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Been offered a new job which is in a far better industry than I'm in at the moment, every weekend off & set shifts.

Fucking delighted, been feeling fucking horrific these past few weeks due to my current work situation and this has just lifted me 100%.

Cannot fucking wait to move on from this shite stage of my life and start afresh!

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Been offered a new job which is in a far better industry than I'm in at the moment, every weekend off & set shifts.

Fucking delighted, been feeling fucking horrific these past few weeks due to my current work situation and this has just lifted me 100%.

Cannot fucking wait to move on from this shite stage of my life and start afresh!

:thumsup2 Great news man. Glad that's cheered you up.

I've been feeling a bit better with myself these past few days. Start work on Thursday, got a bird, got a great selection of friends and my confidence is fully back. Just nervous about telling the old folks about my bird and working on thursday.

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This might sound silly or petty but.....

Tomorrow is the last (half) day of school, so I will be off until the end of August. Now this might sound wonderful, but (I) I don't get paid and (ii) I love my job. I'm dreading what the hell I'm going to do for 3 months and it's making me feel very down right now.

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I'm having a bit of a "downer" week, where I just seem to attempt to kamikaze everything good in my life and destroy it.

It may be petty, but I'm just having one of those weeks that I just seem to go from disaster to crisis and there is no middle land in between. I have allowed my mind to go to some pretty dark places but those are just fleeting thoughts in my daily routine.

I'm hosting the SPLStats quiz tomorrow night, while I have the Scottish Cup Final and Motherwell v Rangers to look forward to at the weekend but, in truth, I'm just looking forward to doing absolutely nothing next Monday.

I know this post appears petty, especially in relation to what others have written, but I felt it would be good to write down how I feel, even if nobody reads it.

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I'm having a bit of a "downer" week, where I just seem to attempt to kamikaze everything good in my life and destroy it.

It may be petty, but I'm just having one of those weeks that I just seem to go from disaster to crisis and there is no middle land in between. I have allowed my mind to go to some pretty dark places but those are just fleeting thoughts in my daily routine.

I'm hosting the SPLStats quiz tomorrow night, while I have the Scottish Cup Final and Motherwell v Rangers to look forward to at the weekend but, in truth, I'm just looking forward to doing absolutely nothing next Monday.

I know this post appears petty, especially in relation to what others have written, but I felt it would be good to write down how I feel, even if nobody reads it.

Not petty really, they do say failure to look forward to things or no longer finding things enjoyable you normally do is a sign of depression.

I can relate to the bit as well about looking forward to doing nothing, I think this is as much to do with not being arsed with people and not wanting to make idle chat as anything, certainly is in my case anyway.

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It feels bizarre to be posting in this thread just a few short hours before setting off for Hampden to see my team hopefully lift the Scottish cup, but we have no say in when this horrible illness will take its toll on us.

I finished 3rd year of uni three weeks ago, and for the most recent two-and-a-half weeks, I've been back staying in Airdrie, the place where I was brought up. I was a bit of a loner in school, I wasn't badly bullied, although I did tend to get excluded from most things by folk my age. As a result I spent large chunks of my teenage years trying to summon up the courage to end it all, but thankfully, never managed. I was always pretty academic and just thought if I could get good grades and go to uni it would be a fresh start.

And it was when I went to Edinburgh Uni in 2012. Moving to the capital was the best thing that's ever happened to me, I now have a wide and varied social life, am not as badly affected by depression as I once was and am generally happy with the person I am. However in recent days the realisation has dawned on me that I only have a year left at uni, and this time next year I could be back to square one, because I might have to move to a new city alone, and this time I won't have the crutch of student life to help me meet folk. I dread to think what will happen.

It doesn't help that my dad is really fucking pissing me off right now. We were never really close when I was growing up but have become best friends since I went to uni (my mum is the opposite, we were very close when I was growing up but she really annoys me now) however lately he's just been trying to oppose me in everything I do. He had a bizarre pop at me for supporting Motherwell last night, and the thing that's really wound me up tonight is how passive he seems about the game tomorrow. He was the man that took me to the games growing up and introduced me to football, and we're going together again tomorrow, but it seems like he just doesn't give a shit one way or the other whether we win or lose and that's really fucking riled me up.

Anyway, sorry about my musings but hopefully somebody will listen. I guess I could just use someone to talk it out with at the moment.

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And it was when I went to Edinburgh Uni in 2012. Moving to the capital was the best thing that's ever happened to me, I now have a wide and varied social life, am not as badly affected by depression as I once was and am generally happy with the person I am. However in recent days the realisation has dawned on me that I only have a year left at uni, and this time next year I could be back to square one, because I might have to move to a new city alone, and this time I won't have the crutch of student life to help me meet folk. I dread to think what will happen.

I can't really relate/help much with the family difficulties, although I too think my mother is an arse. I grew closer to my dad but our personality clashed far too much to be "mates"

I can, however, understand your anxiety over moving to a new city all alone. While I have never had a permanent home in a totally isolated city, I have some experience of it through interrailing in 2010. While everything at the start went smoothingly I arrived in Liege(Stop 3 or 4), got off the train and looked for travel information. I couldn't find it for 2 hours so basically broke down(tears and thait) on a bench outside while telling a pigeon to f**k off when it dared walk near me. After composing myself I went back in and found travel information, found my hostel and walked there.

