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I'm on my feet at work teaching for most of the day.

Why I can't sleep? I guess it's depression, but I really can't take medication as I am very intolerant. aspirin is like LSD for me

Hello Raidernation, Sounds like tough times for you.

Are you 'happy' in Illinois?

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Don't go out then. Fucking hell. It's amazing that people are posting about serious problems they have here and then there's this.

That's what this thread has descended into these last few weeks, pathetic mewling by cretins about girls. I know where your coming from its incredibly irratating these people aren't even depressed in any way shape or form, and its actually pretty fucking crass when there's people in this thread whos lives are being affected in a serious way by depression/ other kinds of mental illness.

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Genuinely pissing myself laughing at how angry Smurph gets over EO

he's just like a harmless g_man, smurph

I'm surprised he can go out for drinks for his birthday. I thought he was 12 or something.

At least G_Man hardly posts now, and doesn't fill them with 20 different emoticons.

That's what this thread has descended into these last few weeks, pathetic mewling by cretins about girls. I know where your coming from its incredibly irratating these people aren't even depressed in any way shape or form, and its actually pretty fucking crass when there's people in this thread whos lives are being affected in a serious way by depression/ other kinds of mental illness.

I wouldn't go as far as what you've written in bold, in fact I'd say that's rather unfair to say that as you don't actually know, but I certainly feel that some posters are using this thread just like the PTTGOYN one. There's people on here talking about struggling after family members have passed away or enquiring about what medication they've just been prescribed with which is what it should be used for. Then there's some people complaining about not wanting to go out for a few drinks with their friends on their birthday or that they can't find the size of shoe they want (never happened, but it wouldn't surprise me if it did). Fair enough, different things effect different people in different ways, but they should have a little perspective.

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I'm surprised he can go out for drinks for his birthday. I thought he was 12 or something.

At least G_Man hardly posts now, and doesn't fill them with 20 different emoticons.

I wouldn't go as far as what you've written in bold, in fact I'd say that's rather unfair to say that as you don't actually know, but I certainly feel that some posters are using this thread just like the PTTGOYN one. There's people on here talking about struggling after family members have passed away or enquiring about what medication they've just been prescribed with which is what it should be used for. Then there's some people complaining about not wanting to go out for a few drinks with their friends on their birthday or that they can't find the size of shoe they want (never happened, but it wouldn't surprise me if it did). Fair enough, different things effect different people in different ways, but they should have a little perspective.

! agree with that

People who would go to the bother of posting about not being able to find the right size of shoe wouldn't know perspective if it landed on their foot...

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In my defense with this one I had alot of issues that led to me having councilling sessions and sleeping tablets due to women related problems. I understand the current issues I have are no where near as bad as that situation and I really hope I never have to go through that again. It was only recently I told some friends about it and it happened about 5 years ago and most people really didnt know I had any issues. Will be a more pressing concern to be checking on my mum as its my grans birthday in a week and she passed away in October

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In my defense with this one I had alot of issues that led to me having councilling sessions and sleeping tablets due to women related problems. I understand the current issues I have are no where near as bad as that situation and I really hope I never have to go through that again. It was only recently I told some friends about it and it happened about 5 years ago and most people really didnt know I had any issues. Will be a more pressing concern to be checking on my mum as its my grans birthday in a week and she passed away in October

You don't have to defend yourself, mate.

Depression can often be caused by some sort of emotional or physical trauma.

I think people forget that Doyle's earlier posts in this thread were about the very real possibility of him having Crohn's disease - it wasn't that long ago, either.

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There's way too much of that in this thread. It's concerning that people are quick to label themselves as depressed because they've split up with a bird or they don't want to go out somewhere. f**k knows how they are going to cope when they have real problems to deal with like bills and mortgage/rent etc.

I'm sure there's a few people that have been thinking the same as Smurph, but have refrained from posting in case they are labelled c***s. But aye, fucking hell, not wanting to go out on your birthday is not something to be depressed about.

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Story in paper a week or so ago stating that several million people are misdiagnosed as depressed each year when in reality they are actually just feeling down. Problem for Doctors is they can't turn around to someone and say "you're not depressed" should someone describe some of the symptoms. Not quite as simple as a fucked leg.

Problem with this being is now people are claiming to be suffering from depression quite commonly for incorrect reasons which in turn makes the publics understanding and sympathy for depression get worse.

