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Sat outside perth royal infirmary, mates taken an overdose, 40 valium, 20 paracetamol, 10 ibuprofen and 4 eccies. Found him around an hour after he'd taken them. c***s absolutely fucked ! Canny speak, eyes rolling etc. Waiting on test results. Guys had depression problems for a while now, 3rd overdose.


Fingers crossed, pal.

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Sorry man. Must be horrible. What help has he had for the depression?

To be honest I don't really know. He has been going to counselling but he never talks about that, just about being positive and dealing with things day to day. Seen this coming, he's been drinking too much lately and I knew something was wrong.No nice leaving the hospital at 3 in the morning with his piss sodden jeans and a mate lying fucked inside . They gave him an injection to counteract the opiates, put him on a drip for the next 21 hours and it's just a case of hoping he hasn't suffered too much damage internally .

Mixture of emotions just now .

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To be honest I don't really know. He has been going to counselling but he never talks about that, just about being positive and dealing with things day to day. Seen this coming, he's been drinking too much lately and I knew something was wrong.No nice leaving the hospital at 3 in the morning with his piss sodden jeans and a mate lying fucked inside . They gave him an injection to counteract the opiates, put him on a drip for the next 21 hours and it's just a case of hoping he hasn't suffered too much damage internally .

Mixture of emotions just now .

Don't know what the best thing to do would be. Assuming he's physically OK, I'd recommend talking to a few other mates and making regular checks that he's being receiving treatment for the depression, but he might resent that. Best thing would probably be for his family to take over and badger the NHS to make sure they're not forgetting about him. You get the impression that it's all too easy for people with mental health problems to slip out of sight; generally, it's not like they're going to kick up a fuss themselves.

All the best, anyway.

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I'm a month into my new job in the care sector and am starting to feel I might not be cut out for it.

It's a hard going job which requires a lot of patience and an assertiveness I don't really possess. I'm probably too nice. On the other hand I don't believe in forcing people to go to bed and get up against their will just to suit the dayshift, but that's the common practice in my workplace and it goes against the basic principle of choice. Hardly anything is done the proper or caring way. HIS would rip them a new arsehole if they knew about this.

My workplace is also quite bitchy and cliquey and there is a culture of blame and scapegoating. Because I'm "the new guy" with no real personal care experience, the knives will probably be out for me shortly.

I'm nearly halfway through my probational period and I will probably stick it out until then.

Edited by Richey Edwards
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Well I id go to the hospital and been in-patient from Wednesday last week and got discharged yesterday. Still got to go see a therapist so just waiting on appointments for that. Should have done it weeks ago (shite time of year for me amongst other things) but I feel a hell of a lot better than I did)

BFTD, no insurance to pay for it, hence my hesitation, but really glad I went (Although it was an odd experience at first)

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I'm a month into my new job in the care sector and am starting to feel I might not be cut out for it.

It's a hard going job which requires a lot of patience and an assertiveness I don't really possess. I'm probably too nice. On the other hand I don't believe in forcing people to go to bed and get up against their will just to suit the dayshift, but that's the common practice in my workplace and it goes against the basic principle of choice. Hardly anything is done the proper or caring way. HIS would rip them a new arsehole if they knew about this.

My workplace is also quite bitchy and cliquey and there is a culture of blame and scapegoating. Because I'm "the new guy" with no real personal care experience, the knives will probably be out for me shortly.

I'm nearly halfway through my probational period and I will probably stick it out until then.

Stick with it, they can do with more folk who actually give a shit. I've heard similar tales, but I doubt everywhere is as bad. You can always move until you find somewhere a wee bit more caring.

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Well I id go to the hospital and been in-patient from Wednesday last week and got discharged yesterday. Still got to go see a therapist so just waiting on appointments for that. Should have done it weeks ago (shite time of year for me amongst other things) but I feel a hell of a lot better than I did)

BFTD, no insurance to pay for it, hence my hesitation, but really glad I went (Although it was an odd experience at first)

Good stuff. I take it healthcare that would cover pre-existing mental health issues would be too expensive?

