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Sons' sorrow

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43 minutes ago, BallochSonsFan said:


 I'd be surprised if the players hadn't stopped playing for him, which isn't a good reflection of the character of our playing squad.

They may have stopped playing for him but for their own pride the players shouldn't be giving up. We're only two points behind Peterhead. That ought to give them motive. Of course, an upturn in results would see Farrell staying on.......

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38 minutes ago, BallochSonsFan said:


We don't get to ignore the gravity of our current situation just because we don't like it. Folk don't have to like it. I certainly don't like the results we've been getting. Unfortunately at this point in the season there's no alternative. It's a depressing position to be in and there's no easy fix.

The time for punting Farrell was January. It isn't mid-March. We've gone past the point where we can get Farrell out, get his replacement in and hope there to be an improvement in things. Part of the problem is Farrell. A really big part. His past 2 post match interviews have been little short of ego-driven nonsense. I'd be surprised if the players hadn't stopped playing for him, which isn't a good reflection of the character of our playing squad. I wouldn't be putting much faith in a shower of players who look to have given up some time ago. 

There's a desire from fans for the club to do something. Really to do anything and to be seen to be trying to change things. The board still have to try to make the right decision. The right decision was probably to punt Farrell in January, bring in his replacement and give the new manager a fighting chance of avoiding relegation. At this stage of the season we're far from an attractive proposition. We'll likely need to change managers in the summer. Pulling the trigger now, spending the next 2 weeks trying to attract a new manager and then potentially  having to recruit again in 6 or 7 weeks time just isn't something the board will do. They won't want to pay Farrell compensation before the end of the season when they'll have the chance to review budgets. They won't want to try and recruit right now when we're sitting 9th in League One and looking like good bets for relegation. They won't want to put a caretaker in place until May. None of those are good options.

Did you actually read my post ?  Where did I suggest that we needed to hire a manager for the remainder of this season ?  I suggested we look to enlist a senior member of the playing staff in a caretaker capacity; failing that the Director charged with football affairs could oversee the operation - are you aware that Stranraer were run by a committee for a large part of their existence ?  At the season's end the whole shebang can be assessed, and for the record the primary duty of a Board of Directors in a limited company is to safeguard the interests of the shareholders.

So let me make this simple.  Imagine the club were you or I, and a big lorry emblazoned with the words 'Relegation & Decline' came hurtling towards us.  I know what I would do - try to avoid the fucker.  You though seem to be suggesting that we stand still and get melted.  Good luck with that.

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33 minutes ago, pleslie99 said:

I see someone on the FB page is suggesting we bin Faz and bring in none other that Stevie Aitken............   

I'm done

Can almost guarantee that one is a troll answer from who commented it

Edited by sonsism
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4 minutes ago, rockson said:

They may have stopped playing for him but for their own pride the players shouldn't be giving up. We're only two points behind Peterhead. That ought to give them motive. Of course, an upturn in results would see Farrell staying on.......

I was at East Fife a week or so back, we were sat near the dugouts & I can tell you the majority of players weren't even taking Farrell or McKeown on.

When Stokes was subbed (and he wasn't our worst on the day tbf) he was raging, never went near the dugout, instead legged over the barrier & sat in the stand.



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15 minutes ago, sonsism said:

Barry Ferguson walked a few weeks back and Alloa are already out of the shit they were in and pretty much safe.

It can be done.  If the board don’t want to do it, that’s a completely different issue.

The only good thing he did at Alloa  IMO, so Farrell does not do the walking away ? 

looking at the poorer performing teams in L1 only dumbarton and not surprisingly peterhead have new men in 

I am surprised Farrell is still at the rock and can only guess that he needs to walk and any other option involves cash your club does not have  ? feel for you but glad we are improving albeit at your expense , As has been said before who would you have replace him 

i am glad we got Brian rice when we did as i do not see much out there i would rather have ,  We are not quite safe yet but things defo on the up .

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4 hours ago, Silverton End said:

Ok, appoint Boghead Ranter then, he's up for it.

