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apart from the 2 goals how did Robert Thomson play ,guys

He was fantastic, and I'm saying that as his biggest critic on here. His goals were both lovely, in very different ways. His first was the sort he should've scored a lot more of this season - some proper goal scorer movement and a pretty decisive finish. His second was glorious.

His work rate has always been decent, but he matched it with some pretty solid tackling for once. On the ball he was Berbatov-esque, pulling off some obscene footwork.

So aye, it was his best performance by far for us.
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I didn't really learn much from the article to be honest, until near the end.

It's quoted in the article as 'financially beneficial occupation of the new ground'. While that remains, it's still a massive no from me.

Also, am I not right in saying (I'm sure it was mentioned at some point along the way so far) that if it can be proven that the site floods more often than 1 in every 200 years then legally they can't build on it? Surely that'll happen at some juncture then rendering the plans unable to be proceeded with in anything like their current state?

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9 minutes ago, DumbartonTheSons said:

Also, am I not right in saying (I'm sure it was mentioned at some point along the way so far) that if it can be proven that the site floods more often than 1 in every 200 years then legally they can't build on it? Surely that'll happen at some juncture then rendering the plans unable to be proceeded with in anything like their current state?

This has been my thoughts all along. I think the will is so large from Brabco that we will start laying bricks at Renton Road but what we end up with will be unrecognisable from the plans we've seen so far. They have no experience of doing this work and have carried out their calculations on a Fisher Price calculator and scribbled them on a fag packet which has then been kept under a shroud of confidentiality. They must think we zip up the back.

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5 hours ago, Sonsteam of 08 said:

See what really grinds my gears about that though? It feels as if he's making out that he's doing us a favour by releasing a statement. That harks back to the (pretty attrocious) attitude shown by Wilson and Hosie at the Trust meeting. Like we should be grateful for our Brabco masters.

A full statement in response to the Brabco one on the DFC site will be going up on the Sonstrust site later today, after I've finished talking to the local press this morning. I'll post the link here, of course. 

There are a number of very important issues raised by this statement, which we'll be handling in detail. 

I'm sure everyone here will realise, of course, that this move towards greater transparency/enagement (and in particular, movement on offshore ownership) is a direct result of both public and private pressure from fans through the Sonstrust - and the coverage in both the local papers and the Sunday Herald, to which we have been party every step of the way. 

One very important point: regarding "We are involving a wide group of stakeholders in this work, including those who are members of the Sonstrust."   We have asked for this and we are very willing to engage seriously and productively, but *not* in exchange for any kind of gagging order. There will be legitimate issues of commercial confidentiality which need observing as we look at business modelling for a new stadium and what follows (of course... we understand that). *But* there can be and there will be no silencing the trust from raising legitimate questions and concerns as we move forward. The maximum possible transparency benefits everyone (building trust and partnership) when there is nothing to hide.

Last comment at this stage: what this shows is that the voice of fans can be not only "heard", but effective in bringing the accountability we want. But *only* if we are united and strong. So sorry to be boring about this, but please recruit friends to the Sonstrust TODAY! https://sonstrust.wordpress.com/join-here/  This is vital, along with the support we have from the local MSP and other senior people in public life.  We need the maximum support for the Sons, our club, on and off the pitch. 

Btw, we had a trust board meeting on Saturday morning, and some important decisions were made/confirmed (further to what I reported at the AGM) which you'll also be hearing more about soon...



Edited by TheFarPost
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some interesting comments in that statement, ranging from the fact that we break even at the moment, to the hint of future full time football. It will be interesting to see if this is actually feasible, and how many of our players are currently in effect full time players, albeit they only train twice a week

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Here, as promised, is the initial Sonstrust response to the Brabco statement this morning: https://sonstrust.wordpress.com/2017/03/13/sonstrust-response-to-brabco-statement/ 

We have also commented to the Dumbarton Reporter (which you will be able to see tomorrow) and to the Lennox Herald (Wednesday). 