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When I'm down I get recurring thoughts of hurting myself. I dont' think I'll actually do it, I just get kind of mental images about the act of hanging myself or where I would go go to do it. It's quite disturbing but it passes.

I've been in the same situation. There have been several times in recent months when I've thought about jumping out of a window or hanging myself from a balcony or similar. What's sometimes the scariest bit about it is how calm you sometimes seem to be while contemplating it. I think it's because planning out an action like that can be one of the few things you feel as though you're in control of when your mood is low and things feel helpless.

What helped for me was letting those around me know that I had recurring thoughts about this. It's important not just for doctors and therapists when monitoring depression and medication. They aren't thoughts you want to admit to having but overwhelmingly people will want to help and will be supportive when you feel as though there is no alternative. Social support can stop you doing something that would cause lasting harm and better equip you to deal with those thoughts when on your own.

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Stick with it, they can do with more folk who actually give a shit. I've heard similar tales, but I doubt everywhere is as bad. You can always move until you find somewhere a wee bit more caring.

I have reported the goings on. Just need to see what happens.
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First time I've posted on this thread despite having browsed it for a good few months.

I've been dealing with the aftermath of a horrible and heartbreaking break-up. The relationship had been 5 years, we had a wee boy who's my pride and joy. I had lived the previous 3 years of the relationship in Ireland with my girlfriend, where she came from, and had planned to make a life and a family for myself. And I tried everything in my power to make that happen. I was in a job I enjoyed, working with some really good guys who had made me feel welcomed and at ease from day one. I really liked the area I lived in, I felt at home really quicky. I had my son, who after an anxious premature birth was just my whole world. Things were on the way to being the perfect family life I'd envisaged.

But last year things had changed for me, I realised that my life was being stripped away from me piece by piece. My girlfriend had always been difficult, she was always so insecure. I believed it was insecurity to begin with, but after time I realised it was completely unreasonable to the point it was being used to totally control me.. To glance at a newspaper with a picture of an attractive female made me a pervert, I was accused of looking at females when out and about, even when I hadn't. I'd always known it was there, but I loved her since I met her and this side of her hadn't been on show then.

She was becoming ever more down on my family, my hobbies, everything. We lived surrounded by her large family, and she expected it of me to go along on all their weekly days out and ocassions. If I said no once in a while I was shunned, totally ignored by both her and her mother and certain other relatives. When it came to my family visiting once or twice a year though it was a completely different story. Her behaviour was disgusting, she couldn't have made things any more obvious that she had no interest in them. Not even for my sake. It was as if once I'd moved there she changed. My family were shunned, my support for my country or my team was belittled and in general it was as if I was to forget everything that had went before, everything that meant anything to me was to disappear, and was to be replaces by everything of hers. My thoughts and feelings seemed irrelevent, I was continuosly pushed until I had a breakdown.

If it wasn't for my son I may have left sooner, in hindsight. I adore him and miss him terribly every day. I've been back in Scotland for a year, I've had counselling and continue to this day. Its still a struggle. I have good days but still many bad. Last weekend would have been our 6th anniversary, rather ironically it was Ireland v Scotland and it all resulted in me having a terrible day. I drank far too much and made a fool of myself in a local pub, falling about and bing a nuisance. I'd tried to block out my anguish by drowning them in alcohol, and of course it failed.

I'm trying to make a positive out of my life now, I've been accepted for college in September, a mature student no less! But I want to improve my life, get a career I enjoy, and have a better life for myself and my wee boy.

I'm trying to look ahead, but I'm not sure if or when I'll get fully through this.

Anyone going through similar issues or any form of depression has my sympathy.

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I went to an 8 week mindfulness course which helped alot. The thing is sometimes it can be difficult to remember. It needs practice. Taking at least half an hour to yourself a day is good practice if you can. The getselfhelp website is packed with lots of info

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Cheers Snudge. The problem I'm having is getting beyond things. It destroyed me when things didn't work out, I'd put so much into the relationship and wanted it to work out more than anything.