My point is, presumably you will be visiting the city for your job. I'd definitely recommending finding a local pub/cafe that means you have somewhere to focus on when you move. If all you know is your job, house and some sort of social environment(said pub/cafe) then you'll get to know people eventually through simply asking "do you know where the nearest TESCO is?". The worst people can say is f**k off.

If you won't be visiting the city prior to job, then just make a personal pledge to make one friend on your second day. It pushes you out your comfort zone in an emergency.

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It certainly becomes harder to make friends as you get older.

I moved to a new place a few years ago after getting married. It's a big difference from what I was used to. I used to socialise a fair bit with my friends as a lot of us stayed near each other. I used to have weekends off too which was easier.

Since getting married, I went back to studying so went from working full time to part time. Along with moving, it means I don't see much of my friends at all. I'm just hoping that getting my degree will be worth the sacrifices over last few years.

Unfortunately I still don't really have any friends in local area. I've mentioned to a couple folk about going out for drinks but it is always me suggesting it and feels one way at times. I have people at work that I get on pretty well so sometimes go out with them.

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I can't really relate/help much with the family difficulties, although I too think my mother is an arse. I grew closer to my dad but our personality clashed far too much to be "mates"

I can, however, understand your anxiety over moving to a new city all alone. While I have never had a permanent home in a totally isolated city, I have some experience of it through interrailing in 2010. While everything at the start went smoothingly I arrived in Liege(Stop 3 or 4), got off the train and looked for travel information. I couldn't find it for 2 hours so basically broke down(tears and thait) on a bench outside while telling a pigeon to f**k off when it dared walk near me. After composing myself I went back in and found travel information, found my hostel and walked there.

My point is, presumably you will be visiting the city for your job. I'd definitely recommending finding a local pub/cafe that means you have somewhere to focus on when you move. If all you know is your job, house and some sort of social environment(said pub/cafe) then you'll get to know people eventually through simply asking "do you know where the nearest TESCO is?". The worst people can say is f**k off.

If you won't be visiting the city prior to job, then just make a personal pledge to make one friend on your second day. It pushes you out your comfort zone in an emergency.

I wanted nothing other than to be with my dad when we lifted the cup. It means so much to "dads and lads" and I'm gutted about getting beat and he's still giving me the "only a game" shite. f**k him. Next time I'll go alone or with mates.

Yeah if I'm moving I'd assume it would be for a job. Thing is even if I end up staying in Edinburgh, I still think my life would suffer a lot. The last few years have been the first time in my life I've been genuinely happy and I honestly don't know how to replicate it going forward.

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I wanted nothing other than to be with my dad when we lifted the cup. It means so much to "dads and lads" and I'm gutted about getting beat and he's still giving me the "only a game" shite. f**k him. Next time I'll go alone or with mates.

Yeah if I'm moving I'd assume it would be for a job. Thing is even if I end up staying in Edinburgh, I still think my life would suffer a lot. The last few years have been the first time in my life I've been genuinely happy and I honestly don't know how to replicate it going forward.

What have been the things that have made you happy?

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f**k sake. I should be happy but i'm not. I'm feeling down again ffs :(.

When i've tried speaking to people including my bird they couldn't give a f**k about i'm feeling. I feel everyone is acting funny around me and i just can't take it anymore. :(

Edited by SOL II
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f**k sake. I should be happy but i'm not. I'm feeling down again ffs :(.

When i've tried speaking to people including my bird they couldn't give a f**k about i'm feeling. I feel everyone is acting funny around me and i just can't take it anymore. :(

Maybe it's time to speak to you Doctor, Doyle?

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Having a real hard time coping with my job lately and have decided that I have to move on. It's tough after working very hard to prove myself and do well only to be effectively told that I'm being kept back for any slim prospects because I'm reliable and hard working.

You really couldn't make it up. It's difficult to get motivated when you're being punished for trying.

Have to try and keep positive but it's hard to give up eight hours a day and weekends occasionally when you get nothing back.

Job market does seem to be picking up though. Just wish you could ask direct and honest questions at the interview! It all seems to be one way.

Not sure exactly when I crossed into 'f**k this' territory but perhaps it's a good thing to wake up and move on?

I'm not alone as at the last count five people in my department have walked out or never came back. I take some sort of pride from lasting so long, sounds daft but you have to grab onto something to try and stay positive.

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Looking for some advice lost my dad recently and i am struggling to deal with it having a bad effect on my home life. I have contacted gp but was wondering where else i could contact to get counseling etc?

any help much appreciated

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Looking for some advice lost my dad recently and i am struggling to deal with it having a bad effect on my home life. I have contacted gp but was wondering where else i could contact to get counseling etc?

any help much appreciated

My GP recommended me to FDAMH but that's just in Falkirk so I would perhaps ask your gp.

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