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We cant go about throwing improved contracts at players for next season just now. We dont know what league we will be in (yes it will be league 1 but we may get lucky if we sneak into playoffs) so if we go up do we really want some of these guys sticking about because let's be honest, Layne, quitongo would struggle in the championship and Hutton, although having a decent season, has already shown he doesn't have a huge influence on games against FT teams. Not to mention, we could get these guys signed up on bumper long term deals for them to do their ACL tomorrow and we would be stuck paying for them for a year. We will continue to do business the way we do it, it's not ideal and causes us a bit of stress trying to throw a team together but it makes perfect sense for a club like us.
Well to be honest did think about the changing of league. The players that I named I would still have them as part of the team or at least the squad in the Championship if it were to happen. Layne might not be the most technically gifter player ever but he hassles opponents and finds himself in the right place quite often.

Most of the problems we are facing at the moment were caused when we were last in the championship. When we were paying unsustainable wages to our players to try and stay up every year.

Maybe Duffy would be able to do something similar to what he's done this season. Get some players in on a reduced budget that are all grafters and want to put everything they've got into the games instead of the squad we got relegated with.

FWIW (feel free to tell me I'm wrong with this) I don't think there is actually a huge difference between some of the championship teams and the top half of this league.
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On 23/12/2019 at 00:38, super-son said:

I would quite like to see us throwing a contract extension McGeever's way in January.

He started off a very shaky defensively IMO and I feared the worse when I seen our defense over the first few weeks but he has improved drastically over the course of the season.

More importantly when was the last time we had a Centre Back that could find the back of the net with his head?

He has scored 5 already this season and is quite often the only bit of hope when the team decide to have an attacking offday. A corner or a free kick can so easily lead to a goal with him in the box.

He's not the only one I would throw an extension to but just thought he deserved a little recognition.

I would quite like to see a different approach this year with a few players signed up before they become free to leave at the end of the season.

I'd like us to.maybe have a chat to players like McGeever, McKee, Hutton, maybe even Layne and Quitongo to get them signed up and stop us panic signing during close season.

I agree, I don’t see any reason why we can’t offer some new deals before the season ends. You can put clauses it it regarding promotion, staying in the same league etc

I don’t think the panic approach is something we need to accept. Other teams our size have parts of the team signed up before the season is done. 

it could also help with momentum as some might look at it and think if I play well I can get a new deal as well.

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FWIW I’m actually very happy with Conor Brennan. He has some flaws but for a guy with so little 1st team experience through his career, he’s been really decent I’d say and will only improve with more game time - I definitely wouldn’t be spending one of our available wages on a GK come January.


On the separate issue of player contracts. I wouldn’t mind seeing some key players signed up early but given how tightly the club is budgeted, I can see why it’d be regarded as a risk with Injury and form/age deterioration all factors.


What I must say I’d be extremely opposed to doing is signing up players until next January - for me that’s an absolute disaster waiting to happen when we get nearer the time.


Finally I’d like to wish all Sons fans a merry Christmas and a happy new year - hopefully 2020 will see an increased win count and more importantly, improved attendances.


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If McHeeder can keep up his goalscoring return through the 2nd half of the season, then he'll have earned cult-hero status in my book; irrespective of his obvious defensive deficiencies.

The absolute lad is literally instructing his team mates where to put the ball in the box and he's handling the rest. A top boi.

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4 hours ago, cameron2000 said:

FWIW I’m actually very happy with Conor Brennan. He has some flaws but for a guy with so little 1st team experience through his career, he’s been really decent I’d say and will only improve with more game time - I definitely wouldn’t be spending one of our available wages on a GK come January.


On the separate issue of player contracts. I wouldn’t mind seeing some key players signed up early but given how tightly the club is budgeted, I can see why it’d be regarded as a risk with Injury and form/age deterioration all factors.


What I must say I’d be extremely opposed to doing is signing up players until next January - for me that’s an absolute disaster waiting to happen when we get nearer the time.


Finally I’d like to wish all Sons fans a merry Christmas and a happy new year - hopefully 2020 will see an increased win count and more importantly, improved attendances.


Re my highlight above, don't you think the first part and the second part could be directly related ?  To me, Brennan follows Scott Gallacher and Grant Adam as keepers who are capable of good things but who are simply too erratic over the piece.  We need better. 

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11 minutes ago, Howlin' Wilf said:

I was doing some bits and pieces today and listened to the Saturday Supplement of Off the Ball which had Lee Mair on as a guest. Well worth the listen if only for the story of Mair seriously falling out with Jim Duffy and JD texting in to the show on his way back from Kirkcaldy.

At what part does he mention this?

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3 minutes ago, Howlin' Wilf said:

Listen from 43:30 - the music gives context to the story to come. Duffy texts in later in the programme (you'll need to find that bit yourself). 

Lee Mair absolutely shafted Duffy.

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