Moving on seems impossible when I loved her the way I did. I feel in many ways I'm starting to get my life together which may help. But its hard to let go, even when my mental health has been so badly affected.

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I'm a month into my new job in the care sector and am starting to feel I might not be cut out for it.

It's a hard going job which requires a lot of patience and an assertiveness I don't really possess. I'm probably too nice. On the other hand I don't believe in forcing people to go to bed and get up against their will just to suit the dayshift, but that's the common practice in my workplace and it goes against the basic principle of choice. Hardly anything is done the proper or caring way. HIS would rip them a new arsehole if they knew about this.

My workplace is also quite bitchy and cliquey and there is a culture of blame and scapegoating. Because I'm "the new guy" with no real personal care experience, the knives will probably be out for me shortly.

I'm nearly halfway through my probational period and I will probably stick it out until then.

From reading up on this type of stuff it seems like there is a huge problem in the NHS with bullying etc. Seems a bit strange that it would happen in a place where you're supposed to be empathetic and caring. Until workplace psychopaths and bullies become a widely known issue it will continue.

Toxic dysfunctional management, workers treated badly or unfairly. Workers turn on each other rather than against the elephant in the room.

Same shit in most workplaces nowadays unless you're lucky or have a decent Union.

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From reading up on this type of stuff it seems like there is a huge problem in the NHS with bullying etc. Seems a bit strange that it would happen in a place where you're supposed to be empathetic and caring. Until workplace psychopaths and bullies become a widely known issue it will continue.

Toxic dysfunctional management, workers treated badly or unfairly. Workers turn on each other rather than against the elephant in the room.

Same shit in most workplaces nowadays unless you're lucky or have a decent Union.

It's not supposed to happen anywhere any more, but it's everywhere.

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First time I've posted on this thread despite having browsed it for a good few months.

<snip to save space>

It's not easy coping when you realise that someone you love isn't who you thought they were, but it reads like you're doing OK. It'll just take a bit of time to heal, and you'll see the warning signs if you ever end up in a similar position. Hopefully the ex isn't causing problems with access to your son, but you're better off out of that situation anyway.

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It's not easy coping when you realise that someone you love isn't who you thought they were, but it reads like you're doing OK. It'll just take a bit of time to heal, and you'll see the warning signs if you ever end up in a similar position. Hopefully the ex isn't causing problems with access to your son, but you're better off out of that situation anyway.

Thanks for the feedback mate. Its kind of up and down with contact with my son, I'm trying to get over to see him as much as I possibly can but I know it'll never be an easy situation. I am doing ok now in many ways, when I think back to the place I was in when I left Ireland I can't quite believe I'm still here in some ways, I was badly broken up. Feel very lonely at times, difficult to cope with that feeling. Just taking my life a day at a time, trying to look to the future and not backwards.

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Thanks for the feedback mate. Its kind of up and down with contact with my son, I'm trying to get over to see him as much as I possibly can but I know it'll never be an easy situation. I am doing ok now in many ways, when I think back to the place I was in when I left Ireland I can't quite believe I'm still here in some ways, I was badly broken up. Feel very lonely at times, difficult to cope with that feeling. Just taking my life a day at a time, trying to look to the future and not backwards.

One way or another, the feeling of loneliness will go in time too, but I remember what a horrible, empty thing that is. With regard to your son, it seems like you were getting on quite well in Ireland before the problems with the ex - any chance you might be able to move back there once you're a bit stronger? It's not like you're a million miles away anyway, I suppose.

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Its a thought I've had, I'm making steps to improve my qualifications with the ultimate aim of bettering my career prospects. The trouble I'd have at this moment is the jobs I'd be likely to get wouldn't allow for me to live there with the cost of letting or buying. If I can beat my demons then its definitely a possibility, I miss the place terribly and feel under different circumstances I could have settled there for life.

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Mother in law having one of her "family get togethers" today for Father's Day. All the usual family members there except the one who didn't get an invite.

I feel pretty shit right now, not heped that I can't get anywhere to help with therapy for my mental issues (unless I want to front up $500 that I don't have)


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