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Problem is PEP farrel who thinks hes a fuckingf technical wizzard playing bizarre lineups and players out of position.

His ego is way TOO BIG for his skill set.Take a leaf out of Dick Campbells book.Play guys in their natural position and get the best out of them.

This pish is unwatchable,Get him bInned NOW.

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A continuation on last season. No cohesion and no obvious game plan. We’re in for a long season.

Of the new players Long, Lynas and Wallace look like good signings. Byrne was fairly anonymous and McNiff had a shakey 2nd half after looking comfortable in the 1st. I thought David Wilson was stinking today unfortunately.

Buchanan, Wylde and McKee were good for us, McKee and Wallace were trying to get on the ball and make things happen. McLean good in flashes but didn’t do enough for me. Carswell didn’t looked interested at all.

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I’ll wait until the real stuff starts before I start panicking. I have seen us with far better squads than this struggle to buy a point in this competition. 

Brett Long looks like a huge upgrade on what we had last season. McNiff looks like a dependable option at centre back and Wallace looks like a good addition. I also thought the lad Lynas put in a decent shift.

The negatives? The manager just does some absolutely daft shit that I can’t get my head around. Playing David Wilson out wide was a bizarre call. McKee might get some flak but he’s by far our best central midfielder. David Wilson looked just as lost playing there as he did out wide and Carswell was genuinely awful from start to finish. Towards the end of that second half Stirling players players were just ghosting past them like they weren’t there. I think the manager needs to seriously consider working something out with Carswell that sees him move on and recruiting a different option in that area of the park. 


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I'm at the game, we are honking.
This is as bad, if not worse than last season.
No discernible gameplan or tactics, just hoof the ball up the wing(s) and hope it falls favourably.

Which makes me scratch my head on why the pitch was made smaller
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Wasn't at the game but things sound as concerning as they did last season.  Positive sounds around Brett Long but suppose we all knew that anyway when he was signed. How long until he realises he can't bail out every single mistake in front of him though!

Carswell being atrocious and anonymous......get him out, he's as much part of the problem as Farrell, as iv said before he's stunk the place out for too long! Surely a moneybags team in the LL or WOS would take him off our hands.

Hopefully Farrell was using it as an experiment today and has realised square pegs in round holes don't work, but then again he had all of last season to realise that didn't work! 

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The result I can fully accept, the performance I certainly cannot, and please don't anyone go down the 'pre-season', 'early days' patter, the Binos were streets ahead and fully deserved their win.

They came back looking as if they stayed professional during the break we came back towing caravans wyllde was struggling to get up and down park putting centre back under pressure defensive player all carrying an extra tyre
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Really poor from us today. Doesn’t bode well for the season ahead. I’ll just echo what others have said re lack of game plan and some bizarre tactics. Constant long hopeful balls a strong Stirling team would’ve dealt with all day long.

Pleased with Long who looks the competent goalkeeper we’ve been missing for a few seasons. David Wilson far from impressive.

I’d be interested in the reasoning behind pulling the pitch in. At least 3-yards on both sides makes the pitch considerably tighter and imo doesn’t set us up for a season of free flowing attacking football.


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10 minutes ago, pleslie99 said:

Wasn't at the game but things sound as concerning as they did last season.  Positive sounds around Brett Long but suppose we all knew that anyway when he was signed. How long until he realises he can't bail out every single mistake in front of him though!

Carswell being atrocious and anonymous......get him out, he's as much part of the problem as Farrell, as iv said before he's stunk the place out for too long! Surely a moneybags team in the LL or WOS would take him off our hands.

Hopefully Farrell was using it as an experiment today and has realised square pegs in round holes don't work, but then again he had all of last season to realise that didn't work! 

Agree about Carswell.  The club has been taking a step back every year since he came in.

Sounds like he isn't arsed about performances just enjoys the patter in dressing rooms (maybe just one ex players opinion though)

Anyway I hope we can move him on and free up some decent cash no doubt.  Even if it means just having to loan in a couple to get by this season.

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Very familiar problems today.

We started the game really quite well. We were getting some joy out wide and putting a few decent balls across the face of the box that nobody was able to get on the end of. Div Wilson should have at least got a shot on target when he was clear through on goal. Might have been offside, but at least get the shot away and let the linseman make the decision. Instead he looking about as composed as bambi on ice. At the other end of the park we saw Long make a couple of very good saves, as well as the cross bar doing us a big favour.  The longer the first half went on then the more Stirling Albion were starting to assert themselves on the game and the break probably came at the right time for us.

2nd half was woeful.

I said at half time that I wanted McKee off. His passing was ok, but he was increasingly failing to close people down and stop them and Stirling were finding some joy playing through us. Their opener came from McKee chasing a Stirling player's shadow as he ran past him with ease. Good cross and very good target man play from Robert Thomson. I thought Thomson was the man of the match today. Led the line brilliantly, was always a goal threat and was always comfortable with the ball at his feet. He showed us exactly the kind of player we don't have. Div didn't look any more composed moving more centrally and he genuinely looks like a baby animal who has just learned to walk that morning. Carswell was hopeless in the 2nd half. Struggled to break things up and we looked very easy to play through from Stirling's defence forward - 2nd goal was just far too easy for them to play through us. I thought McKee was hopeless all game. Far too much interest in falling down or arguing with the ref. I felt sorry for Wallace and Byrne as the service forward for about 2/3 of the game was pretty hopeless. Neither Wilson nor Orsi were able to get involved in anything meaningful when they came on, but I thought young Gray looked bright for his brief cameo - certainly no worse than the experienced players we'd watched for most of the afternoon.

A few players missing today. Not sure that any of them would toughen up that midfield and make us harder to play against. Possibly Love out wide would give Byrne and Wallace the chance to play closer together? Wallace had to go looking for the ball a fair bit because of the lack of service. We've got 3 weeks to find a formation that's far harder to play through and one that doesnt leave our centre forward isolated. If we don't then 08/10/22 may well be the day that the board have no alternative but to deal with the Farrell issue.

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I have to agree with most of the posters here. That was a shambolic showing today. Stirling were streets ahead of us and the result flattered us.
Yet again though I end up scratching my head over SF's game plan.
We have players who , as Ryan McGeever said in commentary, are comfortable on the ball - McKee, the two Wilsons, Blair ( when he returns) and Wallace. Yet these players constantly watched the ball fly over their heads time and again.
But why? We don't have a great deal of height up front nor players whose natural game is to hold the ball up as they wait for the midfield to support.
In contrast Stirling were strong in their midfield teamwork and controlled the match with ease.
Positives? Long and Lynas look decent acquisitions. Wallace, I know is a good footballer. As always, I don't think there's any lack of commitment from the team but they really, really need some proper direction. Again McGeever reckoned we needed someone to put a foot on the ball and play others in. If he can see it.......
We have to be better than this.
And we play Stirling again at home in three weeks. Not like this, Stevie

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38 minutes ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

I do find it slightly amusing that you get some folk appearing on here with a raging hardon everytime we get beat but you hear very little from them otherwise. Calm doon before you pop one of your dick veins.


I don't think it was the defeat, more the manner of it - this wasn't just a bad day at the office, were well beaten.  And as long as it's not abusive folk are entitled to an opinion.

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