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It was important for the Brabco directors to realise how how vital engagement is. If they don't engage with the support and with the local community then they're creating barriers that a Grand National winner would struggle to overcome. Ian Wilson's statement naturally raises just as many new questions as it answers old ones and the devil remains in the detail.

This is why a strong supporters trust is vitally important. We want to have the loudest voice possible and that means ensuring that we have strength in numbers. As I always say whenever Brabco raise their head above the trench - approach what they say with an open (but challenging) mind, keep asking questions and demand answers. It's vital that any decision made is an informed decision.

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2 hours ago, BallochSonsFan said:

It was important for the Brabco directors to realise how how vital engagement is. If they don't engage with the support and with the local community then they're creating barriers that a Grand National winner would struggle to overcome. Ian Wilson's statement naturally raises just as many new questions as it answers old ones and the devil remains in the detail.

This is why a strong supporters trust is vitally important. We want to have the loudest voice possible and that means ensuring that we have strength in numbers. As I always say whenever Brabco raise their head above the trench - approach what they say with an open (but challenging) mind, keep asking questions and demand answers. It's vital that any decision made is an informed decision.

That's exactly our approach. 

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I'm not sure about the possibility of going full time......   
It could be a short road to the club going bust.
I'd rather we were part time and still in existence than full time and then defunct.

It's utter nonsense chat to entice folk into buying their utter nonsense ideas.

They couldn't give a flying f**k if we were part-time, full-time or non existant in 10 years time.
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Whilst we have a very good part time team on the pitch, we could still be doing things better off the pitch. Until off the pitch runs as smoothly as possible then full time is a pipe dream. And on crowds like ours it'll likely remain a pipe dream.

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Wanting a full-time team, being able to pay for it, and making it self-sustaining long term are three different things, in short. And if you don't pay for it, you don't really want it. (That's leaving aside all the legitimate questions about what it would actually mean for a club like DFC, of course.)

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OK, here's the full page from the Reporter news section -- including a comment from the trust, of course.

Getting Brabco to come onshore is a major 'win' for us as an organised, effective supporters' group.

But it hasn't happened yet.

We will be on top of this every step of the way. 

And we plan to get even bigger, even better organised and event more effective. For which we need your membership, support and involvement. 

The trust and the fans will do everything in our power to secure a good future for this club. So will the club chairman, the trust DFC director, and the other non-Brabco directors, I know.

It's now up to Brabco, and especially Ian Wilson, to demonstrate their good faith and their capacity to deliver in a way that's credible and sustainable for the club and fans, as well as remunerative for them as developers. 


Reporter 1 14 March.png

Reporter 2 14 March.png

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This from the Sport pages of this week's Reporter.

It's important to know that the Sonstrust and Dumbarton fans have wide and deep support as we engage with the DFC owners to make sure that anything that happens is demonstrably in the interests of the club we love. (That includes media and political support, as well as within the game.)

Some of you may not know that I co-founded the Scottish Football Supporters Association with Paul Goodwin (formerly of SD) around 18 months ago, and am chair at the moment. Indeed, some of you may still not have heard of SFSA - Scotland's first autonomous national fans' body!  Well, you do now!

Joining is FREE. http://scottishfsa.org/reclaimthegame/  We have 66,000+ individual and affiliate members now, and we're aiming at 100k by the end of the year. We've been lobbying the football authorities on a range of issues fans care about, we are developing a 'rate your club' system to press for improvements in fan experience, we have community projects on the go, a manifesto ('Transforming Scottish Football') and more. Really importantly, aside from the cut-throat competition on the field (!), we can coordinate fan pressure to support one another in ensuring that the game is better run etc. from top to bottom.

Anyway, forgive the self-plug, but as what's going on at DFC illustrates, there are real gains from standing together.

Cheers, Simon

Reporter 15 Match 2017 - 3.png

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