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I'm sure I also have a copy or two somewhere, I have a vague memory that some of the VFTR content offended some members of the local press corp so much that they demanded a public apology? Brilliant.



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4 hours ago, optimistic said:

If, we had a manager who could solidify the team, could still be aitken, and had good solid results like we did under Murray, how possible would it be to offer lengthier contracts to both management team and players, where we could benefit from only having to tweak the team every transfer window, as opposed to losing several decent players every six months. I've said a few times, that every season in whatever league we are in, then we should definitely be aiming to improve, even if its up one place or at least improving points or goal difference tally. 

As for the cups, and after calming down after last nights result, yes we should be aiming to win the cups and every game we play, most cup games we are unlikely to win, but try we must.players must learn we pay good money, most of us on one wage, most of them have two, and most have no loyalty to our club, but they have to start realizing this, we deserve better, and although I hopefully won't turn on them until October at least, I do expect to see more of a togetherness and team spirit on the park, 


Wot U smokin' bro?

Build us wan bud. 

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8 hours ago, Silverton End said:

5 years in The Championship & our home support appears to be decreasing, 400-odd season tickets sold for the upcoming campaign, a year or two ago it was over 600. An away day means £50-£60, few beers, food, transport etc. It's hard to justify that cash with other outgoings, and hard to watch some of the football too, sadly.

If we get relegated & were challenging for the League 1 title, would these home fans return??

Food for thought indeed.

Did the decrease in Season Ticket Holders not coincide with a sizeable hike in the cost of the ticket? I seem to recall a big jump two or three years ago.

i doubt if they'd return imediately. Unless we're at the playoffs stage. Quite a few glory hunters turned up vs Airdrie in the year we won the playoffs.

Plus, they're all out playing games with their mobiles just now, chasing Pokemons. Much more fun than supporting the best part time team in Scotland, I guess.:1eye

400+ is still a good number of S/Tickets sold.

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12 hours ago, Dumbarton Rock said:

Well that was my last game in charge of your pitch. I've had some highs and lows in the last couple of years but thoroughly enjoyed it. All the best for the season ahead and hope you guys stay up once again. Cheers Buster.

Cheers Buster, all the best. You've done us proud.

No' sure if I like the sound of your replacements, though.

Are they Tinkers?

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6 hours ago, son of a bankie said:

I have never seen DFC in any other league. I started after watching the conga at Airdrie.
I have enjoyed every season as we have achieved our goal of survival.
To survive we need to have a part time squad who exceed and a full time squad who don't.
I like Stevie and think if he had the money we would survive. Currently we don't have the money to have a squad who will exceed. This is the smallest squad I have witnessed. So please don't blame the management.

I am an ex old firm but hate being called this when I buy my season ticket, tops and 3/4 top. When asked who I support it's Dumbarton I reply.

Don't you worry, I'm always around to remind you of your past. :P

Only kidding, we who sit with you are delighted you turned the other (erse) cheek.

As you know, I'm currently trying the same with Thirdrock Jnr.

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9 minutes ago, son of a bankie said:

Are you coming up to Apache country for the Bankies game?

Quite likely. Maybe turn up in Apache Country with my Arabs-supporting mate (formerly of the Vale, Dalmuir and now Paisley) just to give It an international flavour.

And as long as my sat nav can find the way on such a long, complex journey............

Edited by ThirdrockfromtheSon
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There's some very interesting debates going on here, so I might as well voice my opinion as well.

I haven't seen us yet this pre-season/competitive games (call it what you will) but I do reckon that from looking at our squad, we do have a good enough starting eleven to compete in this league.

It's when we start getting injuries and suspensions (as we're already experiencing) that the trouble will arise, because we simply don't have a big enough squad (as to be fair, most others recognise).

We definitely need at least two more bodies on loan to supplement the squad. And I'd certainly expect Aitken to be working to bring players in over the next couple of weeks.

With regards to the budget, if it is correct that it's vastly reduced for this season, on account of some being 'borrowed' from this year's, then, questions rightly should be directed towards Aitken. Understandably as to why it's been spent in such a way.

But then it should only be fair that questions are asked of the board as well. Why did they allow Aitken to 'borrow' budget for last year?

If the manager was given additional budget then it would be unfair and unrealistic to expect him to question the financial management of those who give the budget, he's going to spend it. So, if we have left ourselves short this year, on account of overspending last year, then questions must be asked of those above.

With regards to the levels of success or otherwise we achieve, I personally would say that 8th this season (and any other in this division) would be an undoubted success.

I'd love it as much as the next fan if we could aim higher after a couple of seasons in the Championship, but the fact is we can't, on account of our budget (whatever season we're in) being dwarfed by all other sides in the division.

9th and staying up in the play-offs would be a success I'd say, twinned with slight disappointment that we'd have needed the play-offs to achieve safety.

And finishing bottom would be failure, no debate. That's not dependant how well or otherwise we do in the cup competitions. If we do well, fine, but if we don't, I can't really say I'd be bothered, particularly should safety be achieved.

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