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Yes. I don't mean that in a "he shouldn't be applying for other jobs" way. Is he not applying for another job because he wants a new challenge? I.e. the challenge he currently has isn't really one that tickles his fancy, for whatever reason. Or are we saying here that Murray is equally happy to be either St. Mirren or Dumbarton manager come the start of the season?

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Yes. I don't mean that in a "he shouldn't be applying for other jobs" way. Is he not applying for another job because he wants a new challenge? I.e. the challenge he currently has isn't really one that tickles his fancy, for whatever reason. Or are we saying here that Murray is equally happy to be either St. Mirren or Dumbarton manager come the start of the season?

The most obvious reason is that he will want a full time post. We can't give him that. Yes he probably does want a new challenge but that doesn't mean he won't give his all for Dumbarton if he doesn't get that new challenge.

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The most obvious reason is that he will want a full time post. We can't give him that. Yes he probably does want a new challenge but that doesn't mean he won't give his all for Dumbarton if he doesn't get that new challenge.

If he's unsuccessful this time he may well stay with us and give his all, I can't deny that. But for how long? Until the next full-time vacancy comes up in 2-3 months time and he applies for that? Muzz has made his move and signalled his intentions, that's fine, but it means we need to re-evaluate things.

As Frank and BBPF have said, we can be happy with Murray's job here and still acknowledge that it may be the right time for both to part ways.

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The most obvious reason is that he will want a full time post. We can't give him that. Yes he probably does want a new challenge but that doesn't mean he won't give his all for Dumbarton if he doesn't get that new challenge.

Absolutely right - there is an awful lot of nonsense being spouted here about Murray's commitment and focus. If any of us apply for a new job and are unsuccessful it doesn't mean we give up at our present job or do a worse job.

I am astonished at so many people seemingly wanting Murray out the door.

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Why would a fan of any other club care whether our manager is motivated or not?

People have their reasons for thinking this, they don't just dream it up. For myself I heard from a close family member of a player that 'Murray didn't seem that interested'. The fact hes applying for other positions would back that up.

Add to that results since the turn of the year and the shambolic state our squad was in with 1 recognised striker.

Again I'm not questioning Murray's ability, just his committment to our cause. Which to be honest is my 1 and only concern, and should be the clubs as well.

Others have posted that people they have spoken to have said statements to the opposite. The manager hounding players to sign. That would suggest he wants to get on and rebuild.

I've heard that he's quite happy being here. As over his playing career his partner put her career on hold while he played. So took a back seat. Now she's focusing on her career and he's taking a back seat and looking after he kids while still doing what he loves

Have you never been happy in your Job yet applied for another one? I know many myself included that do for multiple reasons.

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Have you never been happy in your Job yet applied for another one? I know many myself included that do for multiple reasons.

If your gaffer knew you were applying for other jobs, what would he/she think?

Edited to delete subconscious sexism.

Edited by The Moonster
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If your gaffer knew you were applying for other jobs, what would he/she think?

Edited to delete subconscious sexism.

If your asking me directly then they would probably be pretty pissed, considering I've just moved into a new role.

If we talking people looking/ applying for other jobs in general then it could be for the follow :-

Wanting a new challenge

Interested to see if they would be considered

Gaining interview experience

Leverage to negotiate a better deal

I could go on but in short there are many different reasons.

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If your asking me directly then they would probably be pretty pissed, considering I've just moved into a new role.

If we talking people looking/ applying for other jobs in general then it could be for the follow :-

Wanting a new challenge

Interested to see if they would be considered

Gaining interview experience

Leverage to negotiate a better deal

I could go on but in short there are many different reasons.

Well yes, any number of people could have any number of reasons for applying for a job. How many of those apply to Murray?

Interested to see if he would be considered - St Mirren invited applicants and would be silly not to interview everyone who did (obviously binning the inevitable CVs from folk who play football manager). Even him getting an interview might not automatically mean he's been considered.

Gaining interview experience - I think it's obvious to most that Murray can talk (and walk) a good game, but okay this might be the reason he's applied.

Leverage to get a better deal - given that we pushed the boat out to keep him last year and he agreed to a 2 year deal, I doubt that is on the cards this summer.

So we're left with Murray wanting a new challenge. Cool, thank you Ian, you've given us an amazing 3 years, good luck to you. We can bring in someone who fancies our challenge.

Edited by The Moonster
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Absolutely right - there is an awful lot of nonsense being spouted here about Murray's commitment and focus. If any of us apply for a new job and are unsuccessful it doesn't mean we give up at our present job or do a worse job.

I am astonished at so many people seemingly wanting Murray out the door.

I agree.

"so and so was talking to so and so" "it was said on Twatter" "a close friend said he's bored, not motivated any more"

*repeat ad nauseum*

Personally I hope the guy stays with us, if he leaves, good luck to him, he helped transform us and gave players a more professional outlook, introduced healthier eating before & after matches, lead us to a Scottish Cup 1/4final, its been great the past couple of seasons.

Reckon some fans need to be careful what they wish for. I mean, who'll replace him???

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Hopefully all the other championship managers, because that would mean they would n't be committed to their own clubs?

If muzz wants to attract/attain a better job it seems obvious that he needs us to succeed too.

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I fuckin loved those days :lol:

Some of the away days were absolutely wild. Myself and Moonster freshly turned 18 year old whipper snappers, whoring and touring with our merry band of rogues.

I remember a certain trip to Elgin as being the tip of the iceberg. My life has been downhill ever since.

The best ever!
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Ok there seems to be a split on Ian murrays commitment. Well according to his record after 108 games he has a 37.9% win rate and that at a higher level than most preceding dumbarton managers. Most successful manager was tam Carson with a 47.76% win rate but that was at a lower league level.

Looking at his success murray must be in the top five all time managers up there with peter mcgowan Jackie Stewart and Billy lamont.

Ian I hope you stay but best wishes if you go.

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Ok there seems to be a split on Ian murrays commitment. Well according to his record after 108 games he has a 37.9% win rate and that at a higher level than most preceding dumbarton managers. Most successful manager w5as tam Carson with a 47.76% win rate but that was at a lower league level.

Looking at his success murray must be in the top five all time managers up there with peter mcgowan Jackie Stewart and Billy lamont.

Ian I hope you stay but best wishes if you go.

Well said that man and Moonster has clearly lost the plot with his non argument.

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