for this but here's an interesting article about Tom Fraser, who went missing following Belladrum last year. It's a pretty unique perspective into a missing person case, from the point of view of the missing person.


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Problem is, due to work hours, I get home at 9pm at night and have to make something to eat. By the time I've done that I'm usually not interested in watching TV....I record stuff I miss, usually watch it the following morning

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Problem is, due to work hours, I get home at 9pm at night and have to make something to eat. By the time I've done that I'm usually not interested in watching TV....I record stuff I miss, usually watch it the following morning

How about going for a walk after you've eaten? Helps dinner get down before you turn in, gets some endorphins going but not enough to keep you awake. Download some podcasts and listen to them while you're out to keep your mind busy.

Edit - not sure if you've said elsewhere Raider, but have you sought professional help?

Edited by Disco Duck
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After yet another bad experience with a lass it seriously shot my confidence to hell, I note alot of my issues and problems seem to stem from women. Make of that what you will

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