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I do agree there that there are people who when they are a bit down are quick to label themselves depressed over very small problems. That said the levels of different issues that people on this thread are dealing with are massive and does really make you realise what some people deal with behind closed doors. Hope its a better year for all of us

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I'm sure there's a few people that have been thinking the same as Smurph, but have refrained from posting in case they are labelled c***s. But aye, fucking hell, not wanting to go out on your birthday is not something to be depressed about.

I think you've kind of got that arse backwards, dear.

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See before this thread turns to shit I'd like to put my point across. I've posted my problems on this page, I have had health problems for quite a while now and am only now coming to terms and dealing with these problems. I posted for the first time on this page around 3-4 months ago because I needed to let things out and after reading similar stories to mines I did. It helped a massive amount, just being able to vent what I was going through.

I am diagnosed BPD, I am on medication and I have had hours of counselling. I was abused as a child and as a teenager. Through no fault of my own it was people who should have taken care of me. I am a normal human being that just had a rough time and sometimes struggle to deal with my past. This thread gives me an out when I'm feeling a bit low and people on it are very supportive and have shared experiences.

Eoin Doyle is getting flack on here but if he thinks he's depressed because he doesn't want to go out for drinks then so be it. I'm not to judge him, maybe he does feel like that. He seems a gen up decent guy just a bird done him over. 2 months or 2 years the guy is just a bit down.

Don't let this thread turn into a mess because if you read through it their are people who are genuinely helping each other with advice, experience etc.

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This may not be the right thread to ask this but is there anything that can be prescribed for motivation?

One of my major problems is not keeping focus. I've many, many thoughts about what I want to do with my life but I just can't seem to stick to one. Last year I made a pretty bold move and fucked off to Ukraine for a month, without telling any of my family that I was going and intended to stay there for the foreseeable. I took out loans, overdrafts, you name it and just packed my bag and off I went. I should have planned it much better and I ended up spending over two grand in that one month (people there don't earn that for about 6 months plus) and ended up with a choice of getting a flight home or staying there with £150 with no job, living visa or working visa. I really wanted to stay but I cut my loses and flew back.

I've been up all night looking at apartments to rent in L'viv, asking people I met there about availability, I've been researching about the city with visions of setting up my own tour guide business, but it's all a pipe dream as it stands. It's an unhealthy obsession but it's what I want to do. I don't have a job and I'm in mountains of debt; it really makes me sad that something that most may look at and think it's affordable, I just can't do.

Maybe it's just a kick up the arse I need. To refer back to the birthday scenario; my 21st is next week and I'll end up going to the pub on my own because none of my mates will be bothered to go with me - that starts to make me think I have no mates which actually could be true to an extent. There's no one I could trust implicitly. I don't really want to change who I am but I know that people take one look at me and just think "Aw that's a sin" - it's really downgrading. I'm a nice guy, really, just not confident I guess.

Any thoughts?

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This may not be the right thread to ask this but is there anything that can be prescribed for motivation?

One of my major problems is not keeping focus. I've many, many thoughts about what I want to do with my life but I just can't seem to stick to one. Last year I made a pretty bold move and fucked off to Ukraine for a month, without telling any of my family that I was going and intended to stay there for the foreseeable. I took out loans, overdrafts, you name it and just packed my bag and off I went. I should have planned it much better and I ended up spending over two grand in that one month (people there don't earn that for about 6 months plus) and ended up with a choice of getting a flight home or staying there with £150 with no job, living visa or working visa. I really wanted to stay but I cut my loses and flew back.

I've been up all night looking at apartments to rent in L'viv, asking people I met there about availability, I've been researching about the city with visions of setting up my own tour guide business, but it's all a pipe dream as it stands. It's an unhealthy obsession but it's what I want to do. I don't have a job and I'm in mountains of debt; it really makes me sad that something that most may look at and think it's affordable, I just can't do.

Maybe it's just a kick up the arse I need. To refer back to the birthday scenario; my 21st is next week and I'll end up going to the pub on my own because none of my mates will be bothered to go with me - that starts to make me think I have no mates which actually could be true to an extent. There's no one I could trust implicitly. I don't really want to change who I am but I know that people take one look at me and just think "Aw that's a sin" - it's really downgrading. I'm a nice guy, really, just not confident I guess.

Any thoughts?

Sounds like a good idea, but try it somewhere else other than the Ukraine.

Watching the news, I seriously doubt their tourist industry is going to be booming at present or in the near future.

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