Anyone on here would be an upgrade on Farrell, never mind Andy Graham. 😀

Thanks for your support. PM me your seat number, I'll make sure I wave at every game.

3 hours ago, FifeSons said:

On second thoughts, let's keep Farrell... 

You're getting nothing but flicked vickies, bawbag 😉

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54 minutes ago, rockson said:

They may have stopped playing for him but for their own pride the players shouldn't be giving up. We're only two points behind Peterhead. That ought to give them motive. Of course, an upturn in results would see Farrell staying on.......

Which is why I don't put all of the blame on Farrell. His performance as manager hasn't been good enough, but our players look like they gave up some time ago. There's absolutely no fight left in them.

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55 minutes ago, sonsism said:

Barry Ferguson walked a few weeks back and Alloa are already out of the shit they were in and pretty much safe.

It can be done.  If the board don’t want to do it, that’s a completely different issue.

Alloa had the resources to go out and appoint Brian Rice.

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I dont think a change is coming, so I guess theres nothing else to do but try and support the players.

I thought the boy Stanger done ok at left back on Saturday.  But keeping Boyle and Muir on the bench is a perfect example of Fazz' signing strategy, man management and support to the younger kids.  Never mind that he's dragged Lynch out of hibernation and thrown him in the 11, then subbed him and then subbed the right back again.

He might be a nice guy, he might talk a good game, but we've got to be better.  He was lucky in January I think when on a honking run of form he signed Wylde and Josh before a win and 2 draws.   Since then it's all gone wrong again and we've seen changes in shape, horrible tactics, a terrible lack of squad depth and frustration from the players.

Hopefully he flukes 1 or 2 wins again 

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53 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Did you actually read my post ?  Where did I suggest that we needed to hire a manager for the remainder of this season ?  I suggested we look to enlist a senior member of the playing staff in a caretaker capacity; failing that the Director charged with football affairs could oversee the operation - are you aware that Stranraer were run by a committee for a large part of their existence ?  At the season's end the whole shebang can be assessed, and for the record the primary duty of a Board of Directors in a limited company is to safeguard the interests of the shareholders.

So let me make this simple.  Imagine the club were you or I, and a big lorry emblazoned with the words 'Relegation & Decline' came hurtling towards us.  I know what I would do - try to avoid the fucker.  You though seem to be suggesting that we stand still and get melted.  Good luck with that.

Do any of the current playing squad hold the coaching badges necessary to act as caretaker?

Given the choice between a current player as caretaker, even if we had somebody who could take on the role, and Farrell then we're better sticking with Farrell. I don't see anybody in the squad even remotely capable of doing better. Paul Paton? Paddy Boyle? Maybe get McGeever involved since he's not going to be playing again this season? Its not like we've got a squad of players who have shown any kind of enthusiasm or will to do better this season.

We've gone past the point where we can bring somebody else in and give them anything like the time needed to work with the current players and try to get more out of them. The time for that was 2 months ago. Not mid March. I don't like the position we're in. I don't like where we're heading. East Fife will have enough belief about them that they can perhaps sneak 9th and I wouldn't put it past them to do exactly that. I just don't see who'd take over with so little time left and make a meaningful difference. We'd need to pay the manager and his assistant to leave. Potentially a decent amount of money. We'd then need to put our faith in somebody who has never managed a team before (player/caretaker) or hope that Colin could convince an out of work manager to come in and take over.

Keeping Farrell until the end of this season isnt an appealing option. Unfortunately we've left it too late - the alternative is equally unappealing. We're left with 2 absolutely terrible choices.

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31 minutes ago, BallochSonsFan said:

Alloa had the resources to go out and appoint Brian  Rice.


Which is why I don't put all of the blame on Farrell. His performance as manager hasn't been good enough, but our players look like they gave up some time ago. There's absolutely no fight left in them.

Your point was it’s too late in the season to make a change.

And who should be making sure the players have fight in them… ?

Edited by sonsism
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It's going to be tight I think; peterhead have 28 points and are to play us and east fife, 6 points from last 33.

Us, 26 points and 8 points from 33, peterhead at ours in a  few weeks.

EF; 23 points and have taken 10 points from 33.

How different it would have been if we'd not lost to EF and Peterhead.

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Faz should have been relieved of his duties after the East Fife game. Zero points from 9 against fellow relegation fodder simply wasn’t acceptable. We are heading one way at present and regardless of the mechanics of it all the decision really isn’t a difficult one to make. Doing nothing and hoping for some form of magical turnaround, when every indicator available is telling you it’s highly unlikely, is equally as unacceptable and if we go down having stuck with it the board will need to carry their share of the blame.

A change now would give us a chance. A skim one maybe but a slim chance is better than no chance, surely? 

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1 hour ago, BallochSonsFan said:

Do any of the current playing squad hold the coaching badges necessary to act as caretaker?

Given the choice between a current player as caretaker, even if we had somebody who could take on the role, and Farrell then we're better sticking with Farrell. I don't see anybody in the squad even remotely capable of doing better. Paul Paton? Paddy Boyle? Maybe get McGeever involved since he's not going to be playing again this season? Its not like we've got a squad of players who have shown any kind of enthusiasm or will to do better this season.

We've gone past the point where we can bring somebody else in and give them anything like the time needed to work with the current players and try to get more out of them. The time for that was 2 months ago. Not mid March. I don't like the position we're in. I don't like where we're heading. East Fife will have enough belief about them that they can perhaps sneak 9th and I wouldn't put it past them to do exactly that. I just don't see who'd take over with so little time left and make a meaningful difference. We'd need to pay the manager and his assistant to leave. Potentially a decent amount of money. We'd then need to put our faith in somebody who has never managed a team before (player/caretaker) or hope that Colin could convince an out of work manager to come in and take over.

Keeping Farrell until the end of this season isnt an appealing option. Unfortunately we've left it too late - the alternative is equally unappealing. We're left with 2 absolutely terrible choices.

OK, we're going to have to disagree on this, but I have to say that it appears that your take is a distinctly minority one.  However, it is probably one which will prevail at the football club.

But the current team management has set a bar so low though that you really wonder why making a change now is such a wild notion, I mean it's not like Raith loaning us Lewis Vaughn and then promptly being relegated.  I think we both know the answer to that, and I agree with you - money, or rather the apparent lack of it.  And yet, how can that be when the outgoing Company Secretary stated that the club's finances were decent at his time of leaving ?

Perhaps a public statement from the club at this time might provide some clarity, I think the supporters are at least entitled to that.  The Board of Directors need only express full confidence in the Manager and confirm his position remains assured.  Speculation ceases immediately and we are spared a blizzard of posts on here. 

And watch out for that lorry.

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34 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

 I think we both know the answer to that, and I agree with you - money, or rather the apparent lack of it.  And yet, how can that be when the outgoing Company Secretary stated that the club's finances were decent at his time of leaving ?

Looking back at the statement from the new owners now and it’s even more ludicrous than I remember:

“Our priorities will be to:

a) Maintain the legacy of Dumbarton Football Club and build its profile into its 150th year and beyond, and develop a commercial engine to underpin that success.

b) Begin to make the transition to a full-time squad. Our short term target is to create a stable Championship club.

c) Use Henning's global contacts to build links with international clubs and players, especially in Scandinavia.

d) Reignite plans for a new, increased capacity community sports and leisure facility at Young's Farm, without the residential element that previously caused objection.

e) Look to develop the planning permission at Castle Road to financially support the club and contribute towards the new stadium.

f) Increase supporter participation and ownership in the football club.”

Sons sorrow, indeed. 😣


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1 hour ago, sonsanorak said:

It's going to be tight I think; peterhead have 28 points and are to play us and east fife, 6 points from last 33.

Us, 26 points and 8 points from 33, peterhead at ours in a  few weeks.

EF; 23 points and have taken 10 points from 33.

How different it would have been if we'd not lost to EF and Peterhead.

You do realise that Peterhead have already beaten us three times this season